
This is a routine I wrote to streamline analysis I need to do that originally took 1.5 hours and now takes about 4 minutes total run time.

I'm fairly new to Excel VBA so I welcome all criticism and advice!

Option Explicit

#If VBA7 And Win64 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
      Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" ( _
        ByVal pCaller As LongPtr, _
        ByVal szURL As String, _
        ByVal szFileName As String, _
        ByVal dwReserved As LongPtr, _
        ByVal lpfnCB As LongPtr _
      ) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function DeleteUrlCacheEntry Lib "Wininet.dll" _
      Alias "DeleteUrlCacheEntryA" ( _
        ByVal lpszUrlName As String _
      ) As Long
    Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
      Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" ( _
        ByVal pCaller As Long, _
        ByVal szURL As String, _
        ByVal szFileName As String, _
        ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
        ByVal lpfnCB As Long _
      ) As Long
    Private Declare Function DeleteUrlCacheEntry Lib "Wininet.dll" _
      Alias "DeleteUrlCacheEntryA" ( _
        ByVal lpszUrlName As String _
      ) As Long
#End If

Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Public Const INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD As Long = &H80000000
Public Const csURL As String = "http://www.cmegroup.com/CmeWS/exp/voiProductDetailsViewExport.ctl?media=xls&tradeDate=×d×&reportType=P&productId=×p×"

Sub Pull_CME_Data()

Dim getBook As String, OiProductCodesArray() As String
Dim cmeDataBook As Workbook
Dim data As Worksheet, controlPanel As Worksheet, lo As Worksheet, wa As Worksheet, sevenA As Worksheet, oh As Worksheet, at As Worksheet, ob As Worksheet, ra As Worksheet, cvr As Worksheet, ln As Worksheet, wtioi As Worksheet, rboboi As Worksheet, ethanoloi As Worksheet, heatoi As Worksheet, sevenaoi As Worksheet, waoi As Worksheet, ngoi As Worksheet, atoi As Worksheet, raoi As Worksheet, volumeSheet As Worksheet
Dim ClearWshtsArray As Variant, OiWshtsArray As Variant
Dim WshtNameCrnt As Variant, OiWshtsCrnt As Variant
Dim oiProductCodesArrayCounter As Integer

'Initial declarations and setup
    getBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    Set cmeDataBook = Workbooks(getBook)
    Set data = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Data")
    Set controlPanel = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Control Panel")
    Set lo = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Lo")
    Set wa = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Wa")
    Set sevenA = cmeDataBook.Sheets("7A")
    Set oh = cmeDataBook.Sheets("oh")
    Set at = cmeDataBook.Sheets("at")
    Set ob = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ob")
    Set ra = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ra")
    Set cvr = cmeDataBook.Sheets("CVR")
    Set ln = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ln")
    Set wtioi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WtiOI")
    Set rboboi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RbobOI")
    Set ethanoloi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("EthanolOI")
    Set heatoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("HeatOI")
    Set sevenaoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("7AOI")
    Set waoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WAOI")
    Set ngoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("NGOI")
    Set atoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("ATOI")
    Set raoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RAOI")
    Set volumeSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Total Volume By Product (CME)")

'Sets three arrays for iteration through different sheets
    ClearWshtsArray = Array(data.Name, lo.Name, wa.Name, sevenA.Name, oh.Name, at.Name, ob.Name, ra.Name, _
    cvr.Name, ln.Name, wtioi.Name, rboboi.Name, ethanoloi.Name, heatoi.Name, sevenaoi.Name, waoi.Name, _

    OiWshtsArray = Array(wtioi.Name, rboboi.Name, ethanoloi.Name, heatoi.Name, sevenaoi.Name, waoi.Name, ngoi.Name, atoi.Name, raoi.Name)

    OiProductCodesArray() = Split(controlPanel.Cells(4, 13).Value2, "or")

    On Error GoTo bailOut

'Preparation for execution
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.StatusBar = True

'Clears data sheets of anything prior
    For Each WshtNameCrnt In ClearWshtsArray


        With Worksheets(WshtNameCrnt)
        End With

    Next WshtNameCrnt

    Call GetTotalVolumeData(volumeSheet, controlPanel)

'For CSV data file
    Cells(2, 1).Select
    Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True
        Workbooks.Open Filename:="ftp://ftp.cmegroup.com/pub/settle/nymex_option.csv"
        Windows("nymex_option.csv").Visible = True

