Inspired by this reddit post, I have written a program that accepts a DNA sequence (in a FASTA file format) and generates a graphical representation.
HIV virus and Ebola virus
My program works like this:
- Accept and parse input file
- Break input file into array (using custom array class
) - Iterate through and parse that to construct a path, which is stored in another
that contains the coordinates and colour for each pixel on the path - Create an image and draw the path onto it
- Save the image
I have posted here previously, asking for help with optimizing steps 1-4. Graipher helped me with his optimized version of my array class. I'm now able to handle very large input files, but I've hit another bottleneck in regards to how large an image PIL can create. (Step 4)
An input file that is larger than roughly 450 MB creates images that are apparently too large to handle. PIL runs into a MemoryError
in the
function. That isn't surprising considering that the program attempts to create images with dimensions in excess of 100,000 pixels with larger files.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 113, in <module>
with"RGBA", dim, None) as img:
File "C:\Program Files\Python3\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2291, in new
return Image()._new(, size))
I've spent a lot of time thinking of a solution, and the one I've come up with is splitting the output image into chunks/quadrants, drawing the path onto each chunk individually and then stitching them together. I've spent some time attempting to do this, but I can't find something that works and my lack of experience is a hindrance.
If anyone has any tips or solutions on how I could overcome this bottleneck I'd greatly appreciate it. My goal is to overcome the 400 mb barrier and move on to genomes larger than a GB. Perhaps the human genome sometime in the future.
Usage (RUN WITH PYTHON x64!):
python3 path/to/file
Several example input files and their results can be found here. Read contents.txt
for more information and which genomes run into the error.
This program creates very large temp files (~100mb each) and may dump up to 15 GB (or more) per run. The image files also end up being quite large (~100-200 MB). Make sure you have enough space. These temp files are cleaned up at the end of the program if it progresses to completion, but some of them aren't deleted if the program halts mid way. Remember to delete them!
This program also quite intensive
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python3
# Run from command line
import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from datetime import timedelta
from math import ceil
from os import remove, makedirs
from os.path import exists
from re import sub
from time import time
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from largearray import Array
uuid = id(time())
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("file", help="Location of input file. path/to/file (FASTA file formats supported)")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--image-name",
help="Where to save finished image file. path/to/file (Default: Name_of_input_file.png)")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--dump-size", help="The size of temp files to dump to disk. (Default & Max: 5)", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--temp", help="Where to dump temp files. path/to/directory/ (Default: .cache/)", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug-file", help="Where to store debug file. path/to/file (Default ./cache/debug.log")
args = parser.parse_args()
filepath = args.file
ipath = ".".join(filepath.split(".")[:-1]) + ".png"
if args.image_name:
ipath = args.image_name
dsize = 5
if args.dump_size:
dsize = args.dump_size
cachedir = ".cache/"
if args.temp:
cachedir = args.temp
debugpath = '.cache/debug%d.log' % uuid
if args.debug_file:
debugpath = args.debug_file
if not exists(filepath):
raise Exception("Path of input file does not exist")
print("Debug at %s" % debugpath)
if exists(debugpath):
if not exists(cachedir):
logging.basicConfig(filename=debugpath, level=logging.DEBUG)"Init: %d" % uuid)
del parser, ArgumentParser, remove, exists,
print("Generating vizualization of %s" % filepath)
starttime = time()
file = open(filepath, 'r')"File opened")"Serializing %s ..." % filepath)
raw = ''.join([n for n in file.readlines() if not n.startswith('>')]).replace('\n', "").lower()"Replaced FASTA info")
del file
raw = sub(r'[rykmswbdhv-]', "n", raw) # Handles miscellaneous FASTA characters
raw = sub(r'[^atgcn]', "", raw) # Handles 4 bases and not-known
sequence = Array(name="sequence", cachedirectory=cachedir, a=list(raw), maxitems=(dsize * 10))
sequence.trim()"Parsed characters (%d items)" % len(sequence))
