This program is a random password generator. It asks the user how many chars they want their password to be and how many passwords it should generate.
I used the rand()
and srand()
methods to generate random letters.
I used dynamic allocation to create a char
array based on user input. The comment line is where I tried to dynamically allocate an array of pointers, where each pointer would point to a char array, but I couldn't figure out how to do it so I used a counter and a do while loop and a for
loop to create passwords based on user input.
Please give me advice on how I can improve or what I can do differently!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
const int MAX = 90;
const int MIN = 65;
char * createPassword();
int main()
char * p = createPassword();
return 0;
char * createPassword()
unsigned seed = time(0);
char x = ' ';
int passwordLength = 0;
int numOfPasswords = 0;
std::cout << "How many chars in password: ";
std::cin >> passwordLength;
char * pwptr = new char[passwordLength];
std::cout << "How many passwords should be generated?";
std::cin >> numOfPasswords;
//char * passwords = new char *pwptr[numOfPasswords];
int passwordcount = 0;
for(int cnt = 0; cnt < passwordLength; cnt++)
x = (rand() % (MAX - MIN + 1)) + MIN;
pwptr[cnt] = x;
std::cout << pwptr[cnt];
std::cout << std::endl;
} while(passwordcount != numOfPasswords);
return pwptr;