Initial impression
Your code is already quite good, using idiomatic APL in short clear lines that each do a single job well. Your variable names are such that you don't really need comments other than the fine description you already have at the top.
Describe your result
You might want to add a third comment describing the result structure:
⍝ Returns a vector of 2-element vectors
Remove unnecessary parenthesis
The vector (¯1 1)
could be written as ¯1 1
Adopt a naming convension
Consider a naming convention that makes it easier for the reader to distinguish syntactic classes; mainly variables and functions, but maybe even monadic operators and dyadic operators. One such scheme that some people like is:
variables lowerCamelCase
Functions UpperCamelCase
_Monadic _Operators _UnderscoreUpperCamelCase
_Dyadic_ _Operators_ _UnderscoreUpperCamelCaseUnderscore_
Being that you seem to prefer snake_case: An equivalent such scheme could be used too:
variables lower_snake_case
Functions Upper_snake_case
_Monadic _Operators _Underscore_upper_snake_case
_Dyadic_ _Operators_ _Underscore_upper_snake_case_underscore_
Alternatively, the cases could be swapped: My father used lowercase for functions and uppercase for variables according to the German (and previous Danish) orthography that specifies lowercase verbs and uppercase nouns, and this may also look more natural with things like X f Y
rather than x F y
Interestingly, Stack Exchange's syntax colourer seems to make a distinction between uppercase and lowercase identifiers.
Consider naming complex functions
You use two non-trivial trains. Consider giving them meaningful names, which also allows you to remove their parentheses:
Dirs ← (⊂⌽),⊂
offsets ← Dirs 2 1
In_range ← 1∘≤∧≤∘8
valid ← ^/¨In_range locations
This isn't necessarily required in this case, but could be relevant with more involved code.
Improve performance by keeping arrays flat
To avoid the overhead of pointer chasing, you can implement your function using only flat arrays, and then, as a finalising step, restructure the data as required. Here is a direct translation of your code to flat-array code:
⍝ Monadic function, expects a vector with 2 integers
⍝ Given a chessboard position, find the legal knight moves
⍝ Returns a 2-column table
signs← ,[⍳2] ,⍤1 0⍤0 1⍨ (¯1 1)
offsets ← (⌽,[1.5]⊢) 2 1
moves ← ,[⍳2] signs (×⍤1⍤1 2) offsets
locations ← moves (+⍤1) ⍵
valid ← ^/(1∘≤∧≤∘8) locations
Compare the performance:
]runtime -compare knight_moves¨all knight_moves_flat¨all
knight_moves¨all → 7.4E¯4 | 0% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
knight_moves_flat¨all → 5.0E¯4 | -34% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
The price here is that the code becomes somewhat more involved and less clear.
For an alternative algorithm with even better performance, see Roger Hui's blog post 2019 APL Problem Solving Competition: Phase I Problems Sample Solutions.
Ultimate performance through lookups
If you need to call the function many (more than 100) times, you can get the ultimate performance by pre-computing all the results (by any means). This is because the input domain is rather limited. With only 64 valid arguments, you pay a 64-fold setup cost, but after that, the only costs will be looking up an argument in a list of valid arguments and then picking the corresponding result from a list of results. However, in this case, where the argument already is a proper argument for ⊃
