I have to implement a tree programming here. What I mean by tree programming is I have data stored in tree format. I have a parent object which will have child objects of same type the level of depth can go any long:
I am able to store objects in tree format and also able to display properly. I am facing problems when I have to filter some child nodes based on some conditions:
I have two question:
- is this code fine?
- is there anything wrong with design?
Plus, how can I handle removing child node in a tree where the child can be in any place?
package menu;
import java.util.List;
public class Links{
private String nodeName;
private List<Links> children;
public List<Links> getChildren(){
return children;
public void setChildren( List<Links> children ){
this.children = children;
public String getNodeName(){
return nodeName;
public void setNodeName( String nodeName ){
this.nodeName = nodeName;
package menu;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.chartis.gp.support.util.BrokerSupportUtil;
import com.chartis.gp.support.vo.Links;
import com.chartis.kernel.user.UserVO;
import com.chartis.kernel.utils.Utils;
public class Utility{
/* IN this class NavModel,CModel,CNode are some dummy classes
* which help us read contents form some resources which are stored in dummy format
* as Example of tree format stored data below is the example
* tree
* child1
* child2
* child3
* child3-1
* child:q
* child:r
* child:a
* child3-2
* child4
private static void populateChildLinks(NavModel navModel, Object objectNode, Links parent ){
List<Links> childLinks = new ArrayList<Links>();
Iterator it = navModel.getChildren( objectNode );
while( it.hasNext() ){
NavNode node = (NavNode) it.next();
CNode contentNode = node.getContentNode();
Links links = new Links();
links.setNodeName( contentNode.getNodeName() );
childLinks.add( links );
if( navModel.hasChildren( node ) ){
populateChildLinks( node, links );
parent.setChildren( childLinks );
catch( Exception e ){
private static Links createCategoryLinks(String categoryLinkName){
Links categoryLinks = new Links();
categoryLinks.setNodeName( categoryLinkName );
return categoryLinks;
public static Links setupLinks(String categoryLinkName,String name) {
Links categoryLinks=null;
CModel contentModel = new CModel();
NavModel navModel = new NavModel();
categoryLinks = Utility.createCategoryLinks( categoryLinkName);
Object objectNode = contentModel.getLocator().findByUniqueName(name);
if( objectNode != null ){
if( navModel.hasChildren( objectNode ) ){
populateChildLinks( navModel,objectNode, categoryLinks );
// This is where i am facing issue once i get list of links of childs
// i have to delete how can i find that particular child in the list
// do i have to iterate through all the links and delete or which
// way is better
private static void filterLinks( Links parentNode,
List<Links> childNodeList ){
List<Links> filteredResourceList = new ArrayList<Links>();
if( childNodeList!=null ){
Iterator<Links> childNodeIt = childNodeList.iterator();
while( childNodeIt.hasNext() ){
Links childNode = (Links) childNodeIt.next();
if(childNode.getChildren().size() >0 ){
filterLinks( childNode, childNode.getChildren() );
boolean removeNode = filterContents( childNode);
if(! removeNode ){
filteredResourceList.add( childNode );
Iterator<Links> filteredResourceIt = filteredResourceList.iterator();
while( filteredResourceIt.hasNext() ){
Links childNode = (Links) filteredResourceIt.next();
parentNode.getChildren().remove( childNode );
// Let us consider this as some dummy method which returns true or false based on some conditions
private static boolean filterContents( menu.Links childNode ){
return false;
package menu;
public class TreeDisplay{
public static void main( String[] args ){
Links link = Utility.setupLinks( "SomeName", "ResiyrbceBane" );
Utility.filterLinks( link, link.getChildren() );
Once I have a list of objects, I have to delete since it is tree object. How canI delete a child? I know I have to do a recursive search, but how can I do that? Which way will I delete? In the above tree structure where I have commented in the code, how can I delete child:q?