Code Review
When running code outside a function / class, it is a good practice to put the code inside the main guard. See here for more explanation.
It is a good practice to provide docstrings for functions. See here for more details. In Python 3.5+, adding type hints to function parameters and return values is also a good habit. (As a side remark, Python 2 has officially reached the end of life. It is recommended to move to Python 3.)
- Variable & function names should be clear, descriptive, and unambiguous
For example, check_point
could be named as is_inside_rectangle
- Function definition should include all necessary parameters
should be a parameter of the function check_point
By exploiting the fact that vertices[-1]
is the same as vertices[len(vertices)-1]
, the explicit modulo operation vertices[(i + 1) % len(vertices)]
could be avoided.
The for
-loop logic can be simplified using an all
Here is an improved version of the code:
def dot_prod_with_shared_start(start, end1, end2):
Compute the dot product of the vectors pointing from start to end1 and end2
start: starting point of both vectors
end1: end point of first vector
end2: end point of second vector
dot product of (end1 - start) and (end2 - start)
return (end1[0] - start[0]) * (end2[0] - start[0]) + (end1[1] - start[1]) * (end2[1] - start[1])
def is_inside_rectangle(vertices, point):
Given the vertices of a rectangle, determine whether a point is inside it.
vertices: a list of tuples representing rectangle vertices in clockwise or
counter-clockwise order
point: a tuple representing the point to check
True if the point is inside the rectangle. False otherwise.
return all(dot_prod_with_shared_start(vertices[i - 1], v, point) > 0 for i, v in enumerate(vertices))
if __name__ == "__main__":
rect_vertices = [(670273, 4879507), (677241, 4859302), (670388, 4856938), (663420, 4877144)]
test_point = (676455.270, 4861545.437)
print(is_inside_rectangle(rect_vertices, test_point))
Another Solution
An alternative solution is to represent the vertices and the point as complex values, and apply complex number arithmetics to solve the problem.
def is_directed_angle_acute(start, end1, end2):
Check whether the directed angle from (end1 - start) to (end2 - start) is an acute angle,
i.e. within (0, pi / 4).
start: a complex value representing the starting point of both vectors
end1: a complex value representing the end point of first vector
end2: a complex value representing the end point of second vector
True if the directed angle from (end1 - start) to (end2 - start) is within (0, pi / 4).
False otherwise.
q = (end2 - start) / (end1 - start)
return q.real > 0 and q.imag > 0
def is_inside_rectangle(vertices, point):
Given the vertices of a rectangle, determine whether a point is inside it.
vertices: a list of complex values representing rectangle vertices in clockwise order
point: a complex value representing the point to check
True if the point is inside the rectangle. False otherwise.
v0, v1, v2, v3 = vertices
return is_directed_angle_acute(v0, point, v1) and is_directed_angle_acute(v2, point, v3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
rect_vertices = [670273 + 4879507j, 677241 + 4859302j, 670388 + 4856938j, 663420 + 4877144j]
test_point = 676455.270 + 4861545.437j
print(is_inside_rectangle(rect_vertices, test_point))
return not any(dot_pdt(v, v_next, pointT) <= 0 for v, v_next in zip(vertices, vertices[1:] + vertices[:0]))