The program needs to only keep directories that have at least 1 .osu (.ini like) file with certain restrictions in them. It also needs to delete duplicate .osu files. But since duplicate files are only in duplicate directories (never in the same directory), we can also just delete all but one directories with a similar name. If you know a better way of achieving this, I'd love to hear it though
I currently achieve it by:
- look at first few indexes of directory name
- if they match any of the first few indexes of the other directory names, delete them
- read every .osu file line by line
- if they contain x keyword and x value, set correctFile boolean true
- delete every file where the boolean is false
- delete every directory that doesn't contain an .osu file
My code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DeleteAllUnnecesaryOsuBeatmaps
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// variables //
string path = @"D:\Games\New folder\Songs"; // change to your songs folder
List<string> thingsToDel = new List<string>();
// delete duplicate directories //
string[] allDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
// the amount of characters (counting from the beginning of the dir name) that have to match before it's counted as a duplicate
int indexesToCheck = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < allDirs.Length; i++)
// makes a substring with 'indexesToCheck' amount of characters from the directory name
string dirStart = allDirs[i].Substring(path.Length + 2, indexesToCheck);
// the +2 is because the path allDirs[i] has an additional '//'
// goes trough every dir above i and compares it to 'dirStart'
for (int j = i + 1; j < allDirs.Length; j++)
// makes another substring
string otherDirStart = allDirs[j].Substring(path.Length + 2, indexesToCheck);
// if they match, the dir of index i will be deleted later on
if (dirStart == otherDirStart)
// deletes everything in 'thingsToDel'
foreach (string thing in thingsToDel)
Directory.Delete(thing, true);
// the true stands for deleting directories, even if they have subdirectories/files
// delete files that do not match my needs //
string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.osu", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// .osu files are comparable to .ini files
// if true, the file will not be deleted
bool fileIsCorrect = false;
// if true, the file has mania as mode and needs an aditional check
bool modeIsMania = false;
// checks for each file, if it should be deleted
foreach (string file in allFiles)
fileIsCorrect = false;
modeIsMania = false;
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file);
foreach (string line in lines)
// format is: Mode = (number between 0 and 3)
if (line.Contains("Mode"))
if (line.Contains("0")) // change to your gamemode/s (add || line.Contains("x") to add one)
fileIsCorrect = true;
else if (line.Contains("3")) // delete these 4 rows if you don't want mania maps
modeIsMania = true;
else if (modeIsMania && (line.Contains("CircleSize") && (line.Contains("4") || line.Contains("7") || line.Contains("10"))))
{ // circlesize is an additional check that only mode mania/3 needs
fileIsCorrect = true;
if (!fileIsCorrect)
foreach (string thing in thingsToDel)
// delete directories without .osu files //
allDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
foreach (string dir in allDirs)
// if a dir does not have at least 1 .osu file in it, it will be delete later
if (Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.osu").Length == 0)
foreach (string thing in thingsToDel)
Directory.Delete(thing, true);
// end of program //
"The Program is finished!\n" +
"Press any key to exit...");
test environment: .osu file example:
the problem is that most users will delete up to thousands of directories with each an average of 3 .osu files in them so it NEEDS to be efficient. If you know of any way to optimize my methode or the functions I use/my code, please let me know!
Edit: I'm still a beginner so any tips about structure, comments, naming, expandability etc. would be much appreciated as well!
Edit 2: Added a test environment and .osu file example