
I tried implementing a radix tree using C language in order to get the auto complete suggestions of a dictionary. What are the improvements that I can do here? Also, is there any better way of doing this?

The text file I used has the following format


Here's my implementation.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// define a maximum length for the string.
#define MAX_LEN (200)
// define the alphabet size for english.
#define ALPHABET_SIZE (26)

// linked String structure
typedef struct LinkedString {
    // linked string node contains a char.
    char character;
    struct LinkedString *next;

} LinkedString;

// TrieNode structure
typedef struct TrieNode {

    struct TrieNode *children[ALPHABET_SIZE];
    // linked string to place the str inside the trie node.
    LinkedString *LinkedString;
    // boolean to check for leaf_nodes
    bool is_leaf;

} TrieNode;

/* function signatures */

// create a trie Node.
TrieNode *createNode();
// appends to the string[initial: end] and return a linked string.
LinkedString *appendLinkedString(char *str, int inital, int end);
// break the linked string and create a node with the breaked string and returns intial.
TrieNode *breakLinkedString(TrieNode *previousNode, TrieNode *node, LinkedString *breakPoint);
// insert a str to the trie node.
void insert(TrieNode *root, char *str);
// returns the pointer if found the str else returns NULL
TrieNode *searchNodes(TrieNode *root, char *str);
// convert a string in to charactors
int str_to_char(LinkedString *begin, char *str, int initial);
// print suggestions for the prefix.
void printSuggetions(TrieNode *suggestedNode, char str[], int Size);
// create a linked string with a given char.
LinkedString *createString(char Char);

// node count to get the memory used.
int node_count = 0;
// link string count to get the memory.
int link_string_node_count = 0;

int main(){

    char input[MAX_LEN];
    char str[MAX_LEN];
    char lowerCase[MAX_LEN];

    // read the file
    TrieNode *root = createNode();

    // file name of the wordlist
    char *fileName = "wordlist70000.txt";

    // create a file pointer to read the file
    FILE *fptr = fopen(fileName, "r");

    int j = 0;

    // elapsed time ro insert all entries ti the trie
    clock_t start_time = clock();
    // read the file and insert words into the tire
    while (fgets(str, MAX_LEN - 1, fptr))
        j = 0;
        // check whether the character is in alphabet
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEN; ++i){ 

            if (((str[i] > 64) && (str[i] < 91)) || (str[i] > 96) && (str[i] < 123)) {
                // converts the characters into lowercase
                lowerCase[j] = tolower(str[i]);
            if (str[i] == '\n'|| str[i] == '\0') {
        // configure the terminating character
        lowerCase[j] = 0;
        // insert into the trie
        insert(root, lowerCase);
    clock_t end = clock();

    // end the timer
    double elapsedtime = (double)(end - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("\nElapsed time for insert: %f s\n", elapsedtime);

    while (true){
        // prompt the user to inputs
        printf("Enter the prefix['0' for quit!] :\n");

        // get the input
        scanf("%s", input);
        // copy the input to the str
        strcpy(str, input);

        //if the exit condition is met
        if (strcmp(str, "0") == 0){
            printf("Quit! \n");

        j = 0;
        // check whether the character is in alphabet
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEN; ++i){ 

            if (((str[i] > 64) && (str[i] < 91)) || (str[i] > 96) && (str[i] < 123)) {
                // converts the characters into lowercase
                lowerCase[j] = tolower(str[i]);
            if (str[i] == '\n' || str[i] == '\0') {
        // configure the terminating character
        lowerCase[j] = 0;
        strcpy(str, lowerCase);

        // star the time to track the elapsed time
        clock_t start_time = clock();

        // check for the prefix
        TrieNode *suggestedNode = searchNodes(root, str);
        if (!suggestedNode) {
            // if prefix not found
            printf("Prefix Not Found!\n\n");

        printf("\n ***************** SUGGETIONS ****************** \n");
        printSuggetions(suggestedNode, str, strlen(str));

