

Our API returns two formats JSON and this SQL table format. I'm not sure what it is truly called so I'll give a few examples below. Like all API responses, it can be a list or a single response but it is always in the same format. I'm creating a utility function for this SQL table format to be converted into a JSON object so the front-end only needs to be concerned with a single format, JSON.


Convert SQL Table Response to JSON

Examples of the SQL table format

Here is the SQL table format as a success message.

  "DATA":[[true,"Order Approved"]]

Here is an example of a list


Current Solution

The current solution is the following. It works well but I keep coming back to it and thinking there is a more elegant way of writing this.

const request = {
        "DATA":[[true,"Order Approved"]]

const desiredFormat = [{
        "RETMESSAGE":"Order Approved"

function tableToJSON (dataset) {
    const data = dataset.DATA;
    const columns = dataset.COLUMNS;
    const jsonData = [];
    data.forEach( (row) => {
      const json = {};
      row.forEach( (item, index) => {
        json[columns[index]] = item;
    return jsonData;

const formattedResponse = tableToJSON(request);

console.log(JSON.stringify(formattedResponse) === JSON.stringify(desiredFormat))
// Outputs: True
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Is that better? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 19:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ah you want to pivot data. Now it's clear to me. \$\endgroup\$
    – dfhwze
    Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 19:34

1 Answer 1


Whenever you have code that sets up an array, then has a loop to push items into that array, Array.map() could be used to condense that code. For example, these lines:

const jsonData = [];
data.forEach( (row) => {
  const json = {};
  row.forEach( (item, index) => {
    json[columns[index]] = item;
return jsonData;

Could be simplified to this:

return data.map( (row) => {
  const json = {};
  row.forEach( (item, index) => {
    json[columns[index]] = item;
  return json;

You could optionally simplify the inner loop using Array.reduce()

return data.map( (row) => {
  return row.reduce( (json, item, index) => {
    json[columns[index]] = item;
    return json;
  }, {});

There are some good exercises in Functional Programming in Javascript where you practice implementing some of those methods.


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