I have a large dataset (78k instances x 490k features) that is loaded as a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
format. From this dataset I want to filter certain features (i.e. columns) for which all values fall below a certain threshold.
Loading the dataset as a dense matrix is not an option, nor did I find sparse matrix operation that do the job (please correct me if I am wrong on the latter). So I took a column-iteration approach for each feature group using multiprocessing
- Divide the total column indices in
n = n_cores
roughly equal groups. - For every index group spawn a process that iterates over each column and use buildin
to check the comparison condition. Collect all indices that should be deleted in list (order does not matter). - Drop the columns in the full dataset matrix
based on the indices list.
On a [email protected] machine this takes 42 minutes on my dataset. I feel that especially the .all() conditional check in .get_filtered_cols
should be optimized. Any other recommendations are certainly welcome.
Code with smaller simulated dataset:
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import multiprocessing
# Initiate simulated random sparse csr matrix as dataset X. Actual use case is 78k x 490k.
N = 780; M = 4900
X = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], size=(N,M), p=[0.99, 0.005, 0.0025, 0.0015, 0.001]) # this is a rough
# simulation of the type of data in the use case (of course upperbound of some features is much higher)
X = csr_matrix(X, dtype=np.float32) # the real-use svmlight dataset can only be loaded as sparse.csr_matrix
# The settings of the feature groups to be filtered. Contains the range of the feature group in the dataset and the
# threshold value.
ngram_fg_dict = {"featuregroup_01": {"threshold": 3, "start_idx": 0, "end_idx": 2450},
"featuregroup_02": {"threshold": 4, "start_idx": 2451, "end_idx": 4900}}
n_cores = 3
def list_split(lst, n):
'''Split a list into roughly equal n groups'''
k, m = int(len(lst) / n), int(len(lst) % n)
return [lst[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in list(range(n))]
def get_filtered_cols(indices):
'''Takes a list of column indices of the dataset to check if all column values are smaller than k'''
col_idc_delete = []
for i in indices:
col = fg_X[:,i].toarray().flatten()
if all(i < v["threshold"] for i in col):
col_idc_delete.append(i+v["start_idx"]) #these are the indices for the original dataset (not yet sliced)
return col_idc_delete
def drop_cols(M, idx_to_drop):
'''Remove columns from matrix M given a list of column indices to remove.'''
idx_to_drop = np.unique(idx_to_drop)
C = M.tocoo()
keep = ~np.in1d(C.col, idx_to_drop)
C.data, C.row, C.col = C.data[keep], C.row[keep], C.col[keep]
C.col -= idx_to_drop.searchsorted(C.col) # decrement column indices
C._shape = (C.shape[0], C.shape[1] - len(idx_to_drop))
return C.tocsr()
all_idc_delete = []
for k, v in ngram_fg_dict.items():
if v["threshold"] > 1: # '1' in threshold_dict means 'set no threshold' given our dataset
fg_X = X[:,v["start_idx"]:v["end_idx"]] # slice feature group to be filtered
l = fg_X.shape[1] # total amount of columns
# split the feature column indices list in groups for multiprocessing, the conditional check is to remove
# potential empty lists resulting from list_split
mp_groups = [lgroup for lgroup in list_split(list(range(l)), n_cores) if lgroup != []]
p = multiprocessing.Pool(len(mp_groups))
print("Filtering %s < %d with %d processes" % (k, v["threshold"], len(mp_groups)))
fg_idc_delete = p.imap(get_filtered_cols, mp_groups) #imap faster than map, order of returned result column
# indices does not matter
all_idc_delete.extend([item for sublist in fg_idc_delete for item in sublist]) #flatten before extending to
# all indices to delete list
print("Deleting %s columns." % (len(all_idc_delete)))
X_new = drop_cols(X, all_idc_delete)
Benchmarking this 30x: time avg: 2.67 sec, best: 2.41 sec. on my local machine.