        // end the timer
        clock_t end = clock();
        // calculate the elapse time
        double elapsedtime = (double)(end - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        // print the elapsed time and memory used.
        printf("\nElapsed time : %f s\n", elapsedtime);
        int count1 = (int)sizeof(*(root)) * node_count;
        int count2 = (int)sizeof(LinkedString) * link_string_node_count;
        printf("Memory used : %d Bytes\n\n", count1 + count2);

    return 0;

TrieNode *createNode() {

    // allocate space for new trie node.
    TrieNode *newtrieNode = (TrieNode *)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode));
    // initialize the linked string with NULL
    newtrieNode->LinkedString = NULL;
    // make it as not a leaf
    newtrieNode->is_leaf = false;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i) {
        // make all the chiledrens null.
        newtrieNode->children[i] = NULL;
    return newtrieNode;

LinkedString *createString(char Char) {

    // allocate space for a new string dynamically.
    LinkedString *newString = (LinkedString *)malloc(sizeof(LinkedString));
    // put the char into its character
    newString->character = Char;
    // make the next pointer null.
    newString->next = NULL;
    // return the new string.
    return newString;

LinkedString *appendLinkedString(char *str, int inital, int end) {
    int i;
    // create a pointers to linked strings.
    LinkedString *current = createString(str[inital]);
    LinkedString *newString = NULL;
    LinkedString *string = current;
    // go from initial position to end position
    for (i = inital + 1; i < end; ++i) {
        // crate a new string with char index i or str
        newString = createString(str[i]);
        // make the next pointer point to new string.
        current->next = newString;
        // go through the string
        current = current->next;
    // make the last pointer at the end.
    current = NULL;
    return string;

TrieNode *breakLinkedString(TrieNode *previousNode, TrieNode *node, LinkedString *breakPoint) {
    // create a new trie node pointer.
    TrieNode *newNode = createNode();
    // create a new string beginning next to the break point.
    LinkedString *newString = breakPoint->next;
    breakPoint->next = NULL;
    // convert char to index
    int index1 = (newString->character) &mdash; 'a';

    newNode->LinkedString = node->LinkedString;
    node->LinkedString = newString;
    newNode->children[index1] = node;

    int index2 = (newNode->LinkedString->character) - 'a';
    // pointer the new node to the relevent index of the parent node.
    previousNode->children[index2] = newNode;

    // return the newnode.
    return newNode;

void insert(TrieNode *root, char *str) {

    // get the length of the str
    int lastLetterIndex = strlen(str);
    int i = 0, charIndex;

    // create trie nodes and likedlist pointers to track
    // previous current and next pointer nodes.
    TrieNode *currentNode = root, *previousNode = NULL;
    TrieNode *newNode = NULL;
    LinkedString *currentLetter, *previousLetter = NULL;
    currentLetter = currentNode -> LinkedString;

    // go till the last leter of the string.
    while (i < lastLetterIndex) {

        charIndex = (str[i]) - 'a';

        // if current letter is null
        if (currentLetter == NULL) {
            // if the trie is empty.
            if (currentNode->children[charIndex] == NULL) {
                // create a new node.
                newNode = createNode();
                // append the string[i:lastLetterIndex] point to the new nodes linked
                newNode->LinkedString = appendLinkedString(str, i, lastLetterIndex);
                newNode->is_leaf = true;
                currentNode->children[charIndex] = newNode;

            } else { // if it is the first node.
                // make the previous node pointing to the current node.
                previousNode = currentNode;
                currentNode = currentNode->children[charIndex];
                previousLetter = currentNode->LinkedString;
                currentLetter = currentNode->LinkedString->next;

        } else {

            if (currentLetter->character != str[i]) {
                // make the current node pointing to the breakedLinkedString.
                currentNode = breakLinkedString(previousNode, currentNode, previousLetter);
                // create a new node.
                newNode = createNode();
                // append the link string to the newNodes LinkedString.
                newNode->LinkedString = appendLinkedString(str, i, lastLetterIndex);
                // make new node a leaf node
                newNode->is_leaf = true;
                // put newNode as a child of a current node.
                currentNode->children[charIndex] = newNode;