'Copies data and transfers to data tab

    With data
        .Cells(1, 1).Select
        .Cells(1, 1).Select
    End With

'Clears clipboard and closes CSV file to avoid potential contamination
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Brings OI data by product
    For oiProductCodesArrayCounter = 0 To UBound(OiProductCodesArray)

        Call GetOiData(OiProductCodesArray(oiProductCodesArrayCounter), Sheets(OiWshtsArray(oiProductCodesArrayCounter)), controlPanel)

    Next oiProductCodesArrayCounter

'Gets Lo Data sorted and cleaned
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, lo, "lo", 1500)

'Get WA data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, wa, "wa", 100)

'Get 7A data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, sevenA, "7a", 100)

'Get OH data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, oh, "oh", 100)

'Get AT data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, at, "at", 5)

'Get OB data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, ob, "ob", 100)

'Get RA data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, ra, "ra", 5)

'Get Ethanol Data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, cvr, "cvr", 5)

'Get Ln Data, format and paste
    Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, ln, "ln", 1000)

'Excel standard function cleanup
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.StatusBar = False
        Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    MsgBox ("Data dump file successfully pulled and analyzed")
    Exit Sub

'Error handler for routine wide errors
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.StatusBar = False
    MsgBox ("Data dump file has failed.  Please check hyperlink, sheet names, date, and try again.")

End Sub

Sub GetTotalVolumeData(volumeSheet As Worksheet, controlSheet As Worksheet)

Dim getBook As String, energy As String
Dim newDataBook As Workbook
Dim newDataSheet As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long, dataBookLRow As Long
Dim ProductCodes() As String
Dim counter As Integer

'Sets string variables and array
energy = "Energy"
ProductCodes() = Split(controlSheet.Cells(2, 17).Value2, "or")

Workbooks.Open Filename:=controlSheet.Cells(2, 8)
getBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'Set workbook name
Set newDataBook = Workbooks(getBook)
Set newDataSheet = newDataBook.Sheets(1)

dataBookLRow = newDataSheet.Cells(newDataSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

For counter = 0 To UBound(ProductCodes)

'Counter iterating over the array to capture all the products
Call ProcessVolumeData(volumeSheet, ProductCodes(counter), newDataBook, dataBookLRow, controlSheet)


Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub
Sub ProcessVolumeData(volumeSheet As Worksheet, product As String, newDataBook As Workbook, dataBookLRow As Long, controlSheet As Worksheet)

Dim lRow As Long

'Finds lRow of Volume Sheet
lRow = volumeSheet.Cells(volumeSheet.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row


'WTI American
With newDataBook.Sheets(1)
    Cells(5, 1).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:="=" & "Energy"
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Trim(product)
    Range("A6:M" & dataBookLRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select
End With


With volumeSheet
    .Cells((lRow + 1), 2).Select
    .Cells((lRow + 1), 2).Select
    .Cells((lRow + 1), 1) = controlSheet.Cells(1, 5).Value
End With

End Sub

Private Function seperateData(cmeDataBook As Workbook, data As Worksheet, productSheet As Worksheet, product As String, minimumVal As Integer)
'Finds product code in data table, formats it, and pastes into the relevant sheet

Dim rownum As Integer
Dim lRow As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim contract As String
Dim productOiSheet As Worksheet

    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & product
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=18, Criteria1:=">=" & minimumVal
    Cells(1, 1).Select
        Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
        Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

    With productSheet
        .Cells(1, 1).Select
        .Cells(1, 1).Select
    End With

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("R2"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess, _
        OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

    'Prevents unecessary formatting of empty cells
    If IsEmpty(Cells(2, 1)) = True Then
        GoTo Skip
    End If

    'finds last row and sets row number
    lRow = productSheet.Cells(productSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    rownum = 2

    'Pastes Product Symbol into second column header and deletes first column
    productSheet.Cells(1, 2) = productSheet.Cells(2, 1)

    'Builds product code
    For counter = rownum To lRow
        Select Case productSheet.Cells(counter, 2)

        Case 1
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "F" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 2
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "G" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 3
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "H" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 4
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "J" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 5
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "K" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 6
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "M" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 7
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "N" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 8
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "Q" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 9
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "U" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 10
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "V" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 11
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "X" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 12
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 2) = "Z" & Right(productSheet.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        End Select

    'changes C and P to puts
    For counter = rownum To lRow
        Select Case productSheet.Cells(counter, 5)

        Case "P"
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 5) = "PUT"

        Case "C"
            productSheet.Cells(counter, 5) = "CALL"

        End Select

    'General formatting for each analyzed sheet
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    productSheet.Cells(1, 8) = "OI"
    productSheet.Cells(1, 9) = "Chg In OI"

