I'm looking for help speeding up some code I'm tinkering with.
The rest of the code, as well as my 'benchmark', can be found here.
#ifndef LALLOC_H
#define LALLOC_H
#define PAGESIZE (1048576)
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct bblk bblock;
typedef bblock* bb;
struct bblk {
size_t ind;
bb next;
size_t occ;
char mem[PAGESIZE - (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bb) + sizeof(size_t))];
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct smmblk memblock;
typedef memblock* mb;
struct smmblk {
mb prev;
mb next;
void* end;
bb bblk;
bool free;
} __attribute__((packed));
size_t bbhdr = (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bb) + sizeof(size_t));
bb first;
* @author Lev Knoblock
* @notice Allocates a 'big block' of memory using mmap and inserts 1 'small block' into it
* @dev Consider moving away from 1 page of memory. Maybe larger blocks would be better.
* @param
* @return bblk *
bb bbinit() {
if (out == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("%s", sys_errlist[errno]);
/* Big blocks are appended to an append-only linked list.
* Since initially all memory in the block is free, the
* occupancy is set to 0 */
out->next = NULL;
out->occ = 0;
mb t = (mb) out->mem;
/* The internal small block has no predecessors or
* successors, but spans the full block width */
t->prev = NULL;
t->next = NULL;
t->end = out->mem + (PAGESIZE - (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bb) + sizeof(size_t)));
t->free = true;
t->bblk = out;
return out;
* @author Lev Knoblock
* @notice Allocates a slice of memory by creating an appropriately sized small block in a big block
* @dev Well its somehow slower than the prototype and I swear I knew what was making that one slow
* @param 'big block' to allocate from, size of slice
* @return void* to memory, or NULL if no space was found.
static void* bblkalloc(bb blk, size_t size) {
mb sb = (mb) blk->mem;
/* Find the first free small block */
while (1) {
if (sb->free) break;
if (sb->next == NULL) {
/* Reached end of big block */
return NULL;
sb = sb->next;
/* Remaining space in small block */
size_t frsize = sb->end - (((void*)sb) + sizeof(memblock));
/* If there isn't enough space to fit a new small block
* find another block that will fit one */
if (frsize < (size + sizeof(memblock))) {
goto tryGetNext;
/* Initialize the new small block by stealing
* space from the end of the 'current' small block */
mb nsb = sb->end - (sizeof(memblock) + size);
nsb->prev = sb;
nsb->next = sb->next;
nsb->end = sb->end;
nsb->free = false;
nsb->bblk = blk;
/* Append new small block to list */
sb->end = nsb;
if (sb->next != NULL) sb->next->prev = nsb;
sb->next = nsb;
sb->bblk = blk;
/* Return pointer past allocation header */
return ((void*)nsb) + sizeof(memblock);
* @author Lev Knoblock
* @notice Allocates a slice of memory from the memory pool
* @dev Currently has no functionality for reducing number of big blocks.
* @param size of slice
* @return void*
void* lalloc(size_t size) {
void* out;
bb curr = first;
unsigned int ind = 0;
do {
if (curr == NULL) {
/* If current big block is null, set it up with its first small block */
curr = bbinit();
curr->ind = ind;
if (ind == 0) first = curr;
if (curr->occ) {
curr = curr->next;
out = bblkalloc(curr, size);
/* If allocation fails go to the next big block (and allocate it if necessary)
* otherwise, return the valid pointer */
if (out != NULL) return out;
//curr->occ = 1;
curr = curr->next;
} while (1);
* @author Lev Knoblock
* @notice Frees a slice of memory from the memory pool
* @dev Not really sure how to optimize further.
* @param void* to slice
* @return
void lfree(void* a) {
/* Decrement pointer to get to begining of header */
mb sb = a - sizeof(memblock);
sb->free = true;
if (sb->prev != NULL && sb->prev->free) {
/* If previous block exists and is free, extend it
* to wrap over this one and remove pointers to
* this block header */
sb->prev->end = sb->end;
sb->prev->next = sb->next;
if (sb->next != NULL) sb->next->prev = sb->prev;
/* Replace block pointer on stack */
sb = sb->prev;
if (sb->next != NULL && sb->next->free) {
/* If next block exists extend current one over
* it and scrub pointers to it */
sb->end = sb->next->end;
sb->next = sb->next->next;
if (sb->next != NULL) sb->next->prev = sb;
/* Decrement occupancy */
, nor does it bring your question off-topic... but you'll definitely be called out on it during the review. \$\endgroup\$