For a school project, I will design and prototype a bicycle brake that uses a four-bar linkage to accomplish its goal.
My Python 3 code does this mechanism generation, and implements methods to remove mechanisms I don't think will work well to hopefully give me a good final mechanism to construct. Overall I wrote this up quite quickly, hence its messiness. I'm hoping to dramatically clean up the code and improve efficiency. Any suggestions on where to begin?
(This section isn't critical to review the code, but I thought would be nice to include)
To create the mechanism, I need to define a set of three "precision positions" on the coupler curve, which are points the coupler point of the four-bar will pass through.
Since the points I define are just approximate guesses what I think the path should be (approximate linear motion), I loop over a small range for each coordinate I define.
I then also choose the driver rotation between PP1 and PP2 (\$ \beta_2 \$) and PP1 and PP3 (\$ \beta_3 \$). The \$ \alpha \$'s are solved from the given precision positions (the couplers rotation), as well as the \$ \delta \$'s (the translational movement of the coupler point). The following picture illustrates this:
The following system of equations is solved to obtain a 2 dyads (shown above, cut the mechanism in half between the coupler point, the two links on each side is a dyad). The two dyads together form the 4-bar.
$$\vec{W_A}(e^{i\beta_{2A}} - 1) + \vec{Z_A}(e^{i\alpha_{2A}} - 1) = \delta_2$$ $$\vec{W_A}(e^{i\beta_{3A}} - 1) + \vec{Z_A}(e^{i\alpha_{3A}} - 1) = \delta_3$$
$$\vec{W_B}(e^{i\beta_{2B}} - 1) + \vec{Z_B}(e^{i\beta_{2A}} - 1) = \delta_2$$ $$\vec{W_B}(e^{i\beta_{3B}} - 1) + \vec{Z_B}(e^{i\beta_{3A}} - 1) = \delta_3$$
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from filter import links_to_joints, filter_length, filter_orientation, filter_configuration, filter_mechanical_advantage
from plot import plot_four_bar_list
def check_lengths(four_bar_set):
if (not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][1]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[1][1])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][2]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[1][2])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][3]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[1][3])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][4]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[1][4])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][1]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[2][1])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][2]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[2][2])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][3]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[2][3])) < 1e-10 or
not (np.abs(four_bar_set[0][4]) - np.abs(four_bar_set[2][4])) < 1e-10):
def main():
# precision positions for coupler to pass through
pp1 = (0, 0)
pp2 = (-5, 0)
pp3 = (-10, 0)
pp = [pp1, pp2, pp3]
solutions = []
filtered_solutions = []
delta = []
# calculate changes between precesion positions
for i in range(0, 3):
delta.append(complex(pp[i][0] - pp[0][0], pp[i][1] - pp[0][1]))
# generate set of solutions
for y1 in range(-10, 10, 5):
for y2 in range(-10, 10, 5):
for y3 in range(-10, 10, 5):
delta2 = (complex(pp[1][0] - pp[0][0], y2 - y1))
delta3 = (complex(pp[2][0] - pp[0][0], y3 - y1))
for theta1 in range(-10, 10, 5):
theta1 = math.radians(theta1)
for theta2 in range(-10, 10, 5):
theta2 = math.radians(theta2)
for theta3 in range(-10, 10, 5):
theta3 = math.radians(theta1)
alpha2 = theta2 - theta1
alpha3 = theta3 - theta1
for i in range(0, 120, 40): # beta_2a in degrees
i = math.radians(i)
for j in range(0, 120, 40): # beta_3a in degrees
j = math.radians(j)
for k in range(0, 360, 120): # beta_2b in degrees
k = math.radians(k)
for l in range(0, 360, 120): # beta_3b in degrees
l = math.radians(l)
dyad_a = np.matrix([[np.expm1(complex(0, i)), np.expm1(complex(0, alpha2))],