    Select Case Cells(1, 1)

        Case "LO"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WtiOI")

        Case "WA"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WAOI")

        Case "7A"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("7AOI")

        Case "OH"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("HeatOI")

        Case "AT"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("ATOI")

        Case "OB"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RbobOI")

        Case "RA"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RAOI")

        Case "CVR"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("EthanolOI")

        Case "LN"
            Set productOiSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("NGOI")

    End Select

    Range("C2:C" & lRow).NumberFormat = "###.00"

    Call AnalyzeOiData(lRow, productOiSheet, productSheet, rownum)

    Selection.Font.Bold = True
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
    End With

    ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-6

    Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 42
    Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 26.25
    Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 39.75

    'Skips formatting practices for products that did not fit the value minimum
    'Do nothing skip formatting
End Function

Sub FormatData(dataT As Worksheet)

'Formats Data T
Dim rownum As Integer
Dim lRow As Integer
Dim counter As Integer


'finds last row and sets row number
lRow = dataT.Cells(dataT.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
rownum = 2

For counter = rownum To lRow
        Select Case dataT.Cells(counter, 2)

        Case 1
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "F" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 2
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "G" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 3
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "H" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 4
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "J" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 5
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "K" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 6
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "M" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 7
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "N" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 8
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "Q" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 9
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "U" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 10
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "V" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 11
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "X" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        Case 12
            dataT.Cells(counter, 2) = "Z" & Right(dataT.Cells(counter, 3), 2)

        End Select

'changes C and P to puts
For counter = rownum To lRow
    Select Case dataT.Cells(counter, 5)

    Case "P"
        dataT.Cells(counter, 5) = "PUT"

    Case "C"
        dataT.Cells(counter, 5) = "CALL"

    End Select

'Formats strikes and basic formatting
dataT.Range("F2:F" & lRow).NumberFormat = "###.00"
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

End Sub

Sub GetOiData(productID As String, targetSheet As Worksheet, controlPanel As Worksheet)
'Function access OI data from the CME website and copies it into the book for all products
Dim filePath As String
Dim reportDate As String
Dim w As Long, ret As Long, sWAN As String, sLAN As String, sNAM As String

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    reportDate = Format(controlPanel.Cells(1, 5).Value, "yyyymmdd")

    'sets potential file name and environTMP
    sNAM = Format(controlPanel.Cells(1, 5).Value, "\C\M\E\_OIL\_yyyymmdd")
    sLAN = Environ("TMP") & Chr(92) & Format(controlPanel.Cells(1, 5).Value, "\C\M\E\_OIL\_yyyymmdd.xl\s")

    'Testing for error sLAN
    If CBool(Len(Dir(sLAN, vbNormal))) Then Kill sLAN

    sWAN = Replace(Replace(csURL, _
                            "×d×", Format(controlPanel.Cells(1, 5).Value, "yyyymmdd")), _
                            "×p×", productID)

    ret = URLDownloadToFile(0&, sWAN, sLAN, BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION, 0&)

    If ret = ERROR_SUCCESS Then

        With Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sLAN, ReadOnly:=True)
            .Worksheets(1).Name = sNAM

            With targetSheet
                .Cells(1, 1).Select
            End With

            .Close savechanges:=False
        End With

        Kill sLAN


        If CBool(Err.Number) Then
            MsgBox (Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description)
            MsgBox ("Unable to download the file")
        End If


    End If

End Sub

Sub AnalyzeOiData(lRow As Integer, oiDataSheet As Worksheet, productSheet As Worksheet, rownum As Integer)

Dim counter As Integer
Dim monthExp As String
Dim oiLocationFinder As Range
Dim strikeRan As Range
Dim optStrike As Long
Dim locStor As Integer
Dim strikeLoc As Range
Dim emptyCounter As Integer
Dim continue As Boolean

For counter = rownum To lRow
    continue = True

    'Returns formatted monthcode for finding the different months of expiry embedded in the OI data
    monthExp = GetMonthCode(productSheet.Cells(counter, 1), productSheet.Cells(counter, 2))

    'multiplies the strike by 100 in an attempt to match the format in the OI sheet
    If productSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "OH" Or productSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "AT" Or productSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "OB" Then
        optStrike = productSheet.Cells(counter, 3).Value * 10000

