I have (designed and) implemented this fancy sorting algorithm that combines natural runs in the input array with a heap data structure:
function ArrayRangeException(message) {
this.message = message;
this.getMessage = function() { return this.message; }
function RangeCheck(arrayLength, fromIndex, toIndex) {
if (fromIndex < 0) {
throw new ArrayRangeException("'fromIndex' is negative: " + fromIndex);
if (toIndex > arrayLength) {
throw new ArrayRangeException(
"'toIndex' is too large: " + toIndex + ", array length: " +
if (fromIndex > toIndex) {
throw new ArrayRangeException(
"fromIndex(" + fromIndex + ") > toIndex(" + toIndex + ")");
function RunHeap(array, cmp) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.array = array;
const auxArrayLength = (array.length >>> 1) + 1;
this.fromIndexArray = Array(auxArrayLength);
this.toIndexArray = Array(auxArrayLength);
this.size = 0;
this.pushRun = function(fromIndex, toIndex) {
const nodeIndex = this.size++;
this.fromIndexArray[nodeIndex] = fromIndex;
this.toIndexArray[nodeIndex] = toIndex;
this.popElement = function() {
const returnValue = this.array[this.fromIndexArray[0]];
if (this.fromIndexArray[0] === this.toIndexArray[0]) {
const last1 = this.fromIndexArray[--this.size];
this.fromIndexArray[0] = last1;
const last2 = this.toIndexArray[this.size];
this.toIndexArray[0] = last2;
return returnValue;
this.swap = function(array, index1, index2) {
const tmp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = tmp;
this.isLessThan = function(runIndex1, runIndex2) {
const element1 = this.array[this.fromIndexArray[runIndex1]];
const element2 = this.array[this.fromIndexArray[runIndex2]];
const cmp = this.cmp(element1, element2);
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp < 0;
return this.fromIndexArray[runIndex1] < this.fromIndexArray[runIndex2];
this.siftDown = function(index) {
let nodeIndex = index;
let leftChildIndex = (index << 1) + 1
let rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
let minIndex = index;
while (true) {
if (leftChildIndex < this.size
&& this.isLessThan(leftChildIndex, nodeIndex)) {
minIndex = leftChildIndex;
if (rightChildIndex < this.size
&& this.isLessThan(rightChildIndex, minIndex)) {
minIndex = rightChildIndex;
if (minIndex === nodeIndex) {
this.swap(this.fromIndexArray, minIndex, nodeIndex);
this.swap(this.toIndexArray, minIndex, nodeIndex);
nodeIndex = minIndex;
leftChildIndex = (nodeIndex << 1) + 1;
rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
this.buildHeap = function() {
for (i = Math.floor(this.size / 2); i >= 0; --i) {
this.extendRun = function(length) {
this.toIndexArray[this.size - 1] += length;
this.appendRun = function(fromIndex, toIndex) {
this.fromIndexArray[this.size] = fromIndex;
this.toIndexArray[this.size] = toIndex;
function reverseRun(array, fromIndex, toIndex) {
for (i1 = fromIndex, i2 = toIndex; i1 < i2; i1++, i2--) {
const savedArrayComponent = array[i1];
array[i1] = array[i2];
array[i2] = savedArrayComponent;
function createRunHeap(array, cmp) {
let runHeap = new RunHeap(array, cmp);
let left = 0;
let right = 1;
let last = array.length - 1;
let previousWasDescending = false;
while (left < last) {
head = left;
right = left + 1;
if (cmp(array[left], array[right]) <= 0) {
while (left < last && cmp(array[left], array[right]) <= 0) {
if (previousWasDescending) {
if (cmp(array[head - 1], array[head]) <= 0) {
runHeap.extendRun(right - head);
} else {
runHeap.appendRun(head, right);
} else {
runHeap.appendRun(head, right);
previousWasDescending = false;
} else { // Scan a descending run:
while (left < last && cmp(array[left], array[right]) > 0) {
reverseRun(array, head, left);
if (previousWasDescending) {
if (cmp(array[head - 1], array[head]) <= 0) {
runHeap.extendRun(right - head);
} else {
runHeap.appendRun(head, right);
} else {
runHeap.appendRun(head, right);
previousWasDescending = true;
if (left === last) {
if (cmp(array[last - 1], array[last]) <= 0) {
} else {
runHeap.appendRun(last, last + 1);
return runHeap;
Array.prototype.heapSelectionSort =
function(cmp, fromIndex, toIndex) {
if (!cmp) {
cmp = (a, b) => a - b;
if (!fromIndex) {
fromIndex = 0;
if (!toIndex) {
toIndex = this.length;
RangeCheck(this.length, fromIndex, toIndex);
if (toIndex - fromIndex < 2) {
return this;
const aux = this.slice(fromIndex, toIndex);
const runHeap = createRunHeap(aux, cmp);
let index = fromIndex;
while (index < toIndex) {
this[index] = runHeap.popElement();
return this;
(The entire demo gist is here: https://gist.github.com/coderodde/47ae57983954c89ab7bef21b3fa7b232)
Critique request
Since I am not a professional Javascript developer, I would like to make my code above on par with idiomatic JS code.