First time working with any type of graph traversal. The algorithm determines whether a path exists between two nodes using breadth first searching (BFS). The BFS method returns a tuple; indicating whether a match has been found and the length between the two nodes. I implemented it this way since it's part of a private member and wont be seen externally. When the result is seen as part of the HasPath
method I modeled it after the Try-Pattern similar to TryParse(...)
The local function EnqueueNonVisitedChildrenNodes
is declared as such since it would make no sense to call it anywhere else. It too uses a tuple to simplify its invocation.
Am I properly using the tuple type? Is there anything that could be improved with code structure?
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
[DebuggerDisplay("Name = {Name}, ChildCount = {Children.Count}")]
public class Node
public string Name { get; }
public List<Node> Children { get; } = new List<Node>();
public bool Visited { get; set; }
public Node(string Name)
this.Name = Name;
public Node(string name, IEnumerable<Node> children)
Name = name;
foreach (var node in children)
public void AddChild(Node node)
The implemented algorithm.
public class PathAlgorithm
Node Start { get; }
Node End { get; }
public PathAlgorithm(Node start, Node end)
Start = start ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(start));
End = end ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(end));
public bool HasPath(out int length)
bool hasPath;
(hasPath, length) = BreadthFirstSearch(Start);
return hasPath;
public (bool, int) BreadthFirstSearch(Node root)
if (root == null)
return (false, 0);
Queue<(Node, int)> searchQueue = new Queue<(Node, int)>();
root.Visited = true;
searchQueue.Enqueue((root, 0));
while (searchQueue.Any())
(Node node, int length) = searchQueue.Dequeue();
if (node == End)
return (true, length);
EnqueueNonVisitedChildrenNodes(searchQueue, (node, length));
return (false, 0);
void EnqueueNonVisitedChildrenNodes(Queue<(Node, int)> queue, (Node node, int length) foo)
foreach (var n in foo.node.Children)
if (!n.Visited)
n.Visited = true;
searchQueue.Enqueue((n, foo.length + 1));