    ElseIf productSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "LN" Then
        optStrike = productSheet.Cells(counter, 3).Value * 1000

        optStrike = productSheet.Cells(counter, 3).Value * 100
    End If

    'Sets OI finder in order to access Row data
    Set oiLocationFinder = oiDataSheet.Columns(1).Find(monthExp)
    locStor = oiLocationFinder.Row
    Cells(locStor, 1).Select

    emptyCounter = locStor


        If Cells(emptyCounter, 1) = optStrike Then
            continue = False
           Set strikeLoc = Range("A" & emptyCounter)

        ElseIf IsEmpty(Cells(emptyCounter, 1)) = True Then
            continue = False

            emptyCounter = emptyCounter + 1

        End If

    Loop Until continue = False

    If strikeLoc Is Nothing Then
        GoTo Skip
    End If

    locStor = strikeLoc.Row

    productSheet.Cells(counter, 8) = oiDataSheet.Cells(locStor, 9)
    productSheet.Cells(counter, 9) = oiDataSheet.Cells(locStor, 10)

    If IsEmpty(productSheet.Cells(counter, 8)) = True And IsEmpty(productSheet.Cells(counter, 9)) = True Then

        productSheet.Cells(counter, 8) = "NA"
        productSheet.Cells(counter, 9) = "NA"
    End If

    Set oiLocationFinder = Nothing

End Sub

Function GetMonthCode(exp As String, optionType As String) As String
'Formats month code so that it is readable and can be located in OI tables

Dim monthYear As String
Dim year As Integer

    year = Right(exp, 2)

    Select Case exp

        Case "F" & year
            monthYear = "JAN" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "G" & year
            monthYear = "FEB" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "H" & year
            monthYear = "MAR" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "J" & year
            monthYear = "APR" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "K" & year
            monthYear = "MAY" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "M" & year
            monthYear = "JUN" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "N" & year
            monthYear = "JUL" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "Q" & year
            monthYear = "AUG" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "U" & year
            monthYear = "SEP" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "V" & year
            monthYear = "OCT" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "X" & year
            monthYear = "NOV" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

        Case "Z" & year
            monthYear = "DEC" & " " & Right(exp, 2) & " "

    End Select

    'Call/Put designation
    If optionType = "CALL" Then

        GetMonthCode = monthYear & "Calls"

    ElseIf optionType = "PUT" Then

        GetMonthCode = monthYear & "Puts"

    End If

End Function
  • \$\begingroup\$ I've never seen the #If in VBA, I had to look it up. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 24, 2016 at 12:41
  • \$\begingroup\$ That's the first time I saw beginner code doing crazy pointer stuff in vba. Not sure the beginner tag is appropriate ... nice question \$\endgroup\$
    – Vogel612
    Commented Feb 24, 2016 at 12:59
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Vogel612 I thought that for a bit. Then I tried to understand the code and concluded that beginner is definitely appropriate. \$\endgroup\$
    – Kaz
    Commented Feb 24, 2016 at 13:01
  • \$\begingroup\$ The code up top came from some help on Stackoverflow. In fairness to me, i've done similar preprocessor commands in C++, but i am most definitely a beginner in VBA. Any thoughts or opinions or recommendations is greatly appreciated. Only way to get better is to have your Code out to be torn apart =) gently lol \$\endgroup\$
    – StormsEdge
    Commented Feb 24, 2016 at 13:02

1 Answer 1


A wise programmer once told me

What a fascinating solution! It seems that for every smart decision you made, you also threw in a poor decision or two.

This is how your code makes me feel. You clearly know a fair amount of technical details about implementing code that does stuff, but very little about implementing code that is actually useful. Code is only useful if you (and whoever else ever has to read/maintain/extend it) can easily understand what it is doing and why.

There's a lot here which I may get to later, but right now I'm going to focus on your naming, because it's really hard to understand your code when I have to stop every line to figure out what the hell each variable is trying to represent.

Names should be Descriptive, Unambiguous and Concise. In that order.

I should be able to read a variable name and instantly know what the variable represents, its' scope and a pretty good idea of its' data type.

cmeDataBook is a good variable name. It is a workbook, that contains the cme data. It is a workbook object, and its' in camelCase so its' scope is local to this procedure. And I can tell all that by reading it just once.

oiProductCodesArrayCounter is another good variable name. It's a counter (probably an index counter) for the oiProductCodesArray. Awesome.

This: WshtNameCrnt is not a good name. I think it's trying to say currentWorksheetName but I had to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds. And I'm still not entirely sure that's right. Screen real estate is cheap. Cognitive processing and understanding is not.

On that subject: I see getBook and I think "That's a method to get a workbook object? Maybe a boolean to denote whether a workbook should be retrieved?". Wait, what do you mean that's the name of the active workbook? Why on earth wouldn't you call it activeWorkbookName!

