I wrote a solution for SPOJ "It's a murder!". I'm exceeding the time limit even after n log(n) solution and fast I/O.
Given a list of numbers, I need to calculate the sum of the sum of the previously encountered numbers that are smaller than the current number. For example, given 1 5 3 6 4
, the answer is
(0) + (1) + (1) + (1 + 5 + 3) + (1 + 3) = 15
My code has complexity n log(n) and is pretty much similar to how we calculate the number of inversions. The function merge in the code below merges two sorted arrays and the function merge_sort is the basic call to merge sort procedure. The array sum1 stores the cumulative sum in array1 of elements whose index is strictly less less that current index . The variable ans stores the final answer. How can I make my code more efficient ?
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std ;
//Declaration of global variables
int array[100000] , array1[100000] , array2[100000] ;
long long int sum1[100000] ;
long long int ans ;
void merge_sort(int left , int right) ;
void merge(int left , int mid , int right) ;
int main()
int t,counter,n,i ;
// t is the number of testcases
scanf("%d",&t) ;
// n is the number of elements in the array
scanf("%d",&n) ;
scanf("%d",&array[i]) ;
// ans hold the final answer and so it is initialized to 0 for every test case
ans =0 ;
merge_sort(0 , n-1) ;
printf("%lld\n",ans );
void merge(int left , int mid , int right)
int index , index1 , index2 ;
// array1 is used to store the elements from left to mid
// array2 is used to store the elemetns from mid+1 to right
// sum1 holds the sum of elements whose index is less than current index in array1 so that sum1[0] is always 0 .
// sum1 is initialised to 0
memset(sum1,0,sizeof(sum1)) ;
// copying into array1 from left to mid
index1 = 0 ;
sum1[index1] = sum1[index1-1] + array1[index1-1] ;
array1[index1] = array[index] ;
index1++ ;
// copying into array2 from mid+1 to right
index2 = 0;
array2[index2] = array[index] ;
index2++ ;
//merging the two arrays array1 and array2 and adding to the variable ans array[index1] if array1[index1] < array2[index2]
index1 = 0 ;
index2 = 0 ;
index = left ;
array[index] = array1[index1] ;
index++ ;
index1++ ;
else if(array1[index1]>=array2[index2])
ans = ans + sum1[index1];
array[index] = array2[index2] ;
index++ ;
index2++ ;
array[index] = array1[index1] ;
index++ ;
index1++ ;
else if(index2<right-mid)
ans = ans + sum1[index1-1] + array1[index1-1];
array[index] = array2[index2] ;
index++ ;
index2++ ;
void merge_sort(int left , int right)
// Typical merge sort procedure
int mid = (left+right)/2 ;
merge_sort(left , mid) ;
merge_sort(mid+1 , right) ;
merge(left , mid , right) ;