Just looking for some constructive (harsh) criticism of a project I've completed and handed in. This is a theoretical implementation of the system, specifically has a simplified registration number and a simplified driving licence number generator. I've added in the other classes for clarity (and criticism is welcome for those) but would like focus on the RegistrationNumber.java class and LicenceNumber.java class and if I have guaranteed uniqueness.
package carhireapp;
import java.util.*;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* Main rental agency class
* Contains the companies fleet of cars that they rent, as well as methods to get the currently
* rented cars, get the number of available cars of a certain size, see what car a certain
* driving licence is renting, issue a car to an individual with a valid licence and also terminate a rental.
public class RentalAgency {
private static List<Vehicle> ListOfCars = new ArrayList<Vehicle>();
private static Map<DrivingLicence, Vehicle> FLEET = new HashMap<DrivingLicence, Vehicle>();
// When RentalAgency is created, populate the ListOfCars
public RentalAgency() {
// A method to populate the map of vehicles with 20 small cars and 10 large
// cars
private void populateList() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ListOfCars.add(new SmallCar());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ListOfCars.add(new LargeCar());
// Returns the entire List listOfCars
public List<Vehicle> getListOfCars() {
return ListOfCars;
// Returns the entire map FLEET
public Map<DrivingLicence, Vehicle> getFleet() {
return FLEET;
* True for small, false for large. For all objects in the list, if the
* vehicle in the list is a SmallCar object and is not rented, add to the
* counter
public int availableCars(Boolean isSmall) {
int count = 0;
for (Vehicle temp : ListOfCars) {
if (temp.isSmall() == isSmall)
if (!temp.isRented()) {
} else if (!temp.isRented()) {
return count;
// Returns a list of vehicle objects that are currently rented
public List<Vehicle> getRentedCars() {
List<Vehicle> rentedCars = new ArrayList<Vehicle>();
for (Vehicle temp : ListOfCars) {
if (temp.isRented()) {
return rentedCars;
// Returns the car matching a driving licence
public Vehicle getCar(DrivingLicence licence) {
if (FLEET.containsKey(licence)) {
return FLEET.get(licence);
} else
return null;
public void issueCar(DrivingLicence licence, Boolean isSmall) {
Calendar dob = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
int age = today.get(Calendar.YEAR) - dob.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if (today.get(Calendar.MONTH) < dob.get(Calendar.MONTH)) {
} else if (today.get(Calendar.MONTH) == dob.get(Calendar.MONTH)
&& today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) < dob.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) {
Calendar doi = Calendar.getInstance();
int yearsHeld = today.get(Calendar.YEAR) - doi.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if (today.get(Calendar.MONTH) < doi.get(Calendar.MONTH)) {
} else if (today.get(Calendar.MONTH) == doi.get(Calendar.MONTH)
&& today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) < doi.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) {
* Code to calculate the age of the person and also how many years
* they've held their licence Credited to user Zds from
* stackoverflow.com and Irene Loos from coderanch.com
* http://www.coderanch.com/t/391834/java/java/calculate-age
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1116123/how-do-i-calculate-
* someones-age-in-java
boolean flag = false;
// A simple flag to toggle depending on if we find an appropriate car to
// issue
if ((licence.isFull()) && (!licence.getCurrentlyRenting())) {
// If the individual has a full licence and is not currently renting
// a car
for (Vehicle temp : ListOfCars) {
// iterates through the list of Vehicles
if (temp.isSmall() == isSmall) {
// checks if the user entered true or false for isSmall and
// finds cars in the list from this
if ((age >= 21) && (yearsHeld >= 1)) {
// checks their current age and how many years they've
// owned their licence against the requirements
if ((!temp.isRented()) && (temp.isFull())) {
// It then checks that the car in the list is not
// rented and has a full tank
FLEET.put(licence, temp);
flag = false;
} else if ((age >= 25) && (yearsHeld >= 5) && (!temp.isRented()) && (temp.isFull())) {
FLEET.put(licence, temp);
flag = false;
} else
flag = true;
} else
flag = true;
} else
flag = true;
} else
flag = true;
if (flag) {
System.out.println("An appropriate car could not be issued");
// Removes key:value pairs from a map when given a licence object
// Also sets DrivingLicence's currentlyRenting status to false and Vehicle's
// isRented status to false
// Returns the fuel required to fill the tank, else -1
public int terminateRental(DrivingLicence licence) {
