I am trying to implement a recursive count of inversions in a list of integers by using merge sort and counting the number of split inversions on each recursion. My code works but runs painfully slowly above a list of about 100 integers, and I need to count for ~3 orders of magnitude greater. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong that makes it so slow?
inversions = np.loadtxt("inversion_text.txt", int).tolist()
def sort_count_inversions(X):
n = len(X)
# For subproblems of size 1 there are no inversions and no sorting required
if n == 1:
return 0, X
a = X[:n//2]
b = X[n//2:]
# Count the inversions in subproblems
# Get back the count of inversions and the sorted subproblems
count_a, sorted_a = sort_count_inversions(a)
count_b, sorted_b = sort_count_inversions(b)
# Count the split inversions between sorted sub problems
# Get back the count of split inversions and the the merge-sorted subproblems (sorted X)
split_count, a_b = merge_count_split_inversions(sorted_a,sorted_b)
# return the count of inversions in X and merge-sorted X
count = split_count + count_a + count_b
return count, a_b
def merge_count_split_inversions(X, Y):
n = len(X) + len(Y)
j = 0
k = 0
X_Y = []
count_split = 0
# Iterate through X and Y comparing value by value
for i in range(n):
# If we have reached the end of X or Y, there are no more inversions so append the remaining values to X_Y
if j == len(X):
elif k == len(Y):
# Add the smaller of the two compared elements to X_Y
# If adding from Y, increment count of split inversions by the number of remaining elements in X
elif X[j] < Y[k]:
j += 1
k += 1
count_split += len(X) - j
# Return the total count of split inversions and the result of merge_sorting X and Y (X_Y)
return count_split, X_Y
? \$\endgroup\$