I have a function which takes GTK Image
(It is RGB) and returns a representation of this image as list of grey levels.
This is my code:
grayscaleFromRGB :: Image -> IO [Word8]
grayscaleFromRGB img = do
imgType <- img `get` imageStorageType
if imgType == ImageEmpty
return (replicate 256 0)
else do
pixbuf <- imageGetPixbuf img
pixels <- (pixbufGetPixels pixbuf :: IO (PixbufData Int Word8))
rgbList <- getElems pixels
nChannels <- pixbufGetNChannels pixbuf
return (map convert $ chunksOf nChannels rgbList)
convert channels = round $ foldl (+) 0 $ zipWith (*) [0.3, 0.59, 0.11] $ map fromIntegral channels
But I have a problem: this function uses too much memory and CPU time. For example for an image with a size of 500x500
it takes nearly 100MB of memory. Opening an image with a size of 2000x1000
it use more than 1GB of memory and it takes a lot of time.
How can it be written in an efficient way? What is the reason for this behavior?
Whole code which use this function (this program takes too much RAM):
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Foreign.Storable
grayscaleFromRGB :: Image -> IO [Word8]
grayscaleFromRGB img = do
imgType <- img `get` imageStorageType
if imgType == ImageEmpty
return (replicate 256 0)
else do
pixbuf <- imageGetPixbuf img
pixels <- (pixbufGetPixels pixbuf :: IO (PixbufData Int Word8))
rgbList <- getElems pixels
nChannels <- pixbufGetNChannels pixbuf
return (map convert $ chunksOf nChannels rgbList)
convert channels = round $ foldl' (+) 0 $ zipWith (*) [0.3, 0.59, 0.11] $ map fromIntegral channels
main :: IO ()
main= do
window <- windowNew
set window [windowTitle := "Hello Cairo",
windowDefaultWidth := 300, windowDefaultHeight := 200,
containerBorderWidth := 30 ]
image <- imageNew
let menuBarData = [
("File", [("Open", openPressed image),
("Exit", mainQuit)
tab <- tableNew 5 10 True
menuBar <- createMenuBar menuBarData
scrolled <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scrolled image
tableAttachDefaults tab menuBar 0 10 0 1
tableAttachDefaults tab scrolled 0 5 1 10
containerAdd window tab
widgetShowAll window
onDestroy window mainQuit
createMenuBar menuBarData = do
menuBar <- menuBarNew
mapM_ (setMenuEntries menuBar) menuBarData
return menuBar
setMenuEntries menuBar (entryName, items) = do
entry <- menuItemNewWithLabel entryName
menu <- menuNew
mapM_ (addItemToEntry menu) items
menuItemSetSubmenu entry menu
menuShellAppend menuBar entry
addItemToEntry menu (name, action) = do
item <- menuItemNewWithLabel name
item `on` menuItemActivated $ action
menuShellAppend menu item
openPressed :: Image -> IO ()
openPressed image = do
chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew
(Just "Open file")
[("OK", ResponseOk),
("Cancel", ResponseCancel)]
widgetShow chooser
res <- dialogRun chooser
filename <- performResponse res chooser
widgetHide chooser
performResponse ResponseCancel _ = return ()
performResponse ResponseOk chooser = do
Just fname <- fileChooserGetFilename chooser
imageSetFromFile image fname
grey <- grayscaleFromRGB image
putStrLn $ show $ grey
instead offoldl
. \$\endgroup\$convert
function without using lists, it increased performance but not much. Profiling says that most allocations are made fromgrayscaleFromRGB
by itself. \$\endgroup\$