I have written an implementation of malloc()
and free()
for Linux using the sbrk()
system call.
When memory is requested, it checks if there is a large enough chunk available already, if there is then that gets returned to the user, otherwise a new block of memory will be requested from the kernel. When memory is free'd the block is marked as such and kept for later, and adjacent free blocks of memory are merged together. If there is a free block at the end of the heap that is larger than the size of a page then the largest possible multiple of page size bytes is returned to the kernel.
This is the first version of this code and my first time working with system calls, as such I have kept things fairly simple and not included padding or a realloc()
implementation. Both of these will feature in the next version along with any improvements suggested here.
#ifndef _MALLOC_H
#define _MALLOC_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
typedef struct mem_header mem_header;
struct mem_header {
size_t size;
bool free;
mem_header * prev;
mem_header * next;
void * _malloc(size_t size);
void _free(void * ptr);
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "malloc.h"
static inline void eat_next_block(mem_header * header_ptr);
mem_header * head_ptr = NULL;
mem_header * tail_ptr = NULL;
void * _malloc(size_t size)
return NULL;
bool heap_empty = false;
size_t additional_space = 0;
if(!head_ptr) {
/* Try and get the base pointer for the heap, as it is defined sbrk(0) could suprisingly fail */
if((head_ptr = tail_ptr = sbrk(0)) == (void *) -1)
return NULL;
heap_empty = true;
} else {
/* Try and find enough free space to give the user */
for(mem_header * heap_ptr = head_ptr; heap_ptr; heap_ptr = heap_ptr->next) {
if(heap_ptr->free && heap_ptr->size >= size + sizeof(mem_header)) {
/* Set up free block, if there is space for one */
if(heap_ptr->size > size + 2 * sizeof(mem_header)) {
mem_header * next_block = (mem_header *)((char *) heap_ptr + size + sizeof(mem_header));
next_block->size = heap_ptr->size - size - sizeof(mem_header);
next_block->free = true;
next_block->prev = heap_ptr;
next_block->next = heap_ptr->next;
heap_ptr->next = next_block;
} else {
size = heap_ptr->size;
/* Configure newly allocated block */
heap_ptr->size = size;
heap_ptr->free = false;
if((tail_ptr == heap_ptr) && heap_ptr->next)
tail_ptr = heap_ptr->next;
/* Cast heap_ptr as char * since we're doing byte level arithmetic, then convert to void * before returning */
return (void *)((char *) heap_ptr + sizeof(mem_header));
/* If we have a free block at the end that isn't large enough we can subtract its size from our allocation requirement */
additional_space = tail_ptr->size + sizeof(mem_header);
/* Determine how much we need to grow the heap by, alligned to a multiple of PAGE_SIZE bytes */
size_t block_size = size + sizeof(mem_header) - additional_space;
if(block_size % PAGE_SIZE != 0)
block_size += PAGE_SIZE - (block_size % PAGE_SIZE);
/* Grow the heap */
if(sbrk(block_size) == (void *) -1)
return NULL;
/* Configure the memory block to be returned */
if(heap_empty) {
tail_ptr->prev = NULL;
} else if(!tail_ptr->free) {
mem_header * tail_ptr_temp = tail_ptr;
tail_ptr->next = (mem_header *)((char *) tail_ptr + tail_ptr->size + sizeof(mem_header));
tail_ptr = tail_ptr->next;
tail_ptr->prev = tail_ptr_temp;
tail_ptr->next = NULL;
tail_ptr->free = false;
tail_ptr->size = size;
/* Configure any free space at the top of the heap */
void * return_ptr = (void *)((char *) tail_ptr + sizeof(mem_header));
size_t leftover = block_size + additional_space - (size + sizeof(mem_header));
if(leftover > sizeof(mem_header)) {
mem_header * tail_ptr_temp = tail_ptr;
tail_ptr->next = (mem_header *)((char *) tail_ptr + size + sizeof(mem_header));
tail_ptr = tail_ptr->next;
tail_ptr->free = true;
tail_ptr->prev = tail_ptr_temp;
tail_ptr->next = NULL;
tail_ptr->size = leftover - sizeof(mem_header);
} else {
tail_ptr->size += leftover;
return return_ptr;
void _free(void * ptr)
mem_header * header_ptr = (mem_header *) ptr;
header_ptr->free = true;
/* If there is a free block in front then consume it */
if(header_ptr->next && header_ptr->next->free)
/* If there is a free block directly behind then jump to it and consume the block infront */
if(header_ptr->prev && header_ptr->prev->free) {
header_ptr = header_ptr->prev;
/* If there is a sufficient amount of memory at the end of the heap, return it to the kernel */
if(!header_ptr->next && header_ptr->size + sizeof(mem_header) >= PAGE_SIZE) {
size_t leftover = (header_ptr->size + sizeof(mem_header)) % PAGE_SIZE;
size_t excess = header_ptr->size + sizeof(mem_header) - leftover;
if(!header_ptr->prev) {
head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
} else {
header_ptr->prev->size += leftover;
header_ptr->prev->next = NULL;
static inline void eat_next_block(mem_header * header_ptr)
header_ptr->size += header_ptr->next->size + sizeof(mem_header);
header_ptr->next = header_ptr->next->next;
header_ptr->next->prev = header_ptr;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "malloc.h"
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x)))
int main()
char * mem_block[4];
char * initial_break = sbrk(0);
size_t alloc_size[4] = { 8192, 16384, 405, 32768 };
for(size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mem_block); i++) {
if(!(mem_block[i] = _malloc(alloc_size[i] * sizeof(char)))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not allocate memory!\n");
return -1;
char * final_malloc_break = sbrk(0);
for(size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mem_block); i++)
for(size_t j = 0; j < alloc_size[i]; j++)
mem_block[i][j] = 'a';
char * final_free_break = sbrk(0);
size_t total_allocated = (size_t) final_malloc_break - (size_t) initial_break;
size_t excess_pages = ((size_t) final_free_break - (size_t) initial_break) / PAGE_SIZE;
printf("\n\tHeap Break Positions\n\nInitial break:\t\t%p\nFinal allocation break:\t%p\nFinal free break:\t%p\n\n", initial_break, final_malloc_break, final_free_break);
printf("Error: %zu pages were not free'd\n", excess_pages);
printf("All allocated pages free'd\n");
printf("Allocated %zu bytes (%zu pages)\n", total_allocated, total_allocated / PAGE_SIZE);
return 0;
All code was compiled with gcc version 6.3.0 20170516 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) and tested on Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 (stretch) with the command gcc malloc.c malloc_test.c -o malloc -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
Note: This code was designed to fulfill a specification for one of my classes, which included a page size of 4096 bytes and function names starting with underscores. I was unaware about the portability concerns arising from these and even though it wasn't a tag, portability is something I definitely want to know about