I have inherited an application which uses LINQ-to-Entities for ORM and don't have a great deal of exposure to this.
There are many examples like this throughout the application. Could you tell me where to start in refactoring this code?
I appreciate that it's a large chunk of code, however the query isn't particularly performant and I wondered what you thought the main bottlenecks are in this case.
/// <summary>
/// Get templates by username and company
/// </summary>
/// <param name="companyId"></param>
/// <param name="userName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<BrowsingSessionItemModel> GetItemBrowsingSessionItems(
int companyId,
string userName,
Boolean hidePendingDeletions,
Boolean hideWithAppointmentsPending,
Boolean hideWithCallBacksPending,
int viewMode,
string searchString,
List<int?> requiredStatuses,
List<int?> requiredSources,
string OrderBy,
BrowsingSessionLeadCustomField fieldFilter)
IQueryable<Lead> exclude1;
IQueryable<Lead> exclude2;
IQueryable<Lead> exclude3;
//To prepare call backs pending
if (hideWithCallBacksPending == true)
exclude1 = (from l1 in db.Leads
where (l1.Company_ID == companyId)
from l2 // Hiding Pending Call Backs
in db.Tasks
.Where(o => (o.IsCompleted ?? false == false)
&& (o.TaskType_ID == (int)RecordEnums.TaskType.PhoneCall)
&& (o.Type_ID == (int)RecordEnums.RecordType.Lead)
&& (o.Item_ID == l1.Lead_ID)
&& (o.Due_Date > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -1))
select l1);
exclude1 = (from l1 in db.Leads
where (0 == 1)
select l1);
//To prepare appointments backs pending
if (hideWithAppointmentsPending == true)
exclude2 = (from a1 in db.Leads
where (a1.Company_ID == companyId)
from a2 // Hiding Pending Appointments
in db.Tasks
.Where(o => (o.IsCompleted ?? false == false)
&& (o.TaskType_ID == (int)RecordEnums.TaskType.Appointment)
&& (o.Type_ID == (int)RecordEnums.RecordType.Lead)
&& (o.Item_ID == a1.Lead_ID)
&& (o.Due_Date > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -1))
select a1);
exclude2 = (from a1 in db.Leads
where (0 == 1)
select a1);
//To prepare deletions
if (hidePendingDeletions == true)
exclude3 = (from d1 in db.Leads
where (d1.Company_ID == companyId)
from d2 // Hiding Pending Deletions
in db.LeadDeletions
.Where(o => (o.LeadId == d1.Lead_ID))
select d1);
exclude3 = (from d1 in db.Leads
where (0 == 1)
select d1);
IQueryable<Lead> list = (from t1 in db.Leads
from t2
in db.LeadSubOwners
.Where(o => t1.Lead_ID == o.LeadId && o.Expiry >= DateTime.Now)
where (t1.Company_ID == companyId)
where ((t2.Username == userName) && (viewMode == 1)) || ((t1.Owner == userName) && (viewMode == 1)) || ((viewMode == 2)) // Either owned by the user or mode 2 (view all)
select t1).Except(exclude1).Except(exclude2).Except(exclude3);
// Filter sources and statuses seperately
if (requiredStatuses.Count > 0)
list = (from t1 in list
where (requiredStatuses.Contains(t1.LeadStatus_ID))
select t1);
if (requiredSources.Count > 0)
list = (from t1 in list
where (requiredSources.Contains(t1.LeadSource_ID))
select t1);
// Do custom field filter here
if (fieldFilter != null)
string stringIntegerValue = Convert.ToString(fieldFilter.IntegerValue);
switch (fieldFilter.FieldTypeId)
case 1:
list = (from t1 in list
from t2
in db.CompanyLeadCustomFieldValues
.Where(o => t1.Lead_ID == o.Lead_ID && fieldFilter.TextValue == o.LeadCustomFieldValue_Value)
select t1);
case 2:
list = (from t1 in list
from t2
in db.CompanyLeadCustomFieldValues
.Where(o => t1.Lead_ID == o.Lead_ID && stringIntegerValue == o.LeadCustomFieldValue_Value)
select t1);
List<Lead> itemsSorted; // Sort here
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderBy))
itemsSorted = list.OrderBy(OrderBy).ToList();
itemsSorted = list.ToList();
var items = itemsSorted.Select((x, index) => new BrowsingSessionItemModel
Id = x.Lead_ID,
Index = index + 1
return items.ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
return new List<BrowsingSessionItemModel>();