
I have decided to write my own min max sum functions. I really don't like the ones provided by the STL so I decided to write my own.

#include <type_traits>
namespace utils {
namespace detail {
    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    using BiggerT = typename std::conditional<sizeof(T1) >= sizeof(T2), T1, T2>;
    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    using FloatingPointOverBiggerT = typename std::conditional < std::is_floating_point<T1>::value || std::is_floating_point<T2>::value,
        double, typename BiggerT<T1, T2>>;

    template<typename...> struct BiggestType;

    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename... RestT>
    struct BiggestType<T1, T2, RestT...> {
        using type = typename FloatingPointOverBiggerT<T1, typename BiggestType<T2, RestT...>::type>::type;

    template<typename T>
    struct BiggestType<T> { 
        using type = T; 

    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    struct BiggestType<T1, T2>{ 
        using type = typename FloatingPointOverBiggerT<T1, T2>::type;

    template<typename FirstNumericT, typename SecondNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Max(FirstNumericT&& first, SecondNumericT&& second) noexcept {
        using Type = typename detail::BiggestType<FirstNumericT, SecondNumericT>::type;
        return (static_cast<Type>(first) > static_cast<Type>(second)) ? static_cast<Type>(first) : static_cast<Type>(second);

    template<typename FirstNumericT, typename SecondNumericT, typename... RestNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Max(FirstNumericT&& first, SecondNumericT&& second, RestNumericT&&... restargs) noexcept {
        using Type = typename detail::BiggestType<FirstNumericT, SecondNumericT, RestNumericT...>::type;
        return Max((static_cast<Type>(first) > static_cast<Type>(second)) ?
            static_cast<Type>(first) : static_cast<Type>(second), std::forward<RestNumericT&&>(restargs)...);

    template<typename FirstNumericT, typename SecondNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Min(FirstNumericT&& first, SecondNumericT&& second) noexcept {
        using Type = typename detail::BiggestType<FirstNumericT, SecondNumericT>::type;
        return (static_cast<Type>(first) < static_cast<Type>(second)) ? static_cast<Type>(first) : static_cast<Type>(second);

    template<typename FirstNumericT, typename SecondNumericT, typename... RestNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Min(FirstNumericT&& first, SecondNumericT&& second, RestNumericT&&... restargs) noexcept {
        using Type = typename detail::BiggestType<FirstNumericT, SecondNumericT, RestNumericT...>::type;
        return Min((static_cast<Type>(first) < static_cast<Type>(second)) ?
            static_cast<Type>(first) : static_cast<Type>(second), std::forward<RestNumericT&&>(restargs)...);

    template<typename LastNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Sum(LastNumericT last) {
        return last;

    template<typename FirstNumericT, typename SecondNumericT, typename... RestNumericT>
    constexpr decltype(auto) Sum(FirstNumericT&& first, SecondNumericT&& second, RestNumericT&&... restargs) noexcept {
        using Type = typename detail::BiggestType<FirstNumericT, SecondNumericT, RestNumericT...>::type;
        return Sum(static_cast<Type>(first) + static_cast<Type>(second), std::forward<RestNumericT&&>(restargs)...);

    template < typename... >
    using void_t = void;
    template < typename T, typename Index >
    using SubscriptT = decltype(std::declval<T>()[std::declval<Index>()]);
    template < typename, typename Index = size_t, typename = void_t<> >
    struct HasSubscriptOperator : std::false_type {};
    template < typename T, typename Index >
    struct HasSubscriptOperator< T, Index, void_t< SubscriptT<T, Index> > > : std::true_type {};


template<typename ReturnT = int, typename ContainerT, typename PredicateT, typename RawT =
typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<ReturnT>::type>::type>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < utils::detail::HasSubscriptOperator<ContainerT>::value, RawT>::type
Max(const ContainerT& container, const PredicateT& predicate) {
    auto result = predicate(*std::cbegin(container));
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        if(predicate(num) > result) {
            result = predicate(num);
    return result;

template<typename FirstT, typename SecondT, typename... NumericTypes>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < std::is_floating_point<FirstT>::value || std::is_integral<FirstT>::value,
typename utils::detail::BiggestType<FirstT, SecondT, NumericTypes...>::type>::type
Max(FirstT&& first, SecondT&& second, NumericTypes&&... args) noexcept {
    return detail::Max(std::forward<FirstT&&>(first), std::forward<SecondT&&>(second), std::forward<NumericTypes&&>(args)...);

template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr decltype(auto) Max(const ContainerT& container) {
    typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(container[0])>::type>::type result = container[0];
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        if(num > result) {
            result = num;
    return result;

template<typename FirstT, typename SecondT, typename... NumericTypes>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < std::is_floating_point<FirstT>::value || std::is_integral<FirstT>::value,
typename utils::detail::BiggestType<FirstT, SecondT, NumericTypes...>::type>::type  
Min(FirstT&& first, SecondT&& second, NumericTypes&&... args) noexcept {
    return detail::Min(std::forward<FirstT&&>(first), std::forward<SecondT&&>(second), std::forward<NumericTypes&&>(args)...);

template<typename ReturnT = int, typename ContainerT, typename PredicateT, typename RawT =
typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<ReturnT>::type>::type>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < utils::detail::HasSubscriptOperator<ContainerT>::value, RawT>::type
Min(const ContainerT& container, const PredicateT& predicate) {
    auto result = predicate(*std::cbegin(container));
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        if(predicate(num) < result) {
            result = predicate(num);
    return result;