del sub, raw
endtime = [time()]
print("The input file has been serialized. %s (%d items) Calculating path..." % (
str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[0] - starttime))), len(sequence)))
action = { # The different bases and their respective colours and movements
"a": ((0, 255, 0), 0, -1), # green - Moves up
"t": ((255, 0, 0), 0, 1), # red - Moves Down
"g": ((255, 0, 255), -1, 0), # hot pink - Moves Left
"c": ((0, 0, 255), 1, 0), # blue - Moves Right
"n": ((0, 0, 0), 0, 0), # black - Stays on spot
maxp = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] # Top left and bottom right corners of completed path
curr = [0, 0]
pendingactions = Array(name="pendingactions", cachedirectory=cachedir, maxitems=dsize)"%d temp files will be created [pendingactions]" % ceil(len(sequence) / pendingactions.maxitems))
for i in sequence:
# get the actions associated from dict
curr[0] += action[i][1]
curr[1] += action[i][2]
if curr[0] > maxp[0][0]:
maxp[0][0] = curr[0]
elif curr[0] < maxp[1][0]:
maxp[1][0] = curr[0]
if curr[1] > maxp[0][1]:
maxp[0][1] = curr[1]
elif curr[1] < maxp[1][1]:
maxp[1][1] = curr[1]
pendingactions.append((copy(curr), action[i][0]))
del sequence.a
del sequence, copy, deepcopy
# Final dimensions of image + 10px border
dim = (abs(maxp[0][0] - maxp[1][0]) + 20, abs(maxp[0][1] - maxp[1][1]) + 20)
print("The path has been calculated. %s Rendering image... %s" % (
str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[1] - starttime))), "(" + str(dim[0]) + "x" + str(dim[1]) + ")"))
with"RGBA", dim, None) as img:"Initial image created. (%d x %d)" % (dim[0], dim[1]))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)"Draw object created")
for i in pendingactions:
draw.point((i[0][0] + abs(maxp[1][0]) + 10, i[0][1] + abs(maxp[1][1]) + 10), fill=i[1])"Path Drawn")
def mean(n): # I couldn't find an average function in base python
s = float(n[0] + n[1]) / 2
return s
# Start and End points are dynamically sized to the dimensions of the final image
draw.ellipse([((abs(maxp[1][0]) + 10) - ceil(mean(dim) / 500), (abs(maxp[1][1]) + 10) - ceil(mean(dim) / 500)),
((abs(maxp[1][0]) + 10) + ceil(mean(dim) / 500), (abs(maxp[1][1]) + 10) + ceil(mean(dim) / 500))],
fill=(255, 255, 0), outline=(255, 255, 0)) # yellow
draw.ellipse([((curr[0] + abs(maxp[1][0]) + 10) - ceil(mean(dim) / 500),
(curr[1] + abs(maxp[1][1]) + 10) - ceil(mean(dim) / 500)), (
(curr[0] + abs(maxp[1][0]) + 10) + ceil(mean(dim) / 500),
(curr[1] + abs(maxp[1][1]) + 10) + ceil(mean(dim) / 500))], fill=(51, 255, 255),
outline=(51, 255, 255)) # neon blue"Start and End points drawn")
del pendingactions.a
del maxp, curr, mean, dim, draw, ImageDraw, pendingactions
print("The image has been rendered. %s Saving..." % str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[2] - endtime[1])))), "PNG", optimize=True)"Image saved at %s" % ipath)
del img, Image
print("Done! %s Image is saved as: %s" % (str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[3] - endtime[2]))), ipath))
print("Program took %s to run" % str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[3] - starttime))))"%s | %s | %s | %s # Parsing File | Computing Path | Rendering | Saving" % (
str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[0] - starttime))), str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[1] - starttime))),
str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[2] - starttime))), str(timedelta(seconds=(endtime[3] - starttime)))))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python3
# Simple array class that dynamically saves temp files to disk to conserve memory
import logging
import pickle
from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import islice
from os import makedirs, remove
from os.path import exists
from shutil import rmtree
from time import time
startime = time()
class Array():
"""1D Array class
Dynamically saves temp files to disk to conserve memory"""
def __init__(self, name="Array", cachedirectory=".cache/", a=None, maxitems=1):
# How much data to keep in memory before dumping to disk
self.maxitems = int(maxitems*1e6)
self.fc = 0 # file counter
self.uuid = id(self) = name
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d %s created | %s" % (self.uuid,, str(timedelta(seconds=time()-startime))))
self.dir = cachedirectory + str(self.uuid) # make a unique subfolder (unique as long as the array exists)
if exists(self.dir):
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d caches in %s with %d items per file" % (self.uuid, self.dir, self.maxitems))
self.path = self.dir + "/temp%d.dat" # Name of temp files
self.hastrim = False
self.a = []
if a is not None:
def append(self, n):
"""Append n to the array.
