I Need your help, please. I'm trying to develop a simple Questionnaire.
Here is what I did already. First, I have interfaces for Question and Answer entities.
interface IAnswerProvider{
public function getAnswers();
interface IQuestionProvider{
public function getQuestions();
Then I have classes which implement these interfaces. Both Answers and Questions have translations in different languages - that's why each of them have a $current_language
class Answer implements IAnswerProvider
private $current_language = '';
private $current_question_id = 0;
public function __construct($current_language, $question_id = 0)
if (!empty($question_id)) {
public function getAnswers()
$question_id = $this->getCurrentQuestionId();
if (empty($question_id)) {
throw new Error('Question ID is not defined');
$query = 'select * from answers a where a.question_id=' . escape($question_id);
return DB::getInstance()->fetchAllRows($query);
* @return string
public function getCurrentLanguage()
return $this->current_language;
* @param string $current_language
public function setCurrentLanguage($current_language)
$this->current_language = $current_language;
* @return int
public function getCurrentQuestionId()
return $this->current_question_id;
* @param int $current_question_id
public function setCurrentQuestionId($current_question_id)
$this->current_question_id = $current_question_id;
class Question implements IQuestionProvider
private $current_language = '';
public function __construct($current_language)
* @return string
public function getCurrentLanguage()
return $this->current_language;
* @param string $current_languge
public function setCurrentLanguage($current_language)
$this->current_language = $current_language;
public function getQuestions()
$query = 'select * from questions q where language ='.escape($this->getCurrentLanguage());
return DB::getInstance()->fetchAllRows($query);
And here is a class which does all jobs related with questions and answers.
class Questionnaire{
private $oQuestionProvider = '';
private $oAnswerProvider = '';
public function __construct(IQuestionProvider $oQueston, IAnswerProvider $oAnswer)
$this->oQuestionProvider = $oQueston;
$this->oAnswerProvider = $oAnswer;
* Returns an array of questions , each question has answers property
* with array of answers
public function getQuestionsWithAnswers(){
$aData = $this->oQuestionProvider->getQuestions();
//assign answers to each question
foreach ($aData as $v){
$v->answers = $this->oAnswerProvider->getAnswers();
return $aData;
What I 'm concerned about is that I have code duplication in the Question and Answer classes - I mean setCurrentLanguage
and getCurrentLanguage
methods. Maybe it's better to move them into some abstract class and then inherit both Answer and Question classes from it ? Are SOLID principles being violated here?
Please let me know what do you think about this code. Thanks