if (FLEET.containsKey(licence)) {
int fuelRequiredToFill = ((FLEET.get(licence).getFuelCapacity()) - (FLEET.get(licence).getCurrentFuel()));
return fuelRequiredToFill;
return -1;
package carhireapp;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* A Vehicle interface
public interface Vehicle {
public String getRegNum();
public int getFuelCapacity();
public int getCurrentFuel();
public void isTankFull();
public boolean isFull();
public boolean isRented();
public void setIsRented(Boolean bool);
public int addFuel(int amount);
public int drive(int distance);
public boolean isSmall();
package carhireapp;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* An Abstract class which implements the Vehicle interface
* This class does not include implementation for the drive method in the Vehicle interface
public abstract class AbstractVehicle implements Vehicle {
private RegistrationNumber regNum;
private int fuelCapacity;
private int currentFuel;
private boolean isFull;
private boolean isRented;
public AbstractVehicle() {
RegistrationNumber regNumObj = RegistrationNumber.getInstance();
regNum = regNumObj;
isFull = true;
public String getRegNum() {
return regNum.getStringRep();
public void setFuelCapacity(int capacity) {
this.fuelCapacity = capacity;
public int getFuelCapacity() {
return fuelCapacity;
public int getCurrentFuel() {
return currentFuel;
public void setCurrentFuel(int amount) {
currentFuel = amount;
public void isTankFull() {
if ((currentFuel - fuelCapacity) >= 0) {
isFull = true;
} else
isFull = false;
// Calls the isTankFull method and then returns isFull
public boolean getIsFull() {
return isFull;
public boolean isRented() {
return isRented;
public void setIsRented(Boolean bool) {
isRented = bool;
public int addFuel(int amount) {
if (amount <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must add an amount greater than zero");
if (isFull || !isRented) {
return 0;
// If the tank is full or the car is not rented return zero
if ((currentFuel + amount) <= fuelCapacity) {
currentFuel += amount;
if (currentFuel == fuelCapacity) {
isFull = true;
return amount;
} else
return amount;
// If the current fuel plus the amount to add is less than or equal to
// the fuel capacity, add the amount to the current fuel and if the
// current fuel is equal to the fuel capacity then set the boolean
// isFull to true and return the amount added
if ((currentFuel + amount) > fuelCapacity) {
int difference = (fuelCapacity - currentFuel);
currentFuel = fuelCapacity;
isFull = true;
return difference;
// Covers the case where the amount added would cause the current fuel
// to exceed the fuel capacity
return -1;
package carhireapp;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* Implements the drive method for a small car
* Super class is AbstractVehicle
public class SmallCar extends AbstractVehicle {
private int smallFuelCapacity = 45;
private boolean isSmall = true;
// Calls the super constructor, sets the fields appropriately
public SmallCar() {
public boolean isSmall() {
return isSmall;
// returns the number of whole Litres of fuel consumed during the journey
public int drive(int distance) {
int fuelUsed = 0;
if (distance < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Distance cannot be less than zero");
if (super.isRented() && (super.getCurrentFuel() > 0)) {
fuelUsed = (distance / 25);
super.setCurrentFuel(super.getCurrentFuel() - fuelUsed);
return fuelUsed;
return fuelUsed;
public boolean isFull() {
boolean bool = super.getIsFull();
return bool;
package carhireapp;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* Implements the drive method for a large car
* Super class is AbstractVehicle
public class LargeCar extends AbstractVehicle {
private int largeFuelCapacity = 65;
private boolean isSmall = false;
// Calls the super constructor, sets the fields appropriately
public LargeCar() {
public boolean isSmall() {
return isSmall;
// returns the number of whole Litres of fuel consumed during the journey
public int drive(int distance) {
int fuelUsed = 0;
if (distance < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Distance cannot be less than zero");
if (super.isRented() && (super.getCurrentFuel() > 0)) {
if (distance <= 50) {
fuelUsed = (distance / 15);
super.setCurrentFuel(super.getCurrentFuel() - fuelUsed);
return fuelUsed;
} else {
int moreThan = (distance - 50);
fuelUsed = (50 / 15) + (moreThan / 20);
super.setCurrentFuel(super.getCurrentFuel() - fuelUsed);
return fuelUsed;
return fuelUsed;
public boolean isFull() {
boolean bool = super.getIsFull();
return bool;
Implementation - Driving Licence
Car Registration Number
For this project (though not in real life) a car registration number has two components - a single letter followed by a four digit number. For example: - a1234 You must provide access to each component and an appropriate string representation of the registration number.
