I have a program, where the get_free
function below has the most major computational cost by far, and I was wondering if there was a faster way to do it. Perhaps an all-numpy
solution would be faster.
The task is to find the indices of the third dimension in a three-dimensional boolean array where the cell (as specified by the two first dimensions) and its neighbors (as given by the neighbors2
function) are 0. That's what get_free
Don't worry too much about understanding the neighbors2
function, it doesn't do much heavy lifting. The indices can be returned in two formats, as specified by the docstring, which can be helpful for some numpy-functions.
Any feedback, regarding code quality in general or for optimizing performance is appreciated.
import numpy as np
import timeit
rows, cols = 7, 7
depth = 70
state = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(rows, cols, depth)).astype(bool)
def neighbors2(row, col, separate=False):
If 'separate' is True, return ([r1, r2, ...], [c1, c2, ...])
if not, return [(r1, c1), (r2, c2), ...]
Returns a list of indices of neighbors (in an hexogonal grid)
within a radius of 2, not including self.
if separate:
rs = []
cs = []
idxs = []
r_low = max(0, row-2)
r_hi = min(rows-1, row+2)
c_low = max(0, col-2)
c_hi = min(cols-1, col+2)
if col % 2 == 0:
cross1 = row-2
cross2 = row+2
cross1 = row+2
cross2 = row-2
for r in range(r_low, r_hi+1):
for c in range(c_low, c_hi+1):
if not ((r, c) == (row, col) or
(r, c) == (cross1, col-2) or
(r, c) == (cross1, col-1) or
(r, c) == (cross1, col+1) or
(r, c) == (cross1, col+2) or
(r, c) == (cross2, col-2) or
(r, c) == (cross2, col+2)):
if separate:
idxs.append((r, c))
if separate:
return (rs, cs)
return idxs
def get_free(cell):
Return the indices of a a cell that are 0 and
where all its neighbors are 0 for the same depth
candidates = np.where(state[cell] == 0)[0]
neighs = neighbors2(*cell, False)
free = []
# Exclude elements that have non-zero value in neighboring cells
for candidate in candidates:
non_zero = False
for neigh in neighs:
if state[neigh][candidate]:
non_zero = True
if not non_zero:
print(timeit.timeit("get_free((4, 4))", number=100000,
setup="from __main__ import get_free"))