I've got the following query.
SELECT xcli.ID_X_Table, cli.ID, cli.Presentation, COALESCE(cli.MobilePhone, cli.BusinessPhone, cli.HomePhone), EmailAddress, cli.Descr
FROM B_Client cli
INNER JOIN X_Table xcli ON xcli.TableName = 'B_Client' AND ISNULL(cli.Flg_Deleted, 0) = 0
WHERE cli.EmailAddress LIKE '%'+@SearchText+'%'
SELECT xcli.ID_X_Table
, cli.ID
, cli.Presentation
, ISNULL(cli.MobilePhone, ISNULL(cli.BusinessPhone, cli.HomePhone))
, cli.EmailAddress
, cli.Descr
FROM B_Client cli
INNER JOIN X_Table xcli ON xcli.TableName = 'B_Client'
AND ISNULL(cli.Flg_Deleted, 0) = 0
WHERE RTRIM(ISNULL(cli.ClientName, '')) + ' ' + LTRIM(ISNULL(cli.FirstMiddleName, '')) LIKE '%'+@SearchText+'%'
OR RTRIM(ISNULL(cli.FirstMiddleName, '')) + ' ' + LTRIM(ISNULL(cli.ClientName, '')) LIKE '%'+@SearchText+'%'
OR SUBSTRING(RTRIM(ISNULL(cli.FirstMiddleName, '')), 0, PATINDEX('% %', RTRIM(ISNULL(cli.FirstMiddleName, '')))) + ' ' + LTRIM(ISNULL(cli.ClientName, '')) LIKE '%'+@SearchText+'%'
SELECT xcli.ID_X_Table
, cli.ID
, cli.Presentation
, dbo.Get_B_Car_RegNum(car.ID, GETDATE()) as RegNum
, car.Presentation
, cli.Descr
FROM B_Car car
INNER JOIN X_Table xcli on xcli.TableName = 'B_Client'
INNER JOIN B_Client cli on cli.ID = [dbo].[Get_B_Car_ID_B_Client](car.ID, GETDATE())
WHERE car.CarPotential = 0
AND (car.Descr LIKE '%'+@SearchText
WHERE ID_B_Car = car.ID
AND Dte_Start <= GETDATE() ORDER BY Dte_Start DESC) LIKE '%'+@SearchText+'%')
This query searches for user-provided text across multiple tables (it's a sort of primitive search engine). The unions overlap because they are added programmatically if the input is appropriate. For example if the input contains letters it won't search for telephone numbers and so on.
The query is quite slow in production. It takes minutes to retrieve the query. The tables contain hundreds of thousands entries. I'm not sure if this query performs poorly due to its design, or because of the magnitude of data.
Tips and critique are welcome.
look like for your query? \$\endgroup\$