I recently wrote a chat bot for a chat room here at Code Review. The chatroom is meant to be a place where people can come and pimp a post.
That chat bot is meant to handle a list of subscribed people and a list of pimped IDs.
People on the subscribed list can pimp posts and will get notified when someone else pimps a post in the chat room.
Post IDs on the list are posts that have already been pimped that day. A post cannot be pimped twice in one day.
var chat = document.getElementById("chat");
var input = document.getElementById("input");
var send = document.getElementById("sayit-button");
var subscribedStorage = "SIRPYTHON_PIMPBOT_SUBSCRIBED";
var pimpedStorage = "SIRPYTHON_PIMPBOT_PIMPED";
sessionStorage.setItem(pimpedStorage, "{}"); // so I don't get an undefined thing later
Returns the last chat message spoken
function getLastMessage() {
return {
content: chat.lastElementChild.children[1].lastElementChild.children[1].innerHTML,
user: chat.lastElementChild.children[0].children[2].innerHTML.replace(/ /g,'')
// ---------- Chat functions ----------
Sends a message to chat
function sendMessage(message) {
input.value = message;
Sends a message @ a user
function sendTo(message, user) {
sendMessage("@" + user + " " + message);
// ---------- Subscribed list functions ----------
Returns an object representing the subscribed list from storage
function getSubscribedList() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(subscribedStorage));
Sets an object representing the subscribed list to storage
function setSubscribedList(newList) {
localStorage.setItem(subscribedStorage, JSON.stringify(newList));
Adds a user to the subscribed list
function addToSubscribed(username) {
var subscribed = getSubscribedList();
subscribed[username] = true;
Removes a user from the subscribed list
function removeFromSubscribed(username) {
var subscribed = getSubscribedList();
delete subscribed[username];
Returns if a user is subscribed
function isSubscribed(username) {
return getSubscribedList()[username] != undefined;
Returns all the subscribed users
function getSubscribedUsers() {
var users = [];
var subscribed = getSubscribedList();
for(var user in subscribed) {
return users;
// ---------- Pimped list functions ----------
Returns an object representing the pimped list from storage
function getPimpedList() {
return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(pimpedStorage));
Sets an object representing the pimped list to storage
function setPimpedList(newList) {
sessionStorage.setItem(pimpedStorage, JSON.stringify(newList));
Adds an ID to the pimped list
function addToPimped(id) {
var pimped = getPimpedList()
pimped[id] = true;
Returns if an ID has been pimped
function wasPimped(id) {
return getPimpedList()[id] != undefined;
function main() {
var message = getLastMessage();
var messageParts = message.content.split(" ");
if(message.user != "SirAlfred") {
if(message.content == "subscribe") {
if(isSubscribed(message.user) == false) {
sendTo("You have been successfully subscribed.", message.user);
} else {
sendTo("You are already subscribed.", message.user);
} else if(message.content == "unsubscribe") {
if(isSubscribed(message.user) == true) {
sendTo("You have been successfully removed.", message.user);
} else {
sendTo("You are not subscribed.", message.user);
} else if(messageParts[0] == "pimp") {
if(isSubscribed(message.user) == true) {
var id = messageParts[1];
if(id == undefined) {
sendTo("You need to provide the ID of your answer.", message.user);
if(wasPimped(id) == false) {
var groupMessage = "";
var subscribed = getSubscribedUsers();
for(var i = 0; i < subscribed.length; i++) {
groupMessage += ("@" + subscribed[i] + " ");
window.setTimeout(function() {
sendMessage("http://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/" + id);
}, 4000); // to prevent the chat from blocking the message due to it being sent too early
} else {
sendTo("That post has already been pimped today.", message.user);
} else {
sendTo("You must be subscribed to pimp here.", message.user);
window.setTimeout(main, 5000);
Note: This bot is still a work in progress. This is the first working version of the bot.
There are 3 commands in the chat room:
-- subscribes a user to the listunsubscribe
-- unsubscribes a user from the listpimp postID
-- pimps a post (answers will be OneBoxed, question will not).
When a post is pimped, a notification is sent out to everyone on the subscribed list. Then, the link to the post is printed out.
The subscribed list is stored as JSON in local storage. The pimped list is stored as JSON in session storage.
How are my functions split up? Are there some that should be grouped together?
Is my message checking clean? Are all those
statements readable and understandable?
Any other recommendations are welcome.