
Simple variadic function implementation in NASM Assembly. When implemented like I have below:


;; bits 64
default rel

extern printf

section .text
    global main
    global sum
    sub     rsp, 40
    mov     r9d, 3
    mov     r8d, 2
    mov     edx, 1
    mov     ecx, 3
    call    sum
    lea     rcx, [fmt]
    mov     edx, eax
    call    printf
    xor     eax, eax
    add     rsp, 40
    sub     rsp, 24
    test    ecx, ecx
    mov     qword [rsp+28H], rdx
    lea     rdx, [rsp+28H]
    mov     qword [rsp+30H], r8
    mov     qword [rsp+38H], r9
    mov     qword [rsp+8H], rdx
    jle     .end
    lea     eax, [rcx-1H]
    lea     rcx, [rsp+rax*8+30H]
    xor     eax, eax
    add     eax, dword [rdx]
    add     rdx, 8
    cmp     rdx, rcx
    jnz     .recurse
    add     rsp, 24
    xor     eax, eax
    add     rsp, 24

%macro str 2
    %2: db %1, 0

section .rdata
    str "%d", fmt

We can change how many variables are being given to the function without having to change the amount of memory being allocated to the function itself.

    sub     rsp, 72
    mov     dword [rsp+30H], 6
    mov     dword [rsp+28H], 5
    mov     dword [rsp+20H], 4
    mov     r9d, 3
    mov     r8d, 2
    mov     edx, 1
    mov     ecx, 6
    call    sum
    lea     rcx, [fmt]
    mov     edx, eax
    call    printf
    xor     eax, eax
    add     rsp, 72

There are no comments in the code since what I'm doing should be pretty self-explanatory. Any advice and all topical comments on optimizing the code and its performance, as well as standard conventions, is appreciated!

Compiled as follows using VS2017 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt:

> nasm -g -f win64 sum.asm

> cl /Zi sum.obj msvcrt.lib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib

1 Answer 1

mov     qword [rsp+8H], rdx

Why would you store this value at all? You never use the stored value afterwards!

You can easily dismiss all of the local storage for the sum routine. No need for sub rsp, 24 nor add rsp, 24 instructions. Also, why 24 bytes when all you use are the middle 8 bytes? The same happens in main where you reserve 40 bytes when all you use are the middle 24 bytes! The alternative main evens wastes 24 bytes this way.

You can avoid the separate .end code by clearing the accumulator very early and jumping to the one RET you really need.

lea     eax, [rcx-1H]
lea     rcx, [rsp+rax*8+30H]

You can calculate this upper limit in just one instruction. Absorb the decrement by 1 operation into the displacement of the LEA:

lea     rcx, [rsp + rcx*8 + 28h]

And since by the time of this calculation the RDX register already points at [rsp + 28h] you could simply write:

lea     rcx, [rdx + rcx*8]

Applying these changes:

    xor     eax, eax
    test    ecx, ecx
    jle     .end
    mov     [rsp + 10h], rdx    ; 1st arg for sure (ECX=1+)
    mov     [rsp + 18h], r8     ; maybe 2nd arg
    mov     [rsp + 20h], r9     ; maybe 3rd arg
    lea     rdx, [rsp + 10h]    ; lower limit
    lea     rcx, [rdx + rcx*8]  ; upper limit
    add     eax, dword [rdx]
    add     rdx, 8
    cmp     rdx, rcx
    jb      .more

When comparing memory addresses like in your code cmp rdx, rcx, it would be best to not check for equality but rather for excess. Provided the step is non-zero, checking for the 'below' condition will happen eventually while checking for the 'equal' condition might never happen at all (if there's an error in the program of course...).

An even simpler solution uses the ECX register as a counter (like it was on input):

    xor     eax, eax
    test    ecx, ecx
    jle     .end
    mov     [rsp + 10h], rdx    ; 1st arg for sure (ECX=1+)
    mov     [rsp + 18h], r8     ; maybe 2nd arg
    mov     [rsp + 20h], r9     ; maybe 3rd arg
    lea     rdx, [rsp + 10h]    ; lower limit
    add     eax, dword [rdx]
    add     rdx, 8
    sub     ecx, 1
    jnz     .more

We can change how many variables are being given to the function without having to change the amount of memory being allocated to the function itself.

True, but the caller still has to reserve - somewhat mysteriously - those 24 bytes that correspond to the 3 arguments passed via registers EDX, R8D, and R9D.
I think it would be simpler to either pass all values on the stack or pass a pointer (in RDX) to a buffer holding all of those values. In both cases the count remains in ECX.
Next code combines it all:

    sub     rsp, 48
    mov     rdx, rsp
    mov     dword [rdx + 40], 6
    mov     dword [rdx + 32], 5
    mov     dword [rdx + 24], 4
    mov     dword [rdx + 16], 3
    mov     dword [rdx + 8], 2
    mov     dword [rdx], 1
    mov     ecx, 6
    call    sum

    xor     eax, eax
    test    ecx, ecx
    jle     .end
    add     eax, dword [rdx]
    add     rdx, 8
    sub     ecx, 1
    jnz     .more

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