I made an ASP.NET MVC application using Entity Framework for code-first migrations to the SQL Server database. I also use Unity (DI/IoC) for managing the services and repositories.
I made an overview page but I'll limit the items on that page to 10, 50 or 100 (variable named pagecount
) items as selected by the user. The rest of the items are on other pages (variable named page
). The result is something similar to what Code review has:
Each Blog has a Category. I'll also that the user can see one, more, or all categories (variable named categories
). This contains a list of integers with the categories that the user will see.
using System.Data.Entity;
public class BlogRepo : GenericRepo<Blog>
public List<Blog> GetByPage(int page, List<int> categories, int pagecount)
return (from b1 in ((from b2 in ((from b3 in dbSet.Include(b3 => b3.Category).Include(b3 => b3.User)
orderby b3.CreationDateStamp ascending
where categories.Contains(b3.CategoryId)
select b3).Take<Blog>(page * pagecount)).Include(b2 => b2.Category).Include(b3 => b3.User) // step one
orderby b2.CreationDateStamp descending
select b2).Take<Blog>(pagecount)).Include(b1 => b1.Category).Include(b3 => b3.User) // step two
orderby b1.CreationDateStamp ascending
select b1).ToList<Blog>(); // step tree
Here is my way of working:
I take the first items calculated by the formula
page * pagecount
sorted in ascending order byCreationDateStamp
is true.Form that items I sort it in descending order on the same property, and take the value of
.Finally, sort it again (ascending), and call
to materialize the results.
Note one: I'll always include the properties Category
(type of Category
) and User
(type of ApplicationUser
Note two: the variable dbSet
comes from a generic repository and is declared as follows:
public class GenericRepo<TEntity> : IGenericRepo<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
// other basic linq statements for get basic stuff like GetAll, Delete, Insert, SaveChanges and Update
The code works, but I wondering if I can improve its performance and readability. In other words, can I combine some steps and can I reduce the code to make it shorter or simpler?