I'm making an online shopping store or e-commerce and I use an express session for many things.
Example: Shopping Cart, Authentication user*
I store the data chart list in the database based on the sessionID
so when a user visits the website, the user does not need to log in for add to cart.
As well as login, to check the user has logged in or not, I have checked the sessionID
that is in the user and checked it on the database whether or not the sessionID
is in the database.
When logging in with Google or Facebook, I use the passport for authentication and when I am successful I store the sessionID
to the database.
I am using React SPA, Express.js and MySQL.
My database
Table Session
Table Session Browser
Table User
Table User Session
Table Cart
Is what I'm doing correct? And what about the passport? Because as far as I know the passport uses the Headers Authorization token.
Example add to cart:
export const addToCart = (req,res) =>{
let ip_address = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress;
let ua = UAparser(req.headers['user-agent']);
if (ip_address.substr(0, 7) == "::ffff:") {
ip_address = ip_address.substr(7)
let querySelectSession = `
SELECT ss.id,ss.ip_address from session as ss
LEFT JOIN session_browser as sb on ss.id = sb.session_id
LEFT JOIN session_os as so on ss.id = sb.session_id
LEFT JOIN session_engine as se on ss.id = se.session_id
LEFT JOIN session_device as sd on ss.id = se.session_id
where ss.ip_address = '${ip_address}' and ss.id = '${req.sessionID}' and sb.name = '${ua.browser.name}' and sb.version = '${ua.browser.version}' and so.name = '${ua.os.name}' and so.version = '${ua.os.version}' and se.name = '${ua.engine.name}' and se.version = '${ua.engine.version}'
${ua.device.model ? ` and sd.model='${ua.device.model}'` : ''}
${ua.device.type ? ` and sd.type='${ua.device.type}'` : ''}
${ua.device.vendor ? ` and sd.vendor='${ua.device.vendor}'` : ''}
group by ss.id,ss.ip_address`;
let queryCheckCart = `select crt.id from carts as crt where crt.session_id = '${req.sessionID}'`;
let queryCheckCartList = `select ci.product_id,ci.product_variant_id,ci.product_attribute_id from cart_items as ci where cart_id = (select crt.id from carts as crt where crt.session_id = '${req.sessionID}') and ci.product_id = ${req.body.product_id} and ci.product_variant_id = ${req.body.product_variant_id} and ci.product_attribute_id = ${req.body.product_attribute_id}`;
let queryInsertSession = `INSERT INTO session (id,ip_address) values ('${req.sessionID}','${ip_address}')`;
let queryAddToCart = `INSERT INTO carts (session_id,active) values ('${req.sessionID}',1)`;
let queryAddCartList = `INSERT INTO cart_items (product_id,product_variant_id,product_attribute_id,cart_id,quantity) SELECT ${req.body.product_id},${req.body.product_variant_id},${req.body.product_attribute_id},(SELECT crt.id from carts as crt where crt.session_id = '${req.sessionID}'),1 where (select pa.stock from product_attribute as pa where pa.id = ${req.body.product_attribute_id}) >= 1 `;
let queryInsertAll = `${queryAddToCart}; ${queryAddCartList};`;
let queryUpdateCartList = `UPDATE cart_items as ci set ci.quantity = ci.quantity+1 where
ci.cart_id = (select crt.id from carts as crt where crt.session_id = '${req.sessionID}') and ci.product_id = ${req.body.product_id} and ci.product_variant_id = ${req.body.product_variant_id} and ci.product_attribute_id = ${req.body.product_attribute_id} and (select pa.stock from product_attribute as pa where pa.id = ${req.body.product_attribute_id}) >= ci.quantity+1 `;
let queryFindCartList =`select
ci.id as cart_items_id,
p.name as product_name,
p.slug as product_slug,
c.name as category_name,
i.link,i.caption,i.alt,pa.size,pa.stock,crt.active as cart_status,ci.quantity from products as p
left join product_category as pc on p.id = pc.product_id
left join categories as c on pc.category_id = c.id
left join product_variant as pv on p.id = pv.product_id
left join product_discount as pd on pd.id =
(SELECT pd1.id from product_discount as pd1 where p.id = pd1.id and now() between pd1.valid_from and pd1.valid_until)