Registration numbers are unique. You must guarantee that no two cars have the same registration number.
package carhireapp;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
public final class RegistrationNumber {
private static final Map<String, RegistrationNumber> REGNUM = new HashMap<String, RegistrationNumber>();
// Stores stringRep with object
private final char letter; // One letter
private final int numbers; // Four numbers
private final String stringRep; // letter + number, e.g. A1234
private RegistrationNumber(char letter, int numbers) {
this.letter = letter;
this.numbers = numbers;
this.stringRep = String.format("%s%04d", letter, numbers);
// Pad the string to make sure we always get a four digit number
public static RegistrationNumber getInstance() {
Random random = new Random();
// Using the random class instead of math.random as it is a static
// method
final Character letter = (char) (random.nextInt(26) + 'A');
final int numbers = random.nextInt(9000) + 1000;
final String stringRep = letter + numbers + "";
if (!REGNUM.containsKey(stringRep)) {
REGNUM.put(stringRep, new RegistrationNumber(letter, numbers));
// If the randomly generated registration plate is unique then create a
// new object and return a reference to it
else if (REGNUM.containsKey(stringRep)) {
return getInstance();
// If the randomly generated registration plate is not unique, call the
// getInstance method again
return REGNUM.get(stringRep);
// return a reference
public char getLetter() {
return letter;
public int getNumbers() {
return numbers;
public String getStringRep() {
return stringRep;
public String toString() {
return "RegistrationNumber [letter=" + letter + ", numbers=" + numbers + ", stringRep=" + stringRep + "]";
Driving Licence
You must guarantee the uniqueness of licence numbers.
package carhireapp;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Calendar;
public final class LicenceNumber {
private static final Map<String, LicenceNumber> LICENCENUM = new HashMap<String, LicenceNumber>();
private final String initials;
private final int yearOfIssue;
private final int serialNum;
private final String stringRep;
private LicenceNumber(String initials, int yearOfIssue2, int serialNum) {
this.initials = initials;
this.yearOfIssue = yearOfIssue2;
this.serialNum = serialNum;
stringRep = initials + "-" + yearOfIssue2 + "-" + serialNum;
public static LicenceNumber getInstance(Name fullName, Date dateOfIssue) {
final String initials = fullName.getFirstName().substring(0, 1) + fullName.getLastName().substring(0, 1);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
final int yearOfIssue = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
Random r = new Random();
// Using the random class instead of math.random as it is a static
// method
final int serialNum = r.nextInt(11);
final String stringRep = initials + "-" + yearOfIssue + "-" + serialNum;
if (!LICENCENUM.containsKey(stringRep)) {
LICENCENUM.put(stringRep, new LicenceNumber(initials, yearOfIssue, serialNum));
} else if (LICENCENUM.containsKey(stringRep)) {
return getInstance(fullName, dateOfIssue);
// If two people have the same name, date of birth and are generated the
// same serial number, call the getInstance again
return LICENCENUM.get(stringRep);
// If the licence number is unique then create a
// new object, put it into the HashMap and return a reference to it,
// else return a reference
public String getInitials() {
return initials;
public int getYearOfIssue() {
return yearOfIssue;
public int getSerialNum() {
return serialNum;
public String getStringRep() {
return stringRep;
public String toString() {
return "LicenceNumber [initials=" + initials + ", yearOfIssue=" + yearOfIssue + ", serialNum=" + serialNum
+ ", stringRep=" + stringRep + "]";
package carhireapp;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* Relied upon by LicenceNumber class
* A simple class used to create and store information about a persons name
public final class Name {
private final String firstName;
private final String lastName;
public Name(String firstName, String lastName) {
if ((firstName == null) || (firstName.isEmpty())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("firstName cannot be null or empty");
if ((lastName == null) || (lastName.isEmpty())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lastName cannot be null or empty");
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public String toString() {
return "firstName= " + firstName + " lastName= " + lastName;
package carhireapp;
import java.util.Date;
* Author: Andrew Cathcart, S130315904
* Relies on the Name and LicenceNumber classes
* A simple class to store information about a driving licence
public final class DrivingLicence {
private final Name driverName;
private final Date driverDateOfBirth;
private final Date dateOfIssue;
private final LicenceNumber number;
private final boolean isFull;
private boolean currentlyRenting = false;
public DrivingLicence(Name driverName, Date dateOfBirth, Date dateOfIssue, boolean isFull) {
this.driverName = driverName;
this.driverDateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
this.dateOfIssue = dateOfIssue;
this.number = LicenceNumber.getInstance(driverName, dateOfIssue);
this.isFull = isFull;
public Name getDriverName() {
return driverName;
public Date getDriverDateOfBirth() {
return driverDateOfBirth;
public Date getDateOfIssue() {
return dateOfIssue;
public LicenceNumber getNumber() {
return number;
public boolean isFull() {
return isFull;
public void setCurrentlyRenting(Boolean bool) {
currentlyRenting = bool;
public boolean getCurrentlyRenting() {
return currentlyRenting;
public String toString() {
return "\nDrivingLicence \ndriverName= " + driverName.toString() + "\ndriverDateOfBirth= " + driverDateOfBirth
+ "\ndateOfIssue= " + dateOfIssue + "\nnumber= " + number.toString() + "\nisFull= " + isFull + "]";