I have a json array that is being passed into a function. Whenever the function comes across a field (call it Field1) in a record with a value that starts with "@!!!@" the function compile them into a list to fire off to another server. I have code that looks like this in the initial function:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
dynamic request = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync<dynamic>();
JObject data = (JObject)request;
var directive = data["Directive"];
var json = data.Last.First;
string url = null;
if (directive.ToString() == "D")
url = "registry/get";
else if (directive.ToString() == "S")
url = "registry/sanitize";
JArray payloadArray = (JArray)json;
string newToken = null;
List<JObject> objList = new List<JObject>();
for (int i = 0; i <= payloadArray.Count() - 1; i++)
string newJson = null;
foreach (var prop in payloadArray[i])
newJson = newJson + prop.ToString() + ",";
if (prop.ToString().Contains("@!!!@"))
JObject newProp = new JObject();
newJson = newJson + "\"" + newProp.Properties().First().Name + "\":\"sanitize|" + prop.First + "\"," + "\"@" + newProp.Properties().First().Name.ToString() + "\":\"" + prop.First + "\",";
// newJson = newJson + "\"@" + newProp.Properties().First().Name.ToString() + "\":\"sanitize|" + prop.First + "\",";
newToken = newToken + "{\"Token\":\"" + prop.First + "\",\"ProcessId\":\"" + prop.First.ToString().Replace("@!!!@", "") + "\"},";
objList.Add(JObject.Parse("{" + newJson + "}"));
string outGoingPayload = "{\"Registry\":[" + newToken + "]}";
var content = new StringContent(outGoingPayload.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = MakeRequest(outGoingPayload.ToString());
var responseBodyAsText = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject responseJson = JObject.Parse(responseBodyAsText.Result);
int counter = 0;
foreach(JObject item in objList)
foreach(var itm in item)
if (itm.Value.ToString().Contains("sanitize|@!!!@"))
foreach(var resItem in responseJson)
if (resItem.Value[counter]["ProcessId"].ToString() == itm.Value.ToString().Replace("sanitize|@!!!@",""))
catch (Exception ex)
itm.Value.Replace("Token not found");
string jsonStr = null;
foreach (var val in objList)
jsonStr = jsonStr + val + ",";
jsonStr = "[" + jsonStr.TrimEnd(',') + "]";
var returnArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr);
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "returnArray");
For a Json payload of 1000 records this take 5000ms to run. What can I do to improve performance here? Setup of the system is the payload passed into the function will contain all records, I must build up a new payload to pass into the remote service to get corresponding values. I do this as one HttpClient request. So this means I loop the initial payload, build up the new payload, call the remove service, return all matches and loop the initial payload and add the extra field where appropriate. I am trying to get this function to return a bit faster. I have tried using Linq to JSON I have tried treating the json as a string. The code I have posted seems to be the fastest. I can provide more information if needed.
Sample payload to send to this function:
Sample to send the intermediate function (I cannot touch this one but it's already optimized) My function should build this from the above payload:
{ "Wrapper":[
Return from intermediate service:
{ "Wrapper":[
{"Token":"@!!!@17e9ad37968e25893e96855ba3d633e250a401a6584b2bc9c7288f9fc458a9b6", "Value":"test"},
{"Token":"@!!!@008d613d1ca60885468bf274daa693cc778430fc8a539bdf2e7dc2dec88cd922", "Value":"test2"}
Back in my function both the original payload and the return payload from the intermediate function should be merged and returned like this:
"Field3":"@!!!@17e9ad37968e25893e96855ba3d633e250a401a6584b2bc9c7288f9fc458a9b6 ",