These two methods do the exact same thing (or at least they are supposed to!). They both pass a simple test based on a mock context. Neither has been exposed to any integrated testing yet.
- Would one of the methods be preferred over the other (and why)?
- Does anyone see any glaring mistakes in the LINQ version (this is my first real attempt at a LINQ query)?
As you can see the first method is using a repository to hit a database. In order to get the data needed, it makes two db calls to two different tables. The second method is an attempt to simplify the code, make it cleaner and more readable. Performance is not a primary concern at this point. It's really more of a learning exercise.
public string GetDealerEmail( string dealerId )
var dealerAddressRepo = StagRepositoryFactory<DealerAddress>.GetRepository( _spcomContext );
List<DealerAddress> dealerAddress = dealerAddressRepo.GetWhere( x => x.DealerId.Equals( dealerId ) ).ToList( );
string addressId = dealerAddress.FirstOrDefault( item => item.AddressTypeCode.Equals( "dealer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) ).AddressId;
var addressRepo = StagRepositoryFactory<Address>.GetRepository( _spcomContext );
Address address = addressRepo.GetSingle( x => x.AddressId.Equals( addressId ) );
return address.Email;
public string GetDealerEmailWithLinq( string dealerId)
ISpcomContext context = _spcomContext as ISpcomContext;
var query = from dealerAddress in context.DealerAddresses
where dealerAddress.DealerId.Equals( dealerId )
where dealerAddress.AddressTypeCode.Equals( "dealer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase )
join address in context.Addresses
on dealerAddress.AddressId equals address.AddressId
select address.Email;
var emailAddress = query.FirstOrDefault( );
return emailAddress;