For some machine learning purpose, I need to work with sequences with different lengths. To be able to process efficiently those sequences, I need to process them in batches of size size_batch
. A batch typically has 4 dimensions and I want to convert it to a numpy's ndarray
with 4 dimensions. For each sequence, I need to pad with some defined pad_value
such that each element has the same size: the maximal size.
For example, with 3 dimensional input:
[[[0, 1, 2],
[4, 5]],
[[7, 8],
desired output for pad_value
-1 is:
[[[0, 1, 2],
[3, -1, -1],
[4, 5, -1]],
[[6, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1]]
[[7, 8, -1],
[9, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1]]]
which has shape (3, 3, 3). For this problem, one can assume that there are no empty lists in the input. Here is the solution I came up with:
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
from typing import List
def pad(array: List, pad_value: np.int32, dtype: type = np.int32) -> np.ndarray:
""" Pads a nested list to the max shape and fill empty values with pad_value
:param array: high dimensional list to be padded
:param pad_value: value appended to
:param dtype: type of the output
:return: padded copy of param array
# Get max shape
def get_max_shape(arr, ax=0, dims=[]):
if ax >= len(dims):
dims[ax] = max(dims[ax], len(arr))
for i in arr:
get_max_shape(i, ax+1, dims)
except TypeError: # On non iterable / lengthless objects (leaves)
return dims
dims = get_max_shape(array)
# Pad values
def get_item(arr, idx):
while True:
i, *idx = idx
arr = arr[i]
if not idx:
return arr
r = np.zeros(dims, dtype=dtype) + pad_value
for idx in it.product(*map(range, dims)):
# idx run though all possible tuple of indices that might
# contain a value in array
r[idx] = get_item(array, idx)
except IndexError:
return r
It does not feel really pythonic but does the job. Is there any better way to do it I should know ? I think I might be able to improve its speed by doing smart breaks in the last loop but I haven't dug much yet.
is a handy tool for that, though not the fastest. \$\endgroup\$