If size exceeds self.maxitems, dump to disk
if self.hastrim:
raise Exception("ERROR: Class [array] methods append() and extend() cannot be called after method trim()")
if len(self.a) >= self.maxitems:
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d dumps temp %d | %s" % (self.uuid, self.fc, str(timedelta(seconds=time()-startime))))
with open(self.path % self.fc, 'wb') as pfile:
pickle.dump(self.a, pfile) # Dump the data
self.a = []
self.fc += 1
def trim(self):
"""If there are remaining values in the array stored in memory, dump them to disk (even if there is less than maxitems.
NOTE: Only run this after all possible appends and extends have been done
WARNING: This cannot be called more than once, and if this has been called, append() and extend() cannot be called again"""
if len(self.a) > 0:
if self.hastrim:
raise Exception("ERROR: Class [array] method trim() can only be called once")
self.hastrim = True
self.trimlen = len(self.a)
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d trims temp %d | %s" % (self.uuid, self.fc, str(timedelta(seconds=time()-startime))))
with open(self.path % self.fc, 'wb') as pfile:
pickle.dump(self.a, pfile) # Dump the data
self.a = []
self.fc += 1
def extend(self, values):
"""Convenience method to append multiple values"""
for n in values:
def __iter__(self):
"""Allows iterating over the values in the array.
Loads the values from disk as necessary."""
for fc in range(self.fc):
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d iterates temp %d | %s" % (self.uuid, fc, str(timedelta(seconds=time()-startime))))
with open(self.path % fc, 'rb') as pfile:
yield from pickle.load(pfile)
yield from self.a
def __repr__(self):
"""The values currently in memory"""
s = "[..., " if self.fc else "["
return s + ", ".join(map(str, self.a)) + "]"
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Get the item at index or the items in slice.
Loads all dumps from disk until start of slice for the latter."""
if isinstance(index, slice):
return list(islice(self, index.start, index.stop, index.step))
fc, i = divmod(index, self.maxitems)
with open(self.path % fc, 'rb') as pfile:
return pickle.load(pfile)[i]
def __len__(self):
"""Length of the array (including values on disk)"""
if self.hastrim:
return (self.fc-1) * self.maxitems + self.trimlen
return self.fc * self.maxitems + len(self.a)
def __delattr__(self, item):
"""Calling del <object name>.a
will delete entire array"""
if item == 'a':
logging.debug("[largearray.Array] Instance %d deletes all array data | %s" % (self.uuid, str(timedelta(seconds=time()-startime))))
super(Array, self).__delattr__(item)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, slice):
l = list(islice(self, key.start, key.stop, key.step))
for i in l:
fc, i = divmod(key, self.maxitems)
with open(self.path % fc, 'rb') as pfile:
l = pickle.load(pfile)
l[i] = value
remove(self.path % fc)
with open(self.path % fc, 'wb') as pfile:
pickle.dump(l, pfile)
def __delitem__(self, key):
fc, i = divmod(key, self.maxitems)
with open(self.path % fc, 'rb') as pfile:
l = pickle.load(pfile)
del l[i]
remove(self.path % fc)
with open(self.path % fc, 'wb') as pfile:
pickle.dump(l, pfile)
pixel image for thestrawberry.fna
. That's 2862 8K screens worth of information. I guess your idea is to be able to "zoom out" and see the entire structure while still knowing the details? \$\endgroup\$rice.fna
. Red rice is an ancestor of rice. By zooming in and looking at particular sections, I can observe similarities and shared patterns that hint to their shared evolutionary history. \$\endgroup\$