About a year ago, I wrote a Python script that enumerates all the files in a directory, partitions them based on a couple of criteria (file size, a custom byte-signature of the file, hash, ...) and finally creates hardlinks between identical files. The partitioning is intended to minimise the number of full-file comparisons that are performed. There's also a progress reporter using multiple progress bars on the terminal.
I think it's high time this code is viewed from a different perspective, so please provide a thorough review. Feel free to tear it apart completely, I've long forgotten this code existed. Off the bat, I can already see multiple issues with it, but I don't want to influence the review. I'm hoping to find new flaws in my coding style.
As for design decisions that went into this code: It ran on a corpus of multiple hundreds of files of varying sizes, totalling nearly 10TB of data. Files were of different types, some textual, some binary. There were also many files of the exact same size, I can't remember concrete numbers but I believe many groups contained tens of thousands of files, some over 100.000. So that's why there is an additional partitioning on "byte signatures". I chose to extract these signatures from the middle of the file rather than the beginning or the end to account for file headers etc. The data storage solution was HDDs, in RAID 0 configuration. In the end I think it ran in about 30 minutes, but my memory is cloudy.
A couple of practical considerations: I believe third-party requirements are tqdm and filehash only. I'll also put a pyproject.toml
for use with Poetry at the end.
The script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A Python script to find duplicate files and create hard links to dedupe these files.
It achieves this task in 6 steps:
1. List all files in the given directories
2. Partition the files into :class:`FileGroup`s,
which group together multiple files with the same inode
3. Partition the file groups into :class:`FileBag`s based on the file size of the files
4. Further partition each file bag based on the first bytes of the files
5. Further partition each file bag based on the xxHash checksums of the files
6. (optional) Hard link each file in the equivalent file bags.
NOTE: Multiple devices are currently NOT supported
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
import os
import errno
import filecmp
import sys
from time import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from filehash import FileHash
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
# Amount of first bytes to read. Lower values will lead to more comparisons
# and more hashes to compute. Higher values will lead to more memory consumption
CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ** 12
def readable_bytes(num_bytes):
Turn a byte count into a human readable byte count, as a string
:param int num_bytes: The byte count to convert
:returns: A human-readable number of bytes
:rtype: str
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933
for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
if abs(num_bytes) < 1024.0:
return ('{0:.1f}{1}').format(num_bytes, unit)
num_bytes /= 1024.0
return '{0:4.0f}Y'.format(num_bytes)
def truncate_or_pad_string(string, max_length):
Truncate a string in the middle, replacing the middle contents with a single character ellipsis,
or pad it with whitespace at the end to ensure it fills exactly max_length characters.
It is recommended to set max_length to an uneven number, so that we can account for the ellipsis
character. Otherwise, max_length will be decreased by one.
:param str string: The string to truncate
:param int max_length: The maximum length of the string
:returns: The formatted string
if len(string) <= max_length:
return string.ljust(max_length)
max_length = max_length - 1 if max_length % 1 else max_length
slice_chars = (max_length - 1) // 2
return '{0}…{1}'.format(string[:slice_chars], string[-slice_chars:])
class IOProgress:
A class to print progress of multithreaded I/O operations
def __init__(self, total_items, total_processors, task_description, task_unit, subtask_unit):
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self.total_items = total_items
self.total_processors = total_processors
self.main_pbar = tqdm(total=total_items, desc=task_description,
unit=' {0}'.format(task_unit), ncols=150,
bar_format='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| '
'{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [Elapsed: {elapsed}s, '
'ETA: {remaining}s, {rate_fmt}]')
self.worker_pbars = [tqdm(unit=' {0}'.format(subtask_unit), ncols=100, unit_scale=True,
position=i + 2,
bar_format='#' + str(i) +
': {desc}{percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| '
'{n_fmt:>6}/{total_fmt:>6} '
'[ETA {remaining:>5}s, {rate_fmt:>9}]', leave=False)
for i in range(total_processors)]
def start_task(self, processor_no, task_name, task_size):
Notify the progress printer of a newly started task
:param int processor_no: The index of the processor starting the task
:param str task_name: The name of the task
:param int task_size: The size of the task
pbar = self.worker_pbars[processor_no]
pbar.n = 0
pbar.total = task_size
pbar.start_t = time()
pbar.set_description(truncate_or_pad_string(task_name, 21))
def chunk_processed(self, processor_no, chunk_size):
Notify the progress printer that a chunk of a certain size has finished processing
:param int processor_no: The index of the processor starting the task
:param int chunk_size: The size of the chunk that is finished
pbar = self.worker_pbars[processor_no]
pbar.n += chunk_size
def task_finished(self):
Notify the progress printer that a task has finished processing
self.main_pbar.n += 1
def processor_finished(self, processor_no):
Notify the progress printer that a process has finished and its progress bar can be removed
# Remove current progress bar
def cleanup(self):
Remove traces of progress bars
class FileGroup:
A file group groups together multiple directory entries with the same inode.
