I have a very simple Python script. All it does is open two data files from a given directory, read the data, make a series of plots and save as PDF. It works, but it is very slow. It takes almost 20 seconds for data files that have 50-100 lines and <30 variables.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
with open('file1.out') as f:
var1 = f.readline().split()
with open('file2.out') as f:
var2 = f.readline().split()
df1 = np.loadtxt('file1.out', skiprows=1, unpack=True)
df2 = np.loadtxt('file2.out', skiprows=1, unpack=True)
nc1 = df1.shape[0]
nc2 = df2.shape[0]
with PdfPages('file_output.pdf') as pdf:
## file1.out
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,7))
j = 1
for i in range(1,nc1):
ax = fig.add_subplot(3,2,j)
ax.plot(df1[0], df1[i], linestyle='-', color='black')
ax.set(title=var1[i], xlabel='seconds', ylabel='')
if j == 6:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,7))
j = 1
j = j + 1
## file2.out
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,7))
j = 1
for i in range(1,nc2):
... # and it continues like the block of code above
My questions are:
- Do I need all those imports and are they slowing down the execution?
- Is there a better way to read the data files then opening them twice (once to get the file header and once to get data)?
- Am I using the matplotlib commands correctly/efficiently (I am not very familiar with matplotlib, and this is basically my first attempt to use it)?
Please keep in mind that ideally this script should have as few dependencies as possible, because it is meant to be used on different systems by different users.
The data files have the following format:
t X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16
6.000000E+001 4.309764E-007 2.059219E-004 9.055840E-007 2.257223E-003 1.148868E-002 7.605114E-002 4.517820E-004 3.228596E-008 2.678874E-006 7.095441E-006 1.581115E-007 1.010346E-006 1.617892E-006 9.706194E-007
1.200000E+002 4.309764E-007 2.059219E-004 9.055840E-007 2.257223E-003 1.148868E-002 7.605114E-002 4.517820E-004 3.228596E-008 2.678874E-006 7.095441E-006 1.581115E-007 1.010346E-006 1.617892E-006 9.706194E-007
1.800000E+002 3.936234E-007 2.027775E-004 8.644279E-007 2.180931E-003 1.131226E-002 7.476778E-002 4.353550E-004 3.037527E-008 2.534515E-006 6.778434E-006 1.470889E-007 9.488175E-007 1.531702E-006 9.189112E-007
statements which define the samevar1
, together at the top? Shouldn't it (maybe?) bevar2
in the secondwith
statement and in the omitted second code block? (obviously it would be nicer to have that code block only once!) \$\endgroup\$