
I've started learning Rust a few days ago. This is the Pig Latin exercise from the Rust Book. The code works as expected. I have commented the logic of the program in the code.

My handling of Strings is very hacky, as far as I know. To be honest, I mostly fiddled with it looking at error messages until the compiler was satisfied. I'd like to know what would be a idiomatic and may be more readable way to write it and if there as sane ways to optimize, especially the string manipulation part.

Thank you

use std::io;

fn main() {
    println!("Please enter a sentence:");

    const VOWELS: &str = "aeoiu";

    let mut sentence = String::new();
        .read_line(&mut sentence)
        .expect("An error occured");

    let mut words = sentence
        .map(|x| String::from(x))

    for word in &mut words {
        if VOWELS.contains(word.chars().nth(0).unwrap().to_ascii_lowercase()) {
            // Starts with consonant:
            // The first consonant of each word is moved to the end of the word
            // and “ay” is added, so “first” becomes “irst-fay.”
            *word = format!("{}-hay", (*word).clone());
            // *word = (*word).clone() + "-" + "hay";
        } else {
            // Starts with a vowel:
            // Add “hay” to the end (“apple” becomes “apple-hay”).
            *word = format!(
            // String::from(&word[1..]) + "-" + &(word.chars().nth(0).unwrap().to_string()) + "ay";

    println!("{}", words.join(" "))

1 Answer 1


I wrote my comments in the new code:

fn main() {

    // I removed the input for simplicity
    let sentence = String::from("The elves are coming");

    // You don't need to collect to an intermediary vector and then mutate values inside
    // It is always nice if you can manage without mutating
    // It is also always good to split out big chunks of code into functions, here "pigifize". You can then debug or unit test that single function, for example
    let words = sentence

    println!("{}", words.join(" "))

const VOWELS: &str = "aeoiu";

fn pigifize(word: &str) -> String {
    if word.is_empty() {
        // I don't know if this case can happen from split_whitespace, but just to get it out of the way (it makes the function more robust, should it get called in other cases)
    } else {
        // I removed your comments about the 2 cases because they were inverted. But they could be readded
        let first = word.chars().nth(0).unwrap();
        if VOWELS.contains(first.to_ascii_lowercase()) {
            format!("{}-hay", word) // format! can print string slices so you don't need to create String's as much
        } else {

Some example tests (they can help you while you develop the function too):

fn pigifize_vowel() {
    assert_eq!(pigifize("unicorn"), "unicorn-hay")

fn pigifize_consonant() {
    assert_eq!(pigifize("rhino"), "hino-ray")

fn pigifize_empty() {
    assert_eq!(pigifize(""), "")
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for the detailed answer. Learned a lot :D \$\endgroup\$
    – user1984
    Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 9:18

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