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Questions tagged [pagination]

Pagination is the process of dividing information into discrete pages.

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golang HTTP client that follows pagination header

I'm new to Go from another language and I'm most interested to know if this implementation has anything that's not idiomatic Go, but any feedback is welcome and you're not going to hurt my feelings by ...
ETLJ's user avatar
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PHP pagination function

After reviewing my previous question I came up with this pagination function. On my first approach I wrote a class thinking about IDE's code assist and the review wasn't positive. In this function I ...
julio's user avatar
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PHP Pagination class (Clase para paginar resultados)

This is my first question in Code Review. I apologize in advance for using Spanish (my native language). I thought there was a spanish version of Code Review. This class is meant for pagination. It ...
julio's user avatar
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Calling PagerDuty REST API to recursively fetch oncall info for a team

I am a beginnner and have put up a code that talks to pagerduty API and then it fethces oncall info for a team (get team id, get escalation policy id, then finally get on call info). response is ...
AhmFM's user avatar
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Angular - Contact manager component with API

I am starting with the Angular and I need some support. I have watched some of the tutorials and lot of them are using things differently. I upgraded some tutorial with my own idea, but I am not sure ...
ggoran's user avatar
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What is the best way to retrieve all pages of a REST API route with Python aiohttp when the number of pages is unknown?

I've encountered a paginated API route where there is no way to know the number of available pages. The only way to retrieve every pages is to check on each page if a next page exists. To do so, the ...
djoproject's user avatar
2 votes
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table pagination

What I'm trying to do is quite simple: my table has pagination. So if I have 12 items to show and my max items per page is 10, I will have 2 pages, one with 10 records and another with just 2. I ...
Pelicer's user avatar
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Pagination helper class

The most nauseous problem with pagination is the fact that you have to write two almost identical queries. For the various reasons I am not inclined to use the SQL-only way (such as ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
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Client side Pagination implementation in vanilla js

I have made this Pagination Class in JS which takes the following configurations :- Total records Records per page Visible pages The idea is simple that any instance created using this Pagination ...
Lakshya Thakur's user avatar
2 votes
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basic paging function, is there logical problems with the JavaScript part?

Basic paging function, is there logical problems with the JavaScript part? very basic paging function. I want to know if there are some problems in the logic of the code. I feel the JS code is a bit ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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Cursor-based search result pagination

Can you guys review my GraphQL search pagination function? I'm afraid there could be some performance issues, or something. Especially at the aggregation section and this ...
SnekNOTSnake's user avatar
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Java pagination algorithm

I made a pagination algorithm but in my opinion it is too complicated and it is quite difficult to be understood. This algorithm should show 5 pages where in the middle is the current page. It should ...
John R.'s user avatar
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How can I optimize my pagination code?

I'm building a page in LWC this page consist of a table, you can search, sort and paginate with this table. When the first element is selected: when the last element is selected: When the middle ...
d_k's user avatar
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Pagination For Qt's Listview

I'm creating a generic pagination helper class. Personally I use this class for navigating through Records which are loaded into any sequential containers e.g ...
k03rdt6's user avatar
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Redux pagination transducer

Motivation In my web app (React, Redux, TypeScript) we have a common need to write paginated API calls, with various UI interactions (infinite scroll, prefetch pages in the background, or manual page ...
Aaron Beall's user avatar
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PHP complete pagination code

I'm working on a site where you can read about different songs, listen to them, rate them etc, same with their singer. I've been thinking about how I could create a simple, yet perfectly working ...
K. P.'s user avatar
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how to make pagination more efficient with large arrays and db support

i have a pagination library in php. i want to know: how can i make it more efficient when passing large arrays into the constructor how can i add db support paginator.php ...
shorif2000's user avatar
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Pagination calculation

I have written a function to get the actual page range to display that page range in pagination. My function is working properly. But I think that I have written bad code. Can someone review my code ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Paginating API with "next" Pythonically

I'm wondering if there's a more Pythonic way to keep paginating an API endpoint until there's no next key in the response. The thing that bothers me the most is the ...
zerohedge's user avatar
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Displaying a paginated list of forum topics using PHP PDO [closed]

Can someone tell me if this code is safe? Can be sql-injected or something else hacked? Code get some rows from db and show in pages with pagination... if i can improve let me know and show me how, ...
No Name's user avatar
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Create Products TableView with PAGINATION and LIKE product feature in RxSwift MVVM

I have tried to develop a simple product listing app in RxSwift with MVVM design pattern. I have managed to achieve it but I need someone to review my code, such as: Have I followed the proper ...
Ajay Bhanushali's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Version of C# StringBuilder to allow for strings larger than 2 billion characters

In C#, 64bit Windows, .NET 4.5 (or later), and enabling gcAllowVeryLargeObjects in the App.config file allows for objects larger than two gigabyte. That's cool, but ...
Dan W's user avatar
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Function to filter comments and ratings, with pagination support

I have a web component that is rendering a list of items and I have this method for filtering these items based in a filterBy object that is being updated by other ...
Juan Rivas's user avatar
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Paginator module in Elixir

