
My code works fine but I definitely have unecessary repeat code. I'd like to use functions so I don't have repeat code. I would appreciate any advise on how to make my password generator code more concise.

I've tried looking through other forums but I couldn't find the answer I'm looking for.

import string
import random
lowerCase = string.ascii_lowercase[:26]
upperCase = string.ascii_uppercase[:26]
numberList = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
specialCharacters = ["*","&","@","!"]
responseList = ["weak","medium","strong"]
randomCharacters =[ ]

while True:
  choice = input("Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong. ")

  if choice in responseList:
    if choice == "weak":
      while i<=5:
        randomLetterLower = random.choice(lowerCase)
        i += 1

    elif choice == "medium":
      while i<=4:
        randomLetterLower = random.choice(lowerCase)
        randomLetterUpper = random.choice(upperCase)
        i += 1

    elif choice == "strong":
      while i<=1:
        randomLetterLower = random.choice(lowerCase)
        randomLetterUpper = random.choice(upperCase)
        randomNumber = random.choice(numberList)
        randomSpecialCharacter = random.choice(specialCharacters)
        i += 1

    output = " ".join(randomCharacters)
    i = 0
    randomCharacters =[]

  • \$\begingroup\$ I'll write this up as an answer later, but if you are using Python 3.6 or newer for this, you should be using the secrets module for cryptographically secure random character selection; random was not designed for cryptographically secure random generation. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 10, 2019 at 18:45

1 Answer 1


A flexible and manageable approach would be to create a custom PasswordGenerator which will comprise all functionality for particular password levels. Putting it a separate module, thus it can be imported and used in any place of an application on demand.

The one of possible implementations (considering your conditions):

password_generator.py :

import string
import random

class PasswordGenerator:

    LOWERCASE = string.ascii_lowercase[:26]
    UPPERCASE = string.ascii_uppercase[:26]
    NUMBERS = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
    SPECIAL_CHARS = ["*", "&", "@", "!"]
    LEVELS = ("weak", "medium", "strong")   # password levels

    def _compose_passphrase(iter_num, char_types):
        return ''.join(random.choice(c_type) for i in range(iter_num)
                       for c_type in char_types)

    def weak(cls):
        iter_num = 6    # number of iterations
        char_types = (cls.LOWERCASE,)
        return cls._compose_passphrase(iter_num, char_types)

    def medium(cls):
        iter_num = 5
        char_types = (cls.LOWERCASE, cls.UPPERCASE)
        return cls._compose_passphrase(iter_num, char_types)

    def strong(cls):
        iter_num = 2
        char_types = (cls.LOWERCASE, cls.UPPERCASE, cls.NUMBERS, cls.SPECIAL_CHARS)
        return cls._compose_passphrase(iter_num, char_types)

Client script prompt_password.py :

from password_generator import PasswordGenerator

while True:
    choice = input("Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, "
                   "please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong ")

    if choice in PasswordGenerator.LEVELS:
        print(getattr(PasswordGenerator, choice)())   # calling a respective method (password level)

Running prompt_password.py:

Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong weak
Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong weak
Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong medium
Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong strong
Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong strong
Want to create a password? To make your choice for your password strength, please respond with one of the following: weak/medium/strong best

Process finished with exit code 0

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