I'm teaching myself C, with an older edition of K. N. King's C Programming: A Modern Approach. I come from a Python and JavaScript background as far as programming goes, but not a strong foundation in theoretical CS concepts. I'm currently up to Chapter 8 of the book, which introduces one- and multi-dimensional arrays in C. The final exercise of the chapter is to write a program that takes a 10x10 grid and prints the letters of the alphabet in sequence, but picking one of the open adjacent squares to the last-placed character in order to place the next character in sequence. The result resembles a "random walk" through the grid. The program must terminate early if it reaches a point with no open spaces to continue the sequence. My attempt is below. I'm looking for general feedback. I know that there are almost certainly better data structures I could be using, but bear in mind that I haven't even started reading the chapter on functions: so I've only been exposed to elementary types, arrays, some operators, conditional expressions, etc. Bear those constraints in mind if you can.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define N 10
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define START 'A'
#define END 'Z'
typedef int Bool;
int main() {
char grid[N][N] = {};
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int next_j = 0;
int next_i = 0;
int move, open_spaces;
Bool placed = FALSE;
Bool examined_spaces[4] = {};
// Initialise a random number generator using current time,
// to ensure it's different each loop
srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
// Loop alphabet
for (char c = START; c <= END; c++) {
open_spaces = 4;
memset(examined_spaces, 0, sizeof(Bool)*4); // Empty examined spaces array
grid[i][j] = c;
// Determine the next position
if (c == END) {
// end of iteration
placed = TRUE;
} else {
// Need to determine the position of the next character
placed = FALSE;
// Placed, calculating position of next character
while ((!placed) && (open_spaces > 0)) {
next_i = i;
next_j = j;
move = rand() % 4;
if (examined_spaces[move] == TRUE) {
// Already examined this move
if (examined_spaces[move] == FALSE) {
// A new move
examined_spaces[move] = TRUE;
switch (move) {
case 0: next_j--; break; // up
case 1: next_i++; break; // right
case 2: next_j++; break; // down
case 3: next_i--; break; // left
if (next_j + 1 > N || next_j < 0 || next_i + 1 > N || next_i < 0) {
// Out of bounds
} else if (grid[next_i][next_j] != 0) {
// Already occupied by a character
} else {
// Successful placement
placed = TRUE;
i = next_i;
j = next_j;
if (open_spaces <= 0 && !placed) {
// No more empty spaces
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == 0) {
printf(". ");
} else {
printf("%c ", grid[i][j]);
if (!((j + 1) % 10)) {
return 0;