template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr decltype(auto) Min(const ContainerT& container) {
    typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(container[0])>::type>::type result = container[0];
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        if(num < result) {
            result = num;
    return result;

template<typename ReturnT = int, typename ContainerT, typename PredicateT, typename RawT =
typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<ReturnT>::type>::type>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < utils::detail::HasSubscriptOperator<ContainerT>::value, RawT>::type
Sum(const ContainerT& container, PredicateT predicate) {
    RawT result = 0;
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        result += predicate(num);
    return result;

template<typename FirstT, typename SecondT, typename... NumericTypes>
constexpr typename std::enable_if < std::is_floating_point<FirstT>::value || std::is_integral<FirstT>::value, 
typename utils::detail::BiggestType<FirstT, SecondT, NumericTypes...>::type>::type 
Sum(FirstT&& first, SecondT&& second, NumericTypes&&... args) noexcept {
    return detail::Sum(std::forward<FirstT&&>(first), std::forward<SecondT&&>(second), std::forward<NumericTypes&&>(args)...);

template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr decltype(auto) Sum(const ContainerT& container) {
    typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(container[0])>::type>::type result = 0;
    for(const auto& num : container) {
        result += num;
    return result;

template<typename FirstT, typename SecondT, typename... NumericTypes>
constexpr decltype(auto) Avg(FirstT&& first, SecondT&& second, NumericTypes&&... args) noexcept {
    return (detail::Sum(std::forward<FirstT&&>(first), std::forward<SecondT&&>(second), std::forward<NumericTypes&&>(args)...) / (2 + sizeof...(NumericTypes)));


std::vector<int> vecInt = {2, 3, 5, 2, 10};
    std::map<int, std::size_t> mapInt = {{2, 2}, {3, 3}, {7, 7}};
    int cInt[] = {2, 2, 2, 2};
    auto vecSum = utils::Sum(vecInt);
    auto mapSum = utils::Sum(mapInt, [](const auto& val) {return val.second;});
    auto cSum = utils::Sum(cInt);
    auto sum = utils::Sum(5, 7ULL, 5.5f, 70.0);
    auto vecMax = utils::Max(vecInt);
    auto mapMax = utils::Max(mapInt, [](const auto& val) {return val.second;});
    auto cMax = utils::Max(cInt);
    auto maxx = utils::Max(5, 55, 11, 33.0f, 55.0, 66ULL);
    auto vecMin = utils::Min(vecInt);
    auto mapMin = utils::Min(mapInt, [](const auto& val) {return val.second;});
    auto cMin = utils::Min(cInt);
    auto minn = utils::Min(5, 55, 11, 33.0f, 55.0, 66ULL);
    auto avgg = utils::Avg(5, 55, 11, 33.0f, 55.0, 66ULL);

What do you think about the code?

  • 8
    \$\begingroup\$ Although not strictly necessary, it would be useful to reviewers if you could explain why you don't care for the STL versions and how you think this version is better. \$\endgroup\$
    – Edward
    Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 21:52
  • \$\begingroup\$ This code doesn't compile: you need to #include <iterator> and to remove the typename in front of BiggerTat line 8 (edit: you should rather add ::typeafter that). Your usage example should also #include <vector> /*and*/ <map> and be expanded with some output to make behavior more explicit. \$\endgroup\$
    – papagaga
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 7:00

2 Answers 2


Is it intended?

It really is difficult to see what you're trying to achieve here. Your code prevents some basic usage of a max function, for instance:

unsigned int u = 5u; 
int i = 7; 
std::cout << "max(" << u << ", " << i << ") = " << utils::Max(u, i);

results in:

prog.cc:35:44: error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'unsigned int' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int' return (static_cast(first) > static_cast(second)) ? static_cast(first) : static_cast(second); ^ ~~~~~~

prog.cc:80:63: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'utils::Max' requested here std::cout << "max(" << u << ", " << i << ") = " << utils::Max(u, i); ^

prog.cc:35:100: error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'unsigned int' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int' return (static_cast(first) > static_cast(second)) ? static_cast(first) : static_cast(second); ^ ~~~~~~ 2 errors generated.

This means that you can't use the 'numeric' overload but with literal values, be it as arguments or as return type. That is really restrictive. If I want to decrement the highest value of two, I can't, for instance.

At this point, I'm not sure whether it's intended behavior, or if you should fix your code before submitting again.

Hypothetical review

Since I don't know if you want to keep your code like this, I won't dwell upon it too long. But there are a few key things you should consider:

  • commenting your code a bit: good comments these days are about intent, and this is something your readers would benefit from.

  • <limits> is, I think, what you're looking for when comparing types. sizeof doesn't tell you a thing about the range of values a type can represent. Think of what you should do when comparing int and unsigned int, which generally are the same size: the selected type shouldn't be the same if you call min or max...

  • max and max_element are separated in the standard library. Why would you merge them? Overloading has always been a tricky business, and along with templates makes for unreadable error messages, so don't do it unless there's a good reason to.

  • there are containers that don't provide operator[]. An std::list is out of the scope of your Max function for an obscure reason. And the semantics for a std::map could surprise too, since anyone with basic knowledge of the STL considers const std::pair<Key, T> to be the elements' type.


There is an incredible amount of boilerplate here. I would like to remind you that with C++17 you can use fold expressions, which do basically the same but way simpler:

template<typename ... T>
auto sum(T ... t) {
    return (t + ...);

If you want to be sure that an empty sum will also compile you can do this:

template<typename ... T>
auto sum(T ... t) {
    return (t + ... + 0);

You can obviously expand that to different types etc


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