
I need to create a class which acts as a paginated list. My use case is like this:

I am writing a library which makes a service call to fetch a List<obj>. Since the List<> can be large, the service expects me to call with a PAGE_SIZE. The service has also provided me with a TPS of x which I need call it with.

I need to do two things:

  • Rate Limit my calls to the Service
  • Expose a PaginatedList<> from the library so that any client can use the Library and rate limit as per their TPS.

I was wondering whether the way I am implementing this PaginatedList is correct or if there is a better way.

public MyPaginatedList {
  private static final PAGE_SIZE = 50;
  private ServiceClient client;
  private int pageToProcess = 0; //to keep track of which page we need to process next
  private List<Data> data; // this is what the library exposes to outside world
  public MyPaginatedList(ServiceClient client) {
    this.client = client;

  public MyPaginatedList getDataList(){
    Servicerequest request = new ServiceRequest();
    request.setIndex(PAGE_SIZE*pageToProcess++); // fetch the next set of items

    this.data = client.APICall(request);
    return this; // we return the current object

The public API exposed by this Library would use MyPaginatedList like this:

class Library {
  private ServiceClient client;

  public Library(ServiceClient client) {
    this.client = client;
  public MyPaginatedList fetchData() {
    return new MyPaginatedList(client).getDataList();

Any client of this library can use MyPaginatedList and make Rate Limited Calls like this.

MyPaginatedList resultData = new Library().fetchData();
while(true) {
  for(Data d: resultData.getData()) // loop over the list exposed by MyPaginatedlist
  RateLimiter.acquire(); // use guava rate limiter, would block till a token is available
  resultData = resultData.getDataList();
  if(resultData.getData().isempty()) {


3 straightforward approaches come to my mind -

  1. The one described above. Where the PaginatedList would expose a way to fetch next pages (batch of elements or List<>)
  2. Let the Library expose 2 API's -

    PaginatedList fetchData() -> client would call this one initially
    PaginatedList fetchNextPage(PaginatedList) -> client would call this for sub-sequent pages

  3. This one is slightly modified version of approach 2. Let library expose a modified fetchData()

    PaginatedList fetchData(PaginatedList list) -> initially client would need to create a new PaginatedList(), which would initialize it's state like pageToProcess = 0; This API kind of takes in the metadata associated with the service call to identify which page to get next

Any more suggestions or variations would be appreciated!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to Code Review! I hope you get some good answers. \$\endgroup\$
    – Phrancis
    Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 17:08

1 Answer 1


spring has the concept of paging and they do something like this:

public Page findAll(Pageable pageable);

where the Page interface has the following methods (trimmed):


it also extends the iterable interface so you can loop like this:

Library library = new Library();
Pageable pageRequest = ...
Page<T> page;
do {
  page = library.getData(pageRequest);
  for (T t: page) {
    log.debug("T is {}", t);
  pageRequest = page.nextPageable();
} while( !page.isLast() );

the most notable difference is that the page being requested is not stored as a state in the client library. by storing the state you make it harder to use the same instance from multiple places in the code.

see http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/1.1.x/reference/html/paging-chapter.html

  • \$\begingroup\$ I think the same Library Instance is still usable in different places, since the fetchData() method returns a new instance of PaginatedList. The reason I kept the List<> in the PaginatedList is to enable the client to call the getter() on it & retrieve the same List<>. \$\endgroup\$
    – AgentX
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 5:27

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