I'm super excited to share my hangman game with you. (haven't added the graphics yet...)
I will be using this program as my final project (for school), but I would like to have this polished before handing it in. I have given my program the limit of 7 attempts, but if the user continues to guess the wrong letters and then suddenly guesses the right letter, the attempt count stays where it's at.
Here's what I mean:
Let's say the word the computer has chosen is 'cougar' (I'm going to pretend I don't actually know this).
BTW this is on my console:
Guess the word: ______
7 chances left
a # <-- my input (1st actual input)
Yes! a is in the word!
Guess the word: ____a_
7 chances left
b # <-- my input (2nd actual input)
Sorry, b is not in the word. Try again.
Guess the word: ____a_
6 chances left
b # <-- my input (this was just to test out if my program would let me know that I have repeated a letter)
You already guessed b. Please try another one!
Guess the word: ____a_
6 chances left
t # <-- my input (3rd actual input)
Sorry, t is not in the word. Try again.
Guess the word: ____a_
5 chances left
q # <-- my input (4th actual input)
Sorry, q is not in the word. Try again.
Guess the word: ____a_
4 chances left
r # <-- my input (5th actual input)
Yes! r is in the word!
Guess the word: ____ar
4 chances left
h # <-- my input (6th actual input)
Sorry, h is not in the word. Try again.
Guess the word: ____ar
3 chances left
c # <-- my input (7th actual input)
this is where the program should've initially said 'Sorry, you ran out of attempts. The word was cougar. Maybe next time ☹.
instead, I get this:
Yes! c is in the word!
Guess the word: c___ar
3 chances left # <-- this is WRONG!!
g # <-- my input (my 1st extra attempt)
Yes! g is in the word!
Guess the word: c__gar
3 chances left
i # <-- my input (my 2nd extra attempt)
Sorry, i is not in the word. Try again.
Guess the word: c__gar
2 chances left
o # <-- my input (my 3rd extra attempt)
Yes! o is in the word!
Guess the word: co_gar
2 chances left
u # <-- my input (my 4th extra attempt)
Yes! u is in the word!
Awesome! You guessed cougar!
So my program is supposed to allow only 7 attempts (with the exception of a repeated letter). As you can clearly see I got 12 attempts! Out of which only 8 were acceptable (7 actual attempts and 1 for repeating 'b'), meaning I got 4 EXTRA attempts. (this is what I need to fix).
Here's my code:
from random import choice
words = choice(['ant', 'alpaca', 'baboon', 'badger', 'bat', 'bear', 'beaver', 'camel', 'cat', 'clam', 'cobra', 'cougar',
'coyote', 'crow', 'deer', 'dog', 'donkey', 'duck', 'eagle', 'ferret', 'fox', 'frog', 'goat', 'goose',
'hawk', 'lion', 'lizard', 'llama', 'mole', 'monkey', 'moose', 'mouse', 'mule', 'newt', 'otter', 'owl',
'panda', 'parrot', 'pigeon', 'python', 'rabbit', 'ram', 'rat', 'raven', 'rhino', 'salmon', 'seal',
'shark', 'sheep', 'skunk', 'sloth', 'snake', 'spider', 'stork', 'swan', 'tiger', 'toad', 'trout',
'turkey', 'turtle', 'weasel', 'whale', 'wolf', 'wombat', 'zebra'])
guessed = []
wrong = []
attempts = 7
while attempts > 0:
out = ''
for letter in words:
if letter in guessed:
out = out + letter
out = out + '_'
if out == words:
print('Guess the word:',out)
print(attempts,'chances left\n')
guess = input()
if guess in guessed or guess in wrong:
print('You already guessed',guess+ '.','Please try another one!')
elif guess in words:
print('Yes!',guess,'is in the word!')
print('Sorry,',guess,'is not in the word. Try again.')
attempts = attempts - 1
if attempts:
print('Awesome! You guessed',words + '!')
print('Sorry you ran out of attempts. The word was',words + '.', 'Maybe next time ☹')
attempts = attempts - 1
when the person guesses right. But normally when playing hangman correct guesses do not count. Are you sure you want your game to work like that? \$\endgroup\$