, you can simply use the argument directly to pick a result from a vector of vectors of results, thus avoiding even the lookup cost:
all ← ⍳ 8 8
results ← ↓knight_moves¨all
knight_moves_pick ← ⊃∘results
Throughput increases with almost two orders of magnitude compared to the flat edition:
]runtime -c knight_moves_flat¨all knight_moves_pick¨all
knight_moves_flat¨all → 4.4E¯4 | 0% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕
knight_moves_pick¨all → 5.2E¯6 | -99%
Since the result-picking is almost free in comparison to actually computing each result, the setup cost is paid off after less than 100 applications, and is certainly negligible in the above comparison where each expression is run well over 10000 (1002) times. Instead, you pay though additional storage space being required:
(⍪,⎕SIZE)⎕NL 3
knight_moves 2800
knight_moves_flat 3512
knight_moves_pick 19088
The fully expanded text representation of the function is also unreadable:
knight_moves_pick ← ⊃∘(((2 3)(3 2))((3 1)(2 4)(3 3))((2 1)(3 2)(2 5)(3 4))((2 2)(3 3)(2 6)(3 5))((2 3)(3 4)(2 7)(3 6))((2 4)(3 5)(2 8)(3 7))((2 5)(3 6)(3 8))((2 6)(3 7)))(((1 3)(3 3)(4 2))((1 4)(4 1)(3 4)(4 3))((1 1)(1 5)(3 1)(4 2)(3 5)(4 4))((1 2)(1 6)(3 2)(4 3)(3 6)(4 5))((1 3)(1 7)(3 3)(4 4)(3 7)(4 6))((1 4)(1 8)(3 4)(4 5)(3 8)(4 7))((1 5)(3 5)(4 6)(4 8))((1 6)(3 6)(4 7)))(((2 3)(1 2)(4 3)(5 2))((1 1)(2 4)(1 3)(5 1)(4 4)(5 3))((2 1)(1 2)(2 5)(1 4)(4 1)(5 2)(4 5)(5 4))((2 2)(1 3)(2 6)(1 5)(4 2)(5 3)(4 6)(5 5))((2 3)(1 4)(2 7)(1 6)(4 3)(5 4)(4 7)(5 6))((2 4)(1 5)(2 8)(1 7)(4 4)(5 5)(4 8)(5 7))((2 5)(1 6)(1 8)(4 5)(5 6)(5 8))((2 6)(1 7)(4 6)(5 7)))(((3 3)(2 2)(5 3)(6 2))((2 1)(3 4)(2 3)(6 1)(5 4)(6 3))((3 1)(2 2)(3 5)(2 4)(5 1)(6 2)(5 5)(6 4))((3 2)(2 3)(3 6)(2 5)(5 2)(6 3)(5 6)(6 5))((3 3)(2 4)(3 7)(2 6)(5 3)(6 4)(5 7)(6 6))((3 4)(2 5)(3 8)(2 7)(5 4)(6 5)(5 8)(6 7))((3 5)(2 6)(2 8)(5 5)(6 6)(6 8))((3 6)(2 7)(5 6)(6 7)))(((4 3)(3 2)(6 3)(7 2))((3 1)(4 4)(3 3)(7 1)(6 4)(7 3))((4 1)(3 2)(4 5)(3 4)(6 1)(7 2)(6 5)(7 4))((4 2)(3 3)(4 6)(3 5)(6 2)(7 3)(6 6)(7 5))((4 3)(3 4)(4 7)(3 6)(6 3)(7 4)(6 7)(7 6))((4 4)(3 5)(4 8)(3 7)(6 4)(7 5)(6 8)(7 7))((4 5)(3 6)(3 8)(6 5)(7 6)(7 8))((4 6)(3 7)(6 6)(7 7)))(((5 3)(4 2)(7 3)(8 2))((4 1)(5 4)(4 3)(8 1)(7 4)(8 3))((5 1)(4 2)(5 5)(4 4)(7 1)(8 2)(7 5)(8 4))((5 2)(4 3)(5 6)(4 5)(7 2)(8 3)(7 6)(8 5))((5 3)(4 4)(5 7)(4 6)(7 3)(8 4)(7 7)(8 6))((5 4)(4 5)(5 8)(4 7)(7 4)(8 5)(7 8)(8 7))((5 5)(4 6)(4 8)(7 5)(8 6)(8 8))((5 6)(4 7)(7 6)(8 7)))(((6 3)(5 2)(8 3))((5 1)(6 4)(5 3)(8 4))((6 1)(5 2)(6 5)(5 4)(8 1)(8 5))((6 2)(5 3)(6 6)(5 5)(8 2)(8 6))((6 3)(5 4)(6 7)(5 6)(8 3)(8 7))((6 4)(5 5)(6 8)(5 7)(8 4)(8 8))((6 5)(5 6)(5 8)(8 5))((6 6)(5 7)(8 6)))(((7 3)(6 2))((6 1)(7 4)(6 3))((7 1)(6 2)(7 5)(6 4))((7 2)(6 3)(7 6)(6 5))((7 3)(6 4)(7 7)(6 6))((7 4)(6 5)(7 8)(6 7))((7 5)(6 6)(6 8))((7 6)(6 7)))
It is interesting to note that just parsing the giant constant takes about as long as computing it.
(2 3)(3 2)
instead of[2 3] [3 2]
because the former is the APL expression that evaluates to the vector of length-2 vectors. Also, it is always good to mention where the problem comes from. \$\endgroup\$