:ivar list[str] files: The absolute paths to the files in this file group
:ivar int inode: The inode for the file group
:ivar int size: The file size for the file group
:ivar bytes _byte_signature: The byte signature of the files, lazily generated
:ivar int _hash: A hash value for the files, lazily generated
def __init__(self, first_file, inode, size):
self.files = [first_file]
self.inode = inode
self.size = size
self._byte_signature = None
self._hash = None
def add_file(self, new_file):
Add a file to a file group
:param str new_file: Absolute path to the new file
def get_byte_signature(self):
Get the byte signature for the files. For file groups of the
same size, this signature will be taken from the same range of
the files.
:returns: A NUM_BYTES byte signature of the files
:rtype bytes:
if not self._byte_signature:
return self._byte_signature
def get_hash(self):
Get the hash for the files
:returns: The hash of the files
:rtype int:
if not self._hash:
return self._hash
def _read_byte_signature(self):
Read the byte signature of the files
with open(self.files[0], 'rb') as handle:
# Read bytes in the middle of the file
# Reading from the beginning would be ineffective when there are headers involved
# Reading from the end would be ineffective when there is padding involved
handle.seek(self.size // 2)
self._byte_signature = handle.read(NUM_BYTES)
def _compute_hash(self):
Compute the hash of the files
self._hash = FileHash('sha1').hash_file(self.files[0])
class FileBag:
A file bag groups together similar/identical file groups
:ivar list[FileGroup] file_groups: The file groups in the bag
_processor_no = 0
def __init__(self):
self.file_groups = []
def add(self, file_group):
Add a file group
def is_unique(self):
A file bag is unique if it has only one file group
return len(self.file_groups) == 1
def partition_on_bytes(self, io_progress):
Partition the file bag based on the byte signatures of the file groups
:returns: A list of new file bags, without unique file bags
:rtype: list[FileBag]
old_file_bags = [self]
new_file_bags = {}
file_groups_discarded = 0
for num_bytes in range(1, NUM_BYTES + 1):
str.format('Bag {0} Pass {1}',
readable_bytes(self.file_groups[0].size), num_bytes),
io_progress.chunk_processed(self._processor_no, file_groups_discarded)
for file_bag in old_file_bags:
if not file_bag.is_unique():
for file_group in file_bag.file_groups:
byte_sig = file_group.get_byte_signature()[:num_bytes]
if byte_sig not in new_file_bags:
new_file_bags[byte_sig] = FileBag()
io_progress.chunk_processed(self._processor_no, 1)
file_groups_discarded += 1
io_progress.chunk_processed(self._processor_no, 1)
old_file_bags = list(new_file_bags.values())
new_file_bags = {}
return [fb for fb in old_file_bags if not fb.is_unique()]
def partition_on_hash(self, io_progress):
Partition the file bag based on the hashes of the file groups
:returns: A list of new file bags, without unique file bags
:rtype: list[FileBag]
'Bag {0}'.format(readable_bytes(self.file_groups[0].size)),
new_file_bags = {}
if not self.is_unique():
for file_group in self.file_groups:
hash_ = file_group.get_hash()
if hash_ not in new_file_bags:
new_file_bags[hash_] = FileBag()
io_progress.chunk_processed(self._processor_no, 1)
return [fb for fb in new_file_bags.values() if not fb.is_unique()]
def link_groups(self):
Hard link all files from the file groups to each other
Ask for user confirmation first, optionally perform a byte-by-byte check
for group in self.file_groups[1:]:
target = self.file_groups[0].files[0]
