This is an updated version of my previous Java program that asks the user for a sentence and then separates the words and then converts the sentence into Pig Latin. My previous program was working, but there was some tweeking that needed to be done which I did after getting positive feedback. Apparently, my loop in the separateWords function was checking for capital letters twice or so. I have included the instructions for the assignment for reference and the code for peer edit. Thank you.
- The program will accept a string as input in which all of the words are run together, but the first character of each word is uppercase. Convert the string to a string in which the words are separated by spaces and only the first word starts with an uppercase letter. For example, the string "StopAndSmellTheRose" would be converted to "Stop and smell the roses"
- Then the program will convert each word in the result string of task 1 into "Pig Latin". In one version of Pig Latin, you convert a word by removing the first letter, placing that letter at the end of the word, and then appending "ay" to the word.
For example, for the result string "Stop and smell the roses" in task 1, the Pig Latin string should be "topSay ndaay mellsay hetay osesray"
- Your program should have 3 methods: a main method, a method for task 1, and a method for task2
- the method for task 1 should return the result string of task1
- the method for task 2 should display the Pig Latin string
public class Assignment9 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Variables
String sentence, revisedSentence;
// Create a Scanner object for keyboard input
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
// Get the input string
System.out.print("Enter sentence: ");
sentence = keyboard.nextLine();
//Close keyboard
// Call function to perform Task 1
revisedSentence = separateWords(sentence);
System.out.print("Revised Sentence: " +revisedSentence);
// Call function to perform Task 2
private static String separateWords(String sentence)
// Variables
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(sentence);
int i = 1;
// While loop repeats until the end of the sentence
while (i < str.length())
// Checks for upper case characters
str.insert(i, ' ');
char ch = Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(i));
str.setCharAt(i, ch);
return str.toString();
private static void toPigLatin(String revisedSentence)
// Variables
String latin = " ";
// Split sentence by spaces
String[] tokens = revisedSentence.split(" ");
// Convert English sentence into Pig Latin
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++)
// Get string from array
String str = tokens[i];
// Get first letter from string
String str1 = str.substring(0, 1);
// Get substring from string
String str2 = str.substring(1, str.length());
// Concatenate the two strings in a required format
str2 = str2.concat(str1);
// Concatenate the result and "AY"
str2 = str2.concat("ay");
// Make a sentence with all the words
latin = latin.concat(str2 + " ");
// Display pig latin verison
System.out.println("\nPig Latin Version:" +latin );
on yourScanner()
object, and if you're on Java 8, you may want to take a look at my suggestion there too. \$\endgroup\$