I wrote this Paginator module that's part of a small application that displays Elixir Github repos in a table. I'm new to Elixir and looking for code improvements with as much as possible. Best ...
dan-klasson's user avatar
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List component using RXJS Angular

I have a small angular project, where I have an Article component to list articles with pagination system. The default page The placeholder loader page The main objectives are: Display the ...
ahmedbhs's user avatar
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Python grouped iterator

I wanted to write an iterator that would split items up into groups, so I can bulk insert into MySQL without crashing or overwhelming the server. This is the implementation I came up with. I am hoping ...
Ben's user avatar
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Offset vs Cursor Pagination

I am trying to compare any performance gain(s) from moving a current offset-based pagination endpoint to a cursor based one. I have the following ruby code: ...
Anthony's user avatar
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React container component to fetch paginated data for a stateless table component

TableContainer.js does the common task of fetching data and passing it to a lower component, Table.js, which is a stateless ...
M3RS's user avatar
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Web scraping and speeding up performance

I was wondering if the following code could be altered to speed up the scraping process. I know xrp has many transactions, but it takes an hour to go through half a day of transactions (at the busiest ...
WizardCovfefe's user avatar
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Displaying pagination links, maybe with links to first and last page

I've been researching if this is possible, but I've drawn a blank, I'm wondering if it's possible to optimize these for and if statements together? ...
Casper's user avatar
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Determining if there is data left after fetching a page of data

I just faced a problem where I needed to know if extra data was present in a given collection after a Take operation took place. Specifically, this is related to ...
julealgon's user avatar
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Paginated AngularJS posts application

I have made a small application that displays a posts JSON in the form of cards, with the help of AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap 4. The application has an interface for pagination and there are ...
Razvan Zamfir's user avatar
4 votes
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React app with table, search & pagination

I'm new to React. I major in Angular. And for me it's realy not so obvious here... Do I use this props & state variables in a good way or do I need to refactor/change something? Main goal is such:...
pavel's user avatar
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React pagination without JSX

I've published my first react project for pagination purposes. It's likely I'm making mistakes or there are any improvements to my code. I'd appreciate if anyone has any offers. ...
Ghasem's user avatar
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Setting up pagination links inside a WebAPI Controller

I'm implementing paging for the first time and have the following code which achieves what I want. There are just a couple of things that feel a bit weird to me and would like if somebody could give ...
TomSelleck's user avatar
10 votes
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Pagination algorithm in JS

I needed a relatively simple pagination, as currently implemented on GoogleSearch (sans prev & next buttons). Most code I've seen was overly complicated so I came up with something that's simpler. ...
Robert's user avatar
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Bootstrap pagination

Here is my bootstrap pagination code. Maybe it can be simplified. ...
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Pagination using Spring MVC and Hibernate

My company develops a Spring web application that exposes a REST API and right now we're starting to look into pagination for the methods that load data from some heavy tables. We initially looked ...
frankieta's user avatar
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Infinite scroll for currency list

I made infinite scroll for a currency (in the code below: valute) list. The currency list is fetched via an AJAX-request from a remote server. After it starts the script displays 10 records. After the ...
cyklop77's user avatar
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MVC simple Employee table with paging using SP

I am a beginner web developer and I have to do an exercise to show an Employee table using a WCF service, 10 entries at a time, with the paging of the table controlled by a stored procedure. What I ...
PatoPan's user avatar
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React app with paging

I want to create react app with paging, which will keep state on page reloading. I'm using react-router-dom and my own Paging ...
Kote's user avatar
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Just a simple pagination "for" loop [closed]

Klajdi's user avatar
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PowerShell Supports Paging

I've not played with SupportsPaging before, so wanted to knock up some demo code & get feedback on whether my implementation is OK, or if I've misunderstood ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Using PDO to list and remove updates

I started using PDO 2 days ago, but I want to know if the way I'm coding and the way I'm using it is the correct way of doing things with PDO. Please let me know if you guys notice any security flaws ...
vaxzz's user avatar
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PagedList with large data sets

I'm using X.PagedList for paging functionality in my application. The code I have works fine but when I return larger sets of data it seems like it could be faster. Is there anything I can do to my ...
DrivenTooFar's user avatar
5 votes
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Laravel Pagination with haversine formula in it

I'm using the haversine formula to count distance from selected post-code to desired destination. I have the following scope in ...'s user avatar
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3 answers

Setting the page number with a default

Consider this code segment: if (empty($_GET)) { $page_number = 1; } else { $page_number = $_GET["page_number"]; } I wonder if there is a better, more ...
Hai Vu's user avatar
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jQuery wait for all paginations

I want to download data for all of my repos from the Github API. Github paginates their responses and includes a header Link type:"next" when there's another page ...
irbanana's user avatar
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7 votes
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Java 8 spliterator for paged results

Summary: I am using an API which returns paged results. I want to have these results as Java 8 Stream and implemented a ...
lexicore's user avatar
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Listing employees, categorized by license expiration date

I am working on a personal project and I have hit a wall. I know I am writing bad code and I really want to refactor the code below. The application has three tables on the same page. Each table ...
Benjamin's user avatar