[np.expm1(complex(0, j)), np.expm1(complex(0, alpha3))] ])
dyad_b = np.matrix([[np.expm1(complex(0, k)), np.expm1(complex(0, i))],
[np.expm1(complex(0, l)), np.expm1(complex(0, j))] ])
delta_mat = [delta2, delta3]
part_a = np.linalg.solve(dyad_a, delta_mat)
part_b = np.linalg.solve(dyad_b, delta_mat)
ground = [complex(pp1[0], pp1[1]) - part_a[0] - part_a[1], complex(pp1[0], pp1[1]) - part_b[0] - part_b[1]]
# stored in list as ground_a, wa, za, wb, zb, ground_b; then changes to those
four_bar_list = [[ground[0], part_a[0], part_a[1], part_b[0], part_b[1], ground[1]],
[ground[0], part_a[0] * np.exp(complex(0, i)), part_a[1] * np.exp(complex(0, alpha2)), part_b[0] * np.exp(complex(0, k)), part_b[1] * np.exp(complex(0, i)), ground[1]],
[ground[0], part_a[0] * np.exp(complex(0, j)), part_a[1] * np.exp(complex(0, alpha3)), part_b[0] * np.exp(complex(0, l)), part_b[1] * np.exp(complex(0, j)), ground[1]]]
# filter solutions
print('Number of solutions before filtering: {}'.format(len(solutions)))
for four_bar_list in solutions:
filter_length(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list)
solutions = filtered_solutions
filtered_solutions = []
print('Number of solutions after filtering based on length: {}'.format(len(solutions)))
for four_bar_list in solutions:
filter_orientation(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list)
solutions = filtered_solutions
filtered_solutions = []
print('Number of solutions after filtering based on orientation: {}'.format(len(solutions)))
for four_bar_list in solutions:
filter_configuration(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list)
solutions = filtered_solutions
filtered_solutions = []
print('Number of solutions after filtering based on configurations: {}'.format(len(solutions)))
# for four_bar_list in solutions:
# plot_four_bar_list(four_bar_list)
if(len(solutions) > 0):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
import math
def links_to_joints(four_bar):
ground_a = (four_bar[0].real, four_bar[0].imag)
joint_a = (ground_a[0] + four_bar[1].real, ground_a[1] + four_bar[1].imag)
joint_c = (joint_a[0] + four_bar[2].real, joint_a[1] + four_bar[2].imag)
joint_b = (joint_c[0] - four_bar[4].real, joint_c[1] - four_bar[4].imag)
ground_b = (joint_b[0] - four_bar[3].real, joint_b[1] - four_bar[3].imag)
joints = [ground_a, joint_a, joint_c, joint_b, ground_b]
return joints
def filter_length(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list):
for link in four_bar_list[0]:
# remove any solutions with links greater than 50 mm or less than 10mm
if np.abs(link) < 20:
elif np.abs(link) > 80:
def filter_orientation(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list):
for four_bar in four_bar_list:
joints = links_to_joints(four_bar)
# only be on one side of the bike
for joint in joints:
if joint[0] < joints[0][0]:
# grounds should be around same y-axis
if joints[0][0] - joints[4][0] > 5:
# grounds should be around same x-axis
elif joints[0][1] - joints[4][1] > 5:
# coupler should be below first ground
elif joints[2][1].item() > joints[0][1].item():
def filter_configuration(solutions, filtered_solutions, four_bar_list):
# check circuit change
mu = []
for four_bar in four_bar_list:
r7 = (four_bar[0] + four_bar[1]) - (four_bar[0] + four_bar[5])
r4 = (four_bar[5] + four_bar[4])
psi = np.angle(r4, deg=True) - np.angle(r7, deg=True)
if psi < -180:
psi += 180
elif psi > 180:
psi -= 180
mu.append(psi >= 0)
if len(set(mu)) <= 1:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from filter import links_to_joints
def plot_four_bar_list(four_bar_list):
x1 = []
y1 = []
x2 = []
y2 = []
x3 = []
y3 = []
for joint in links_to_joints(four_bar_list[0]):
for joint in links_to_joints(four_bar_list[1]):
for joint in links_to_joints(four_bar_list[2]):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex='all', sharey='all')
ax[0].plot(x1, y1, 'r-o', label='config_1')
ax[1].plot(x2, y2, 'b-o', label='config_2')
ax[2].plot(x3, y3, 'g-o', label='config_3')
fig.suptitle('4-Bar Setup Between Precision Points')
def show_rotation():