left join product_image as pi on pi.id = (SELECT pi1.id from product_image as pi1 where pi1.product_id = p.id order by pi1.product_id asc limit 1)
left join images as i on pi.image_id = i.id
left join product_attribute as pa on p.id = pa.product_id and pv.id = pa.product_variant_id
left join cart_items as ci on pv.id = ci.product_variant_id and p.id = ci.product_id and pa.id = ci.product_attribute_id
left join carts as crt on ci.cart_id = (SELECT crt1.id from carts as crt1 where crt1.session_id = '${req.sessionID}'
) where crt.session_id = '${req.sessionID}' and ci.quantity <= pa.stock
let queryChecking = `${querySelectSession};${queryCheckCart}; ${queryCheckCartList}; ${queryFindCartList};`;
if(error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if(result[0].length > 0 && result[1].length > 0 && result[2].length === 0 && result[3].length < 15){
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result) {
db.query(queryFindCartList, (error, result) => {
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result.length > 0) {
let payload = {
session_id: req.sessionID,
ip_address: ip_address
let dataToken = jwt.sign(payload, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
res.cookie("hammerstout_ss", dataToken, { sameSite: true });
let token_cart = {
let notification = {
error: false,
message: "ADDED TO YOUR CART.",
notification: true
let token_c = jwt.sign(token_cart, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
return res.status(200).json({ cart_list: result, status: 'OK', notification: notification, token_c});
else if (result[0].length > 0 && result[1].length === 0 && result[2].length === 0 && result[3].length < 15){
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result[0].affectedRows > 0 && result[1].affectedRows > 0){
db.query(queryFindCartList, (error, result) => {
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result.length > 0) {
let payload = {
session_id: req.sessionID,
ip_address: ip_address
let dataToken = jwt.sign(payload, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
res.cookie("hammerstout_ss", dataToken, { sameSite: true });
let token_cart = {
let notification = {
error: false,
message: "ADDED TO YOUR CART.",
notification: true
let token_c = jwt.sign(token_cart, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
return res.status(200).json({ cart_list: result, status: 'OK', notification: notification, token_c});
else if (result[0].affectedRows === 0){
let notification = {
error: true,
message: "ERROR CART",
notification: true
return res.status(400).json({ notification: notification });
else if (result[1].affectedRows === 0){
let notification = {
error: true,
message: "IS OUT OF STOCK !",
notification: true
return res.status(400).json({ notification: notification});
else if (result[0].length > 0 && result[1].length > 0 && result[2].length > 0 ){
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result.affectedRows > 0){
db.query(queryFindCartList, (error, result) => {
if (error) return res.status(400).json(error);
if (result.length > 0) {
let payload = {
session_id: req.sessionID,
ip_address: ip_address
let dataToken = jwt.sign(payload, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
res.cookie("hammerstout_ss", dataToken, { sameSite: true });
let token_cart = {
let notification = {
error: false,
message: "ADDED TO YOUR CART.",
notification: true
let token_c = jwt.sign(token_cart, keys.jwt.secretOrPrivateKey, { expiresIn: keys.jwt.expiresIn });
return res.status(200).json({ cart_list: result, status: 'OK', notification: notification, token_c});
else if (result.affectedRows === 0) {
let notification = {
error: true,
message: "IS OUT OF STOCK !",
notification: true
return res.status(400).json({ notification: notification });
} else if (result[0].length > 0 && result[1].length > 0 && result[3].length >= 15 ){
let notification = {
error: true,
message: "Already the maximum limit",
notification: true
return res.status(400).json({ notification: notification });
return res.status(400).json(result);