I have a GET method that handles paging, filtering, and sorting. Development has been fairly rapid and I'm not completely sold on some of the implementation. A few assumptions have to be made for this method: I'm using System.Dynamic.Linq. I want to put as much work as possible on SQL Server. The page will make use of both the resulting record set after filtering and paging have been applied, as well as the count of the filtered record set before paging is applied. I have full control of the entity definitions, and each has a [Key] attribute on only one property. Currently, I'm only interested in seeing the IsActive records.
Any thoughts on improvements are welcome. Thanks in advance.
public IList<TEntity> Get<TParamater>(IList<Expression<Func<TEntity, TParamater>>> includeProperties, out int recordCount, Dictionary<string,string> filter, bool filterExact,
string orderBy = null, bool orderByAsc = true, int pageNumber = 0, int perPage = 10)
//IQueryable that will eventually contain the record set
IQueryable<TEntity> query = _context.Set<TEntity>();
//IQueryable that will get the count of post-filter, but pre-page records
IQueryable<TEntity> countQuery = _context.Set<TEntity>();
List<TEntity> page;
//countQuery mirrors query through the filter assignments
query = query.Where("IsActive = true");
countQuery = countQuery.Where("IsActive = true");
if (filter.Count > 0)
string _template = filterExact ? "{0}.ToString().Equals(@0)" : "{0}.ToString().Contains(@0)";
string _clause = "";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in filter)
_clause = string.Format(_template, entry.Key);
query = query.Where(_clause, entry.Value);
countQuery = countQuery.Where(_clause, entry.Value);
//countQuery's job is finished at this point
recordCount = countQuery.Count();
if (includeProperties != null)
foreach (var include in includeProperties)
query = query.Include(include);
if (orderBy != null)
query = query.OrderBy(orderBy + ((orderByAsc) ? " ascending" : " descending"));
//Using reflection to find the [Key] attribute to use as a default ordering because Skip/Take requires an ordered set
Type entityType = typeof(TEntity);
var keyField = entityType.GetProperties()
.Single(p => Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(KeyAttribute)));
query = query.OrderBy(keyField.Name);
if (pageNumber > 0)
int _start = (pageNumber - 1) * perPage;
query = query.Skip(_start);
query = query.Take(perPage);
page = query.ToList();
return page;
; you can usequery
for both counting and querying data, because EF will ignoreInclude
s and ordering if you applyCount()
. \$\endgroup\$IQueryable
was bothering me the most. Sorry I can't upvote your comment, I'm too new on this particular community. I'll come back once I can though! \$\endgroup\$