I am trying to do certain operations in dataframe as shown in my code below. Though this works fine.However I am repeating the same statements twice or following a dirty approach to perform the operations twice. Can you help me to make it efficient and elegant?
I have a dataframe df
in which I have to apply certain rules (see at the bottom PEEP_con
and Fio2_con
). PEEP_con
has to be applied only to records with item_name
) and FiO2_con
to item_name
== Fio2
Before I apply the final conditions, I do certain preprocessing tasks which is 100 pc same for both the conditions but has to be done once for df_P
and df_F
. Hope this helps
Please find my code below (credit to SO users for help)
df = pd.read_csv('sample_data.csv')
df['charttime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['charttime'])
df = df.loc[df.value.mod(1).eq(0)] # removes records with values like 5.4,6.1 etc
# I am creating two dataframes here. Is it possible to do this on the fly without creating two dataframes
df_P = df[df['item_name'] == 'PEEP']
df_P['value'] = np.where(df_P['value'] < 5, 5, df_P['value'])
df_F = df[df['item_name'] == 'Fi02/100']
# for the first time, I manually keep it to df_P and later I change it to df_F manually
dfa = df_F
# below operations is same for both the dataframes
m = dfa.assign(date=dfa.charttime.dt.date).groupby(['date',dfa.value.ne(dfa.value.shift()).cumsum()]).first().reset_index(drop=True)
c = pd.to_timedelta(24,unit='h')-(m.charttime-m.charttime.dt.normalize())
m['total_hr'] = m.groupby(['subject_id'])['charttime'].diff().shift(-1).fillna(c).dt.total_seconds()/3600
final_df = m.assign(date = m.charttime.dt.date)
gone_hr = final_df[final_df['total_hr'] > 1]
lone_hr = final_df[final_df['total_hr'] < 1]
min_gone_hr_data = gone_hr.groupby(['subject_id','date'])['value'].min().reset_index()
min_lone_hr_data = lone_hr.groupby(['subject_id','date'])['value'].min().reset_index()
op1 = gone_hr.merge(min_gone_hr_data, on = ['subject_id','date','value'],how = 'inner')
op2 = lone_hr.merge(min_lone_hr_data, on = ['subject_id','date','value'],how = 'inner')
op = (op1.set_index(['subject_id','date']).combine_first(op2.set_index(['subject_id','date'])).reset_index())
# This condition is only for `df_P`
PEEP_con = lambda x: (x.shift(2).ge(x.shift(1))) & (x.ge(x.shift(2).add(3))) & (x.shift(-1).ge(x.shift(2).add(3)))
# This condition is only for `df_F`
Fi02_con = lambda x: (x.shift(2).ge(x.shift(1))) & (x.ge(x.shift(2).add(20))) & (x.shift(-1).ge(x.shift(2).add(20)))
# this field should only be applied for df_P
op['fake_VAC'] = op.groupby('subject_id')['value'].transform(PEEP_con).map({True:'fake VAC',False:''})
# this field should only be applied for df_F
op['Fi02_flag'] = op.groupby('subject_id')['value'].transform(Fi02_con).map({True:'VAC',False:''})
I request your inputs in making this more elegant and efficient. Though suggestions w.r.t to logic are welcome, I am mostly looking for ways to optimize the code structure
Currently I generate two csv file output (one for PEEP and other for Fi02). Instead I would like to have both the columns Fi02_flag
and fake_VAC
in the same csv file (one final dataframe)