Continuing in the same vein: If something is a Worksheet object then that should be obvious from its' name. Rather than data, which could be meant to represent literally anything , how about wsData? just 2 characters makes it so much clearer what's going on here. wsLo, wsWa, wsOh, wsAt, the abbreviations are still painful to keep track of, but at least when they pop up in the code later, I'm going to know roughly what they are.

Your naming conventions are all over the place.

You should follow standard VBA naming conventions wherever possible. It allows other people to seamlessly absorb extra metaData about your code, and it allows you to do the same with the vast majority of professional VBA code.


camelCase means a variable is local to a procedure. Dim localVariable

PascalCase means a variable is global to a Module or the entire project. Private ModuleVariable, Public GlobalVariable It is also used for method names: Public Sub DoThisThing()

SHOUTY_SNAKE_CASE is used for constants Public/Private Const CONSTANT_VALUE

Method Names generally use _ to denote event triggers. E.G. Private Sub Workbook_Open() So don't use them in your other Method Names.

*most* of your code follows these conventions, but there are enough variables that don't to render the whole thing worthless. Examples:

Public Const csURL As String
, OiProductCodesArray() As String
Dim ClearWshtsArray As Variant
Dim WshtNameCrnt As Variant
Private Function seperateData

Miscellaneous things that jump out at me:

Dim WshtNameCrnt As Variant

If this thing is always going to be used to hold text, then why not dim it as a string?

Call is deprecated. These 2 statements are functionaly identical:

Call seperateData(cmeDataBook, data, cvr, "cvr", 5)
seperateData cmeDataBook, data, cvr, "cvr", 5

Integer is also deprecated. The compiler will silently convert all Integers to Longs, so just use Long.

Explicitly scope everything. This includes method arguments

Sub GetTotalVolumeData(volumeSheet As Worksheet, controlSheet As Worksheet)

Are those meant to be passed ByRef or ByVal?, because right now, they're implicitly being passed ByRef.


Codenames are big and clever. Every worksheet and workbook has a "name" that the user can see and change.

Set data = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Data")

is referencing a sheet name.

A Codename on the other hand is a secret name that can only be set/changed in the IDE.

enter image description here

the name in brackets is the "name". The name not in brackets is the "codename". It is set in the properties window.

enter image description here

If you give a sheet a codename (E.G. wsData) then the user can change the name as much as they like, all you have to do is use


in your code and it will keep running.

It also means you can just delete this entire section of code:

getBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set cmeDataBook = Workbooks(getBook)
Set data = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Data")
Set controlPanel = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Control Panel")
Set lo = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Lo")
Set wa = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Wa")
Set sevenA = cmeDataBook.Sheets("7A")
Set oh = cmeDataBook.Sheets("oh")
Set at = cmeDataBook.Sheets("at")
Set ob = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ob")
Set ra = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ra")
Set cvr = cmeDataBook.Sheets("CVR")
Set ln = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Ln")
Set wtioi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WtiOI")
Set rboboi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RbobOI")
Set ethanoloi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("EthanolOI")
Set heatoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("HeatOI")
Set sevenaoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("7AOI")
Set waoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("WAOI")
Set ngoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("NGOI")
Set atoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("ATOI")
Set raoi = cmeDataBook.Sheets("RAOI")
Set volumeSheet = cmeDataBook.Sheets("Total Volume By Product (CME)")
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for your recommendations and thorough response I appreciate it! I will implement those ideas more rigorously going forward. I did not realize they were implicitly passed ByRef, but now that I think about it it makes perfect sense. They should most likely be passed ByVal as in most of my subs there is no genuine need for the parameters themselves to be manipulated. \$\endgroup\$
    – StormsEdge
    Commented Feb 24, 2016 at 14:08
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ That's fantastic. Thank you for telling me that it was a pain declaring all those and a waste of time/space. Thanks! \$\endgroup\$
    – StormsEdge
    Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 21:14
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I just wanted to thank you again for writing that big response to my post. I refer to it all the time during my projects and it has improved my code readability 10 fold. \$\endgroup\$
    – StormsEdge
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 12:30
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @StormsEdge I'm really happy to hear that. You should keep throwing your code up here on CR, I guarantee we'll keep finding more ways to improve it ^^ \$\endgroup\$
    – Kaz
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 12:37
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ absolutely. I'm planning on posting a few more! Definitely a big help. I appreciate it. \$\endgroup\$
    – StormsEdge
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 15:16

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