
I am trying to implement feature hashing in Java. For this I am trying to use Hashing functions from guava.

This is how I am doing it now:

//seed is any integer.
HashFunction hf = Hashing.murmur3_32(seed); 

//key is the input int and hd is the hashed dimension.
int hash = Hashing.consistentHash(hf.hashInt(key), hd);

I have another method for sign, not shown in this question.

To measure the performance, I am doing something like below:

int min = 0, max = 2000000, sampleSize = 3000000;
int[] hds = { 2000, 5000, 6000, 10000, 20000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000 };

List<Double> guavaCollisons = new ArrayList<>();

UniformIntegerDistribution runif = new UniformIntegerDistribution(min, max);

        .forEach(hd -> {
            int seed = runif.sample();

            HashFunction hf = Hashing.murmur3_32(seed);

            Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> guava = new HashMap<>();

                    .forEach(key -> {

                        int guavaHash = Hashing.consistentHash(hf.hashInt(key), hd);

                        if (!guava.containsKey(guavaHash))
                            guava.put(guavaHash, new HashSet<Integer>());


            double guavaCollisionHd = guava.entrySet()
                    .mapToInt(entry -> entry.getValue()


            System.out.println("Available buckets = " + hd 
                + ",  unutilized = " + (hd - guava.keySet().size())
                + ", guava collision = " + guavaCollisionHd);

double guavaCollision = Stats.meanOf(guavaCollisons);
System.out.println("Average collision = " + guavaCollision);

My questions are:

  1. Is this a correct way to implement the 'hash' part of feature hashing?
  2. Is this a correct way to measure the collision rate of the hashing technique?
  • \$\begingroup\$ If you are downvoting, please provide reason; otherwise I can't improve the quality of this question. \$\endgroup\$
    – Sayan Pal
    Commented Mar 11, 2017 at 7:56

1 Answer 1


Simplified code:

List<Double> guavaCollisions = Arrays.stream(hashDimensions)
    .map(dimension -> {
        HashFunction hashFunction = Hashing.murmur3_32(runif.sample());
        Map<Integer, Long> guavaCounts = Arrays.stream(runif.sample(sampleSize))
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(key -> Hashing.consistentHash(hashFunction.hashInt(key), dimension),
        return guavaCounts.values().stream().mapToLong(id -> id).average().getAsDouble();


  • Inlined the seed. Keeping the seed variable there isn't necessary since we don't use it anymore, not even in the logging-statement.

  • Used collect instead of forEach(el -> collection.add(el)) to create Collections which is more idiomatic.

  • Dropped the Set<Integer> from the Map, since we don't actually ever use the Integers we keep in memory here, but instead only want the number of unique integers. (Note that currently I don't check for uniqueness, which means the semantics changed)

  • Simplified the calculation of average from guavaCounts by not streaming the entry-set and then mapping to value, which could be simplified by using Entry::getValue, but directly streaming the values().

  • Dropped the System.out because it's incredibly slow in comparison, a side-effect that shouldn't be happening in a Stream and doesn't add viable information to the "final" result of the code.

  • Renamed hds, hd and hf because shortening names is pointless. I'd have preferred to also rename runif, but didn't find a better name, which would remain succinct.


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