In our product, Company
is a model that can have many Companies belonging to it; so some Companies are parents, some are children, and many are both.
We have a helper method Company.root
that has as its children all Companies that do not actually have a parent; in this way, accessing Company.root
and recursively iterating over the children will touch every Company in the database.
For context, 'branches' are just Companies with a special flag set (namely that they cannot have children of their own).
We have a method Company#get_deep_props
that makes one SQL call per Company below the queried Company. This has abysmal performance on some pages, and for instance when we need to do Company validation we need to check other companies in the chain for a few different values to ensure pseudo-uniqueness (can not make the column unique).
How can we improve this performance of this method? Can we cache the companies on the first call and use the ActiveRecord::Selection
in subsequent calls? Not all properties of Companies are in the database (some are computed) so I don't think we can replace the code with a (sufficiently complex) SQL query in ALL cases, but we might be able to do it for some.
has_many :subdealers, class_name: "Company", foreign_key: "dealer_id"
def children
root ? Company.where("dealer_id IS NULL") : subdealers
def get_deep_props(prop, options = {})
prop = prop.to_sym
default_options = { :with_branches => true }
options = default_options.merge(options)
child_props = []
children.each do |child|
next if (child.branch? && !options[:with_branches])
child_props.concat(child.get_deep_props(prop, options))
case prop
when :dba_tags
when :branches
when :terminals
when :employees
when :self
In the database, Company's dealer_id
is the id of the parent Company, or null if the company has no parent.