I am trying to write multiple dataframes into an excel file one after another with the same logic. Nothing changes for any of the data frame, except the number of columns or number of records. The functions are still the same.
For example,
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(OutputName)
Emp_ID_df.to_excel(writer,'Sheet1',index = False)
Visa_df.to_excel(writer,'Sheet2',index = False)
custom_df_1.to_excel(writer,'Sheet3',index = False)
Now then, once written I am trying to highlight a row if any of the Boolean column has False value in it. There is no library in anacondas that I am aware of can highlight cells in excel. So I am going for the native one.
from win32com.client import Dispatch #to work with excel files
Pre_Out_df_ncol = Emp_ID_df.shape[1]
Pre_Out_df_nrow = Emp_ID_df.shape[0]
RequiredCol_let = colnum_num_string(Pre_Out_df_ncol)
arr = (Emp_ID_df.select_dtypes(include=[bool])).eq(False).any(axis=1).values
ReqRows = np.arange(1, len(Emp_ID_df)+ 1)[arr].tolist()
Pre_Out_df_ncol_2 = Visa_df.shape[1]
Pre_Out_df_nrow_2 = Visa_df.shape[0]
RequiredCol_let_2 = colnum_num_string(Pre_Out_df_ncol_2)
arr_2 = (Visa_df.select_dtypes(include=[bool])).eq(False).any(axis=1).values
ReqRows_2 = np.arange(1, len(Visa_df)+ 1)[arr_2].tolist()
Pre_Out_df_ncol_3 = custom_df_1.shape[1]
Pre_Out_df_nrow_3 = custom_df_1.shape[0]
RequiredCol_let_3 = colnum_num_string(Pre_Out_df_ncol_3)
arr_3 = (custom_df_1.select_dtypes(include=[bool])).eq(False).any(axis=1).values
ReqRows_3 = np.arange(1, len(custom_df_1)+ 1)[arr_3].tolist()
xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlwb1 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(OutputName)
xlApp.visible = False
print ("\n...Highlighting the Output File at " + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
for i in range(len(ReqRows)):
j = ReqRows[i] + 1
xlwb1.sheets('Sheet1').Range('A' + str(j) + ":" + RequiredCol_let + str(j)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
for i in range(len(ReqRows_2)):
j = ReqRows_2[i] + 1
xlwb1.sheets('Sheet2').Range('A' + str(j) + ":" + RequiredCol_let_2 + str(j)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
for i in range(len(ReqRows_3)):
j = ReqRows_3[i] + 1
xlwb1.sheets('Sheet3').Range('A' + str(j) + ":" + RequiredCol_let_3 + str(j)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
At last, I am changing the name of the sheet
xlwb1.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "XXXXA"
xlwb1.Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "XXXXASDAD"
xlwb1.Sheets("Sheet3").Name = "SADAD"
Now there are a few problems here
1) My number of dataframe increases and which means I am writing up the same code again and again.
2) The highlighting process works but it is too slow. Sometimes 90 % of the rows needs to be highlighted. There are 1 million rows and doing them one after another takes 35 minutes.
Kindly help me with this.