# if self.file_groups[0].size != 0:
# resp = input('Will link {0} to {1}, okay? [y/N] '.format(group.files[0], target))
# else:
# print('Linking empty file {0} to {1}'.format(group.files[0], target))
# resp = 'y'
# if resp.lower() == 'y':
# link_files(group.files, target)
# elif assure_files_identical(target, group.files[0]):
# resp = input('Are you sure? Files are identical based on byte-by-byte comparison [y/N]')
# if resp.lower() == 'y':
# link_files(group.files, target)
# else:
# print('Good call! Files are not identical.')
if assure_files_identical(target, group.files[0]):
print('Linking {0} to {1}'.format(group.files[0], target))
link_files(group.files, target)
def assure_files_identical(a_file, another_file):
Perform byte-by-byte comparison of files
return filecmp.cmp(a_file, another_file)
def link_files(files_to_link, target):
Link files
:param list[str] files_to_link: The files to link
:param str target: The target to link to
for file_to_link in files_to_link:
if not isinstance(file_to_link, str):
print('Was supplied a bad path: {0}: {1}'.format(type(file_to_link), file_to_link))
except OSError as ose:
if ose.errno != errno.ENOENT:
print('Failed to remove file: {0}'.format(ose))
os.link(target, file_to_link)
except OSError as ose:
print('Failed to link: {0}'.format(ose))
def scan_directory(directory, file_groups):
Scan a directory
for entry in os.scandir(directory):
if entry.is_file() and entry.stat().st_size != 0:
inode = entry.inode()
if inode in file_groups:
file_groups[inode] = FileGroup(entry.path, inode, entry.stat().st_size)
elif entry.is_dir():
scan_directory(entry.path, file_groups)
def dedupe(directories):
Dedupe the files in the given directories. Note that directories
should have absolute paths. Directories may be an iterable
file_groups = {}
num_file_groups = 0
for directory in directories:
print('Scanning {0}'.format(directory))
scan_directory(directory, file_groups)
num_file_groups = len(file_groups)
print(str.format('Found {0} unique file groups, totalling {1} files',
num_file_groups, sum(len(fg.files) for fg in file_groups.values())))
file_bags = {}
for group in tqdm(file_groups.values(), desc='Partitioning based on size', unit=' groups',
ncols=150, bar_format='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| '
'{n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [Elapsed: {elapsed}s, '
'ETA: {remaining}s, {rate_fmt}]'):
if group.size not in file_bags:
file_bags[group.size] = FileBag()
# Already remove unique bags
file_bags = [bag for bag in file_bags.values() if not bag.is_unique()]
old_num_file_groups = num_file_groups
num_file_groups = sum(len(b.file_groups) for b in file_bags)
print(str.format('Partitioned into {0} bags and {1} file groups. {2} eliminated',
len(file_bags), num_file_groups, old_num_file_groups - num_file_groups))
signature_progress = IOProgress(len(file_bags), 1, 'Partitioning based on byte signature',
'bags', 'groups')
new_file_bags = []
for file_bag in file_bags:
old_num_file_groups = num_file_groups
num_file_groups = sum(len(b.file_groups) for b in new_file_bags)
print(str.format('\rPartitioned into {0} bags and {1} file groups. {2} eliminated',
len(new_file_bags), num_file_groups, old_num_file_groups - num_file_groups))
file_bags = new_file_bags
new_file_bags = []
hash_progress = IOProgress(len(file_bags), 1, 'Partitioning based on hash',
'bags', 'groups')
for file_bag in file_bags:
old_num_file_groups = num_file_groups
num_file_groups = sum(len(b.file_groups) for b in new_file_bags)
print(str.format('\rPartitioned into {0} bags and {1} file groups. {2} eliminated',
len(new_file_bags), num_file_groups, old_num_file_groups - num_file_groups))
for bag in new_file_bags:
if __name__ == '__main__':
dedupe(map(os.path.abspath, sys.argv[1:]))
name = "deduper"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ROpdebee"]
python = "^3.7"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
Have fun!