The idea is, you enter an amount of ships, for example 10. It will then place 10 ships on a 10x10 grid (0-9). You may enter a coordinate, and it will tell you if it is a hit or a miss. A simplified version of the well-known board game.
- C indicates 'Computer'. These are not shown on the grid, but are stored in the 2D array.
- H indicates 'Hit'. Self explanatory.
- M indicates 'Miss'. Also self explanatory.
- Null / whitespace indicates that nothing has been set at that coordinate.
I created this program with the intent of making it as efficient and readable as possible. It's difficult to explain the inner workings of my mind, so I apologize for no comments.
best ran outside of IDE (in console)
import random, os
ships = int(input("Enter ship count: "))
gridSize = 10
game = [[' ' for x in range(gridSize)] for y in range(gridSize)]
def getGrid(x,y):
return game[x][y]
def setGrid(x,y,char):
game[x][y] = char
for i in range(ships):
x = random.randint(0,gridSize-1)
y = random.randint(0,gridSize-1)
xLabel = " " * 3
for i in range(gridSize):
xLabel += str(i) + " "
result = "Make a move!"
hits = 0
while hits != ships:
print(" " + result + " [Ships: " + str(ships) + ", Size: " + str(gridSize) + ", Hits: " + str(hits) + "]\n")
for x in range(gridSize):
print(" " + str(x) + " ",end="")
for y in range(gridSize):
print(" " * 2 if getGrid(x,y) == 'C' else getGrid(x,y) + " ",end="")
xGuess = int(input("\n X: "))
yGuess = int(input(" Y: "))
if getGrid(xGuess,yGuess) == 'C':
result = "Hit! (" + str(xGuess) + ":" + str(yGuess) + ")"
hits += 1
result = "Miss! (" + str(xGuess) + ":" + str(yGuess) + ")"
print("\nCongratulations, you won the game!")
os.system("pause >nul")