I have a solution but it feels bloated and unclean. How can I clean it up? The second for
loop especially does not feel right.
I'm trying to calculate the opening hours but where we only use the highest opening time and the lowest closing time in a time-block. I will show you an example to clarify it.
If we have two time-blocks with
10:00-12:00 and 10:30-12:30
The result for the opening hour is going to be
Now imagine we have an array for a specific day:
"opens": "10:00",
"closes": "12:00",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "16:00",
"closes": "19:30",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "11:00",
"closes": "12:30",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "17:00",
"closes": "18:30",
"weekday": 5
Our opening hour should be for this day:
"opens": "11:00",
"closes": "12:00"
"opens": "17:00",
"closes": "18:30"
Now to my approach:
First I'm going to through the whole opening hour array for a specific day:
this.filteredTimes.forEach((time, index, array) => {...});
Inside the for
loop, I'm saving the opens
and closes
time in MomentJS:
let opens = this.momentTime(time.opens); //saving it to moment
let closes = this.momentTime(time.closes); //moment(time, 'HH:mm')
After that, I'm again going through the whole array in another for
for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++){...} //array === this.filteredTimes
Inside the loop, I'm saving the opens
and closes
times for each time block again, but now I'm comparing it to the opens
and closes
time from the first for
let arrayOpens = this.momentTime(array[i].opens);
let arrayCloses = this.momentTime(array[i].closes);
if(arrayOpens.isBetween(opens, closes)){
opens = arrayOpens.isAfter(opens) ? arrayOpens : opens;
If the arrayOpens
is between the saved time block, we can save a new opens
time if our condition is true.
After that, we are going to save the new opens
and closes
time and we try to avoid duplication:
let hour = {
opens: opens.format('HH:mm'),
closes: closes.format('HH:mm')
if(! openingHour.find(element => element.opens == hour.opens && element.closes == hour.closes)){
The whole code is here to test (or on JsFiddle):
let filteredTimes = [
"opens": "10:00",
"closes": "12:00",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "16:00",
"closes": "19:30",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "11:00",
"closes": "12:30",
"weekday": 5
"opens": "17:00",
"closes": "18:30",
"weekday": 5
let openingHour = [];
function calculate(){
filteredTimes.forEach((time, index, array) => {
let opens = momentTime(time.opens);
let closes = momentTime(time.closes);
for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
let arrayOpens = momentTime(array[i].opens);
let arrayCloses = momentTime(array[i].closes);
if(arrayOpens.isBetween(opens, closes)){
opens = arrayOpens.isAfter(opens) ? arrayOpens : opens;
if(arrayCloses.isBetween(opens, closes)){
closes = arrayCloses.isBefore(closes) ? arrayCloses : closes;
let hour = {
opens: opens.format('HH:mm'),
closes: closes.format('HH:mm')
if(! openingHour.find(element => element.opens == hour.opens && element.closes == hour.closes)){
return openingHour;
function momentTime(time){
return moment(time, 'HH:mm');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>
as the sort value? \$\endgroup\$