
I have been reading some NumPy guides but can't seem to figure it out. My TA told me I should be able to speed up my code by using a NumPy array instead of a for loop in the following segment of code.

for neighbor in get_neighbors(estimates,i,j):
            pXgivenX_ *= edge_model(True,neighbor)*observation_model(obs,True)
            pX_givenX_  *= edge_model(False,neighbor)*observation_model(obs,False)

Here is the entire code of the method it is in:

def gibbs_segmentation(image, burnin, collect_frequency, n_samples):
Uses Gibbs sampling to segment an image into foreground and background.

image : a numpy array with the image. Should be Nx x Ny x 3
burnin : Number of iterations to run as 'burn-in' before collecting data
collect_frequency : How many samples in between collected samples
n_samples : how many samples to collect in total

A distribution of the collected samples: a numpy array with a value between
0 and 1 (inclusive) at every pixel.
(Nx, Ny, _) = image.shape
total_iterations = burnin + (collect_frequency * (n_samples - 1))
pixel_indices = list(itertools.product(xrange(Nx),xrange(Ny)))
# The distribution that you will return
distribution = np.zeros( (Nx, Ny) )

# Initialize binary estimates at every pixel randomly. Your code should
# update this array pixel by pixel at each iteration.
estimates = np.random.random( (Nx, Ny) ) > .5

# PreProcessing
preProObs = {}
for (i,j) in pixel_indices:
        preProObs[(i,j)] = []

for iteration in xrange(total_iterations):

    # Loop over entire grid, using a random order for faster convergence

    for (i,j) in pixel_indices:

        pXgivenX_ = 1
        pX_givenX_ = 1

        for neighbor in get_neighbors(estimates,i,j):
            pXgivenX_ *= edge_model(True,neighbor)*preProObs[(i,j)][1]
            pX_givenX_  *= edge_model(False,neighbor)*preProObs[(i,j)][0]
        estimates[i][j] = np.random.random() > pXgivenX_/(pXgivenX_+pX_givenX_)

    if iteration > burnin and (iteration-burnin)%collect_frequency == 0:
        distribution += estimates

return distribution / n_samples

def edge_model(label1, label2):
    Given the values at two pixels, returns the edge potential between
    those two pixels.

    Hint: there might be a more efficient way to compute this for an array
    of values using numpy!
    if label1 == label2:
        return ALPHA
        return 1-ALPHA
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ What is neighbor? What does observation_model(obs,True) return? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 3:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ neighbor is a boolean corresponding to whether the pixel is currently believed to be in the foreground or background. observation_model(obs,True) returns a number corresponding to the probability of observing True given that you are at obs (where True corresponds to the pixel being in the foreground). \$\endgroup\$
    – Coolguy123
    Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 3:29

1 Answer 1


Since this is homework, I won't give you the exact answer, but here are some hints.

  1. == is overloaded in numpy to return an array when you pass in an array. So you can do things like this:

    >>> numpy.arange(5) == 3
    array([False, False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)
    >>> (numpy.arange(5) == 3) == False
    array([ True,  True,  True, False,  True], dtype=bool)
  2. You can use boolean arrays to assign to specific locations in an array. For example:

    >>> mostly_true = (numpy.arange(5) == 3) == False
    >>> empty = numpy.zeros(5)
    >>> empty[mostly_true] = 5
    >>> empty
    array([ 5.,  5.,  5.,  0.,  5.])
  3. You can also negate boolean arrays; together, these facts allow you to conditionally assign values to an array. (numpy.where can be used to do something similar.):

    >>> empty[~mostly_true] = 1
    >>> empty
    array([ 5.,  5.,  5.,  1.,  5.])
  4. You can then multiply those values by other values:

    >>> empty * numpy.arange(5)
    array([  0.,   5.,  10.,   3.,  20.])
  5. And many different numpy functions (really ufuncs) provide a reduce method that applies the function along the entire array:

    >>> results = empty * numpy.arange(5)
    >>> numpy.multiply.reduce(results)

You should be able to completely eliminate that for loop using only the above techniques.

  • \$\begingroup\$ If it is True then I want to multiply by ALPHA and if it is false I multiply by 1-ALPHA but how can I do this in one line? \$\endgroup\$
    – Coolguy123
    Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 3:53
  • \$\begingroup\$ Nevermind I looked at np.where \$\endgroup\$
    – Coolguy123
    Commented Dec 4, 2012 at 3:54

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