            } else {
                previousLetter = currentLetter;
                currentLetter = currentLetter->next;

TrieNode *searchNodes(TrieNode *root, char *str) {
    // get the lastIndex of the str
    int lastIndex = strlen(str);
    int i = 0, charIndex;
    TrieNode *currentNode = root;
    LinkedString *currentLetter = currentNode->LinkedString;

    while (i < lastIndex) {

        // get the index from the char Index.
        charIndex = str[i] - 'a';

        // if current letter is null.
        if (currentLetter == NULL) {

            // point the relevent index to the currentNode.
            currentNode = currentNode->children[charIndex];
            // if the word is not found. Then the current node 
            // and the currentLetter is NULL.
            if (!currentNode) return NULL;
            // make the currentLeter pointing to the linked strings next letter.
            currentLetter = currentNode->LinkedString->next;

        } else {
            // go to the next letter.
            currentLetter = currentLetter->next;

    // go untilll the current letter is found null
    while (currentLetter != NULL) {
        // go till the end of the character.
        str[lastIndex] = currentLetter->character;
        currentLetter = currentLetter->next;
    // make the last index pointing to the terminating character
    str[lastIndex] = '\0';
    return currentNode;

int str_to_char(LinkedString *begin, char *str, int initial) {

    int newSize = initial;
    LinkedString *currentLetter = begin;

    // go while current lettter is not null
    while (currentLetter != NULL) {
        // put the char by char in str
        str[newSize] = currentLetter->character;
        // goto the next letter
        currentLetter = currentLetter->next;
    // set the terminating character.
    str[newSize] = '\0';
    return newSize - 1;

void printSuggetions(TrieNode *suggestedNode, char str[], int Size) {

    // create a poiter to the suggested node
    TrieNode *currentNode = suggestedNode;
    int i, j, newSize;

    if (currentNode->is_leaf){
        // go till the word_size
        for (j = 0; j < Size; ++j){
            // print the uppercased char
            printf("%c", toupper(str[j]));
        // print the endline

    // go through each children node.
    for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i) {

        // if each child is not null
        if (currentNode->children[i] != NULL) {
            // break down the string and get the characters
            newSize = str_to_char(currentNode->children[i]->LinkedString, str, Size);
            // print the suggestion.
            printSuggetions(currentNode->children[i], str, newSize + 1);


1 Answer 1


Parenthesized macros

The parens around


aren't strictly necessary. Most of the time that we see these, it's because you want to enforce order of operations at the calling site, but there are no operations here.


This is a one-file (one-translation-unit) program, so all of your methods except main should be marked static.


It's important that fileName be marked const.


You're using C99 or later due to your placement of int j. That means that you can actually narrow its scope and move the declaration into the loop itself:

// read the file and insert words into the tire
while (fgets(str, MAX_LEN - 1, fptr))
    int j = 0;

Encoding and literals

Numeric literals for characters is generally not a good idea (e.g. 64 for @). Just use the '@' character literal instead. Reasons include legibility, maintainability, and easier transition to other character sets than ASCII if you use alternate compiler flags.

Also, rather than str[i] > '@', it would be much clearer to write str[i] >= 'A'.


        if (str[i] == '\n'|| str[i] == '\0') {

should be an else if since those conditions are entirely disjoint from the ones above. Or you can move the null-or-newline check to be the first condition, in which case the second one wouldn't benefit from an else due to the break.

Factoring out functions

The loop after

    // check whether the character is in alphabet

is copy-and-pasted. Move this into a function for reuse.

Mdash instead of hyphen?

There's an encoding quirk:

int index1 = (newString->character) &mdash; 'a';

You're probably going to want to replace &mdash with a plain hyphen.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I think it would have been good if you had explained why fileName should be declared as const. Otherwise good review. \$\endgroup\$
    – pacmaninbw
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 0:48

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