I have to do a Bruteforce script, so mine is working, but is also very very low. My teacher gave me a small Shadow file and from the shadow file I have to find the original password (MD5 used here). I know that my code is working but I'm looking for tips and tricks to improve it.
import hashlib
import itertools
#possible characters in user password
Alphabet = ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-_.;#@")
#minimum password value
CharLength = 6
#getting passwords and username from shadow file
with open("shadow_test", "r") as ins:
array = []
users = []
passwd = []
#getting everyline from shadow file into an array
for line in ins:
#saving only username and passwords
for pw in array:
r= pw.split(":")
# print(users)
# print(passwd)
list = []
#removing passowrd with * or !
for mdp in passwd:
if mdp != '*' and mdp != '!':
# trying to Bruteforce
for _ in range(12):
passwords = (''.join(word) for word in itertools.product(Alphabet, repeat=CharLength))
for pswd in passwords:
hash_object = hashlib.md5(str.encode(pswd)).hexdigest()
# hash_object.update(*passwords.encode('utf-8'))
generatedpassword = '$1$' + hash_object
# print(generatedpassword)
for compare in list:
for user in users:
#print('on cherche le Mot de passe : ' + compare +' pour ' +user)
#print('mot de passe MD5 généré : ' +generatedpassword)
#print('mot de passe clair généré : ' +pswd)
if generatedpassword == compare:
print('Le Mot de passe pour' + user + ' est : ' + pswd)