I'm starting out with learning how to program in Python and created a Hangman game. I think there is a lot of unnecessary code but I am not sure how to improve it. I wanted to avoid using global variables but was not sure how to save the random word (as every time I called it in another function, it would be a different word).
import random
# Global Variables
d = {'barnyard':'place', 'airplane':'transportation', 'daughter':'loved ones',
'vacuum':'object', 'elevator':'transportation', 'football':'sport', 'swimming':'sport',
'lemonade':'food and drink', 'handsome':'appearance', 'racoon':'animal'}
randomWord = ''
randomWordGenre = ''
matchedChar = []
displaySpaces = []
characterList = []
def main():
while True:
playAgain = ('y')
while playAgain == 'y':
# Get random word, genre and split word into list.
# Prompt user for level.
gameMode = input('Choose a level.')
if gameMode == 'easy':
numberOfGuesses = 10
elif gameMode == 'medium':
numberOfGuesses = 8
elif gameMode == 'hard':
numberOfGuesses = 7
# Display blank spaces and genre of word.
print('Genre: ' + randomWordGenre)
# Run main game loop.
guesses = 0
while guesses < numberOfGuesses and checkChar() == False:
guess = input('Enter a character. You have ' + str(numberOfGuesses - guesses) + ' guesses left.')
if checkChar() == True:
print('Congratulations. You just won Hangman!')
elif matchGuess(guess) == False:
guesses += 1
if guesses == numberOfGuesses:
print('Sorry, you lost.')
playAgain = input('Would you like to play again? (y/n)')
# Game Layout
def gameLayout():
print ('++++++++++++++++++Hangman++++++++++++++++++++++')
print ('===============================================')
print ('|-- Level --|-- Tries --|-- Hints Given --|')
print ('|-- Easy --|-- 10 --|-- 2 --|')
print ('|-- Medium --|-- 8 --|-- 1 --|')
print ('|-- Hard --|-- 7 --|-- 0 --|')
# Reset game processes.
def resetGame():
global randomWord, randomWordGenre, matchedChar, displaySpaces, numberOfCharacters, characterList
randomWord = ''
randomWordGenre = ''
matchedChar = []
displaySpaces = []
numberOfCharacters = 0
characterList = []
# Get a random word from dictionary and store in global
# variable getRandomWord[]
def getRandomWord():
global randomWord
randomWord = random.choice(list(d.keys()))
# Get genre from chose random word and store in global
# variable randomWordGenre[]
def getRandomWordGenre():
global randomWordGenre
randomWordGenre = d[randomWord]
# Split string into character list and store in global
# variable characterList[]
def getCharacterList():
for char in range(0, len(randomWord)):
# Check if user guess matches any character(s) of word and saves
# index position(s) to global variable matchedChar[]
def matchGuess(guess):
if guess in characterList:
index = 0
while index < len(randomWord):
index = randomWord.find(guess, index)
if index == -1:
index += 1
return False
# Display blank spaces for # of characters in word and stores in
# global variable displaySpaces[]
def displayBlankSpaces():
for x in range (0, len(characterList)):
return displaySpaces
# Add guessed characters to global variable displaySpaces[]
def addGuessedCharacters():
for x in range (0, len(matchedChar)):
displaySpaces[matchedChar[x]] = randomWord[matchedChar[x]]
# Check if all guessed characters match word and return True or False.
def checkChar():
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in displaySpaces)
return str1 == randomWord
def joinDisplaySpaces():
str1 = ' '.join(str(e) for e in